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    [Tell Your Story]  "The pit" (fresh stories)

    kill me now

    Posted by anonymous at June 28, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    i just turned 22 yrs old... i still think like a drug addict, but i havent used hard drugs in about a yr. my boyfriend is soo nice at times but for the most part he is a fuckin ass hole, but i dont leave him cuz then id be really alone. i thot i had one good friend until she completly ditched me on my birthday and did what we had planed just without me, witch makes me wanna go off the deep end and back to my junkie friends who atlest pretended to give a shit. drugs have brought me lots of places, but yet i have nothing. my dad says iv probly done more drugs then the new york yankies. plus my addiction to crack made me look like chuckys bride. soo good luck finding another boyfriend. i had a younger sister that mad me strive to be better ... for her and for me. about 2 1/2 years ago she died from a rare cancer. now i live back at home all my sisters and brothers have moved out and on with there life, exept me.

    Comments: 1   Votes:


    my life really sucks!!

    Posted by anonymous at June 27, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    NO job,pregnant with a bastard child,hopefully i can get some money to afford an abortion,ppl who claim to be my friends really aren't!!! they always say,well we got our own problems,too!! what type of fuckin friend is that!!!! so i have to cut em off,and the dude that knocked me up already has two kids of his own and well,that would ruin everything for the bastard,wouldn't it. cus he already said he aint tryna have no more!! he's a whore,anyway!!! and before someone wants to say somethin,he's the only person iv'e slept with and i was on birth control,problem is the fuckin bc's were bad,i was not tryin to get knocked up by this sonofabitch!!! anyway so no money,my last job sucked and i think they personally tried to get me to quit cus the bitches did'nt want me to get unemployement!! eversince the bastard that knocked me up wanted to get promoted,and his boss wanted me out cus he was tired of hearin his boss complain about me all the time!!! i feel like you shoulda fuckin fired me three years ago,bitch!!! and now,with no monwy i'm on the verge of bein homeless!!!! so ,yeah,my life rightnow,pretty FUCKIN SUCKS!!!!!!

    Comments: 61   Votes:


    i hate life but it could be worse

    Posted by anonymous at June 27, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    I'm 15 years old.My life wasn't so bad when i was younger, but is horrible now. My mother is going through a divorce with my father. FIrst of all she actually left my father who used to abuse us all the time, just to make up with him again.Then she realised she wanted to leave him again.My life is like a rollercoaster. As soon as i get some sort of hope it turns into deep despair.At present she doesnt even want to continue with her divorce so i am stuck in a run down neighbourhood and i want to move back to my old home but i can't. I keep telling her to start, that i will help her with some things but half of the year is gone and she has not started yet while my father is out there having a good time womanizing and having a great life without us. I just want to move on. Is that so hard to ask? I have friends but i feel if i tell them they would stop talking to me. I have been recently diagnosed with mild OCD and am going mad with it. I used to be such a good student when i was younger, always beating everyone and coming first, now my grades are slipping and my mother doesn't even care. She works all day and when she comes home and i ask her about the divorce, she lashes out at me, telling me she pays the bills in the house and she is tired and when she gets to it, she'll get to it.The only close person i have is my sister and i thank god for that. She talks to me when i am depressed and makes me feel a little better about myself but she is hardly around. Oh yes and i'm gr...

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    nowhere to turn

    Posted by anonymous at June 27, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    i hate my life. please someone give me advice or just write back to me. i am 22 years old and i am really unhappy. ive been unhappy for a while now. these are the reasons why i hate my life and rather be dead than live another day. 1) i have no friends. the two or three friends i have, have their own perfect little lives and dont talk to me much anymore. whenever i attepmt to have a conversation with them they ignore me or seem disinterested. i had this one best friend since i was 13 and we did everything together and always went out but now we have drifted apart and no longer talk much because she met this guy and always spends her time with him and doesnt talk to me or want to do anything with me. we go for weeks without even talking. 2) ive done really bad in uni this year due to other distractions in my life which have made my grades really poor and im worried i may have failed my year at uni. i find out in a couple days if i have or havent. 3) i am not allowed out of my house and stay home every single day in my room. when i try going out i get asked so many question which then makes me feel like not going out. so i just dont bother. theres been times where i havent left the house for over a week. i cant take it and just rather die. 4) i had a massive argument with my mum no one understands me i dont have no one to talk to plus im the only girl. and lastly in the past i have been emotionally and physically abused a family member which has had a major impact on my life and i cannot seem to move on from it. please help someone.

    Comments: 102   Votes:


    My Life Is Crap

    Posted by mylifeiscrap at June 27, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    My life is so fucking stupid. I have been in this rut ever since we moved to this bummed out, secluded, worthless town 2 years ago. I live in the middle of fucking nowhere. I havn't seen any of my friends for 2 years now. I am stuck in the house. No job will hire me and I applied at over 200 jobs within the past 2 years. My moms a bitch and won't teach my how to drive. I stay in the house all freaking day with no one to talk to and just watch tv. There is no where to go, no one around and nothing to do. I gained about 17 lbs that won't come off no matter what I do. I am broke and have no mony. no friends. I am 18 and out of school and wasting my life away. When my mom told me we were moving to is sad excuse for a town, I hated her and hate her more now for the fact that she lied and told me since it's far out she would drive me places when I needed. I began to hate her. I have nothing and nobody. If God saves me one day out of this mess, I will never return and not have any contact with her for partially making my life crap.

    Comments: 27   Votes:


    I want to die

    Posted by anonymous at June 27, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    Im 26 years old iv been married for seven years and just found out my wife cheated on me,I don't know what to do I feel like hell,i can't eat can't sleep and every time I think of her with him I get sick,Im not the best looking guy and I am over weight and this guy was way better looking then me now I'm so insecure about my self I can't even be in my boxers around her... She was my best friend and my whole world but now it's different I just want to end it and not have to be here any more

    Comments: 27   Votes:


    Forever Alone

    Posted by anonymous at June 26, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    I am 23 years old, female

    I have no close friends.
    I have never had a boyfriend, never been kissed.
    I am unemployed.
    I have applied for several jobs and have not been successful for each one, even those specialized programs which assist those who are long term unemployed.
    I have no money and because I am still living with my parents and at college I am not eligible for unemployment benefits (my family is not rich and I have to hear them complain about working hard for the dollar).
    I recently had an interview and I was so sure that I was going to get the job because I was only one other applicant who applied and I still did not get it.
    I have an exam tomorrow which I have not studied for weighing 75%
    I am in so much debt with college fees
    I have rat(s) living in my room
    All I do is play video games all day
    I am extremely neurotic and psychotic but I do not qualify for any mental illness.
    I was labelled an 'at risk student' back in high school and put in special education due to my lack of cognitive ability but I do not qualify for an intellectual disability.
    I am a lazy slob.
    I have poor self esteem.
    I have very poor social skills and am wasting time and money studying human resources because my transcript shows fails for every other subject I do.
    I do not see a future for myself.

    I hate my life. I am forever alone.

    Comments: 53   Votes:


    Tough MaMa

    Posted by mommy at June 24, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    My husband is losing his mind. Yesterday our daughter first hand saw her dad in action by him lower the boom on her. Hey, girl, welcome to my world. I had only been trying to tell her for two years now that her father was "losing it".

    She broke down and cried hugging her father after he verbally abused her. She shared with him how much she loved him and how concerned she was for his mental well being.

    Then SMACK to hit me with all she had telling me how I needed to help him. Be supportive of him anything I could for him. I ask her "what about me"? I have been living this hell for two years now and feel I can't deal with it by myself.

    She told me that it wasn't her problem and how cruel it was of her parents to put her through all of this.

    Not only do I have to be a tough wife...but a tough mama! Where's the love and support for people like me? Sure could use some help by taking this crazy man out for an hour or two and give me a break!

    Comments: 51   Votes:


    The End of The Road

    Posted by anonymous at June 24, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    I am married to a narcissist 45 years now. Financially tied to him. So tired of the anger, moods, lying and other women. I am so tired of being married to what the world views at "Mr. Wonderful", a "hottie".....such a nice guy. When the front door closes the REAL beast raises his ugly horns. Oh, he can "charm the birds right out of the trees". Unfortunately, once his entertainment with them fades, he takes pleasure in a heavy stomp to their very being.

    I am mentally exhausted, numb and realize to late that I should have left this relationship years ago. To old, to tired to start over...

    Comments: 38   Votes:


    Lets see if theres enough space to write everything...

    Posted by anonymous at June 24, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    I've always had issues.
    When I was a child I was diagnosed with mild schizophrenia, ADD (which no longer exists) which had to be changed to ADHD even though I wasn't hyperactive. Later in life, bipolar, anxiety disorder were added to the list. In my current stage of life, I'm experiencing this horrible constant pain in my stomach. Me and my doctor havent been able to figure out what it is yet. It just hurts so bad I can never get enough relief. I've never been entirely sure whats wrong with me. Why I suck so bad at making and keeping friends. I used to think everyone hated me because I'm fat and slow. Its just humiliating when you're already the most hated kid on the playground, but then they want to transfer you to special ed too? Even at that age I knew I couldn't allow it or people would just make fun of me more. In grade school. Yes, it was already that fucking bad that early in my life. The few friends I did have used to tell me they felt like my stepdad liked my brother more than me. I didn't believe them at the time cuz I was the most horribly naive child and I believed everything my parents said, even if it didn't make sense to me, I would just accept it. They told me both of them loved me and my brother equally, so I knew it must be true and my friends were mistaken, More on that later.
    Things ran that same old course til I was about 12 and my mom announced we'd be moving from Oregon to New Mexico. I thought it sounded like a great idea til it actually ...

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    Comments: 203   Votes:


    I Failed at Life

    Posted by kasper at June 24, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    Long.. I don't know what to do with my life. I have no interests, passion or zest for anything really. I have now accepted the fact that I'm having a major identity crisis and had so much potential to be someone important but I blew it. I come from a small town and a family that works hard. I'm weirdly quiet for some odd reason and have grown into a hermit all my life. I quit so many things in life, sports, jobs. I hate myself because I look back and wish I because I fear that I will never be good at what I do. I have a job where I work silently in the back of a very popular co. but I think they might fire me because I have a hard time communicating and selling to customers.
    On top of everything else I ruined my reputation when I was 16. I was set up and almost gang raped but a bunch of guys who now tells the whole neighborhood how much of a slut I am saying I got trained on by those guys when it fact only one guy managed to have sex with me. I can't even defend myself because its of course my word against there's. It's my fault anyway for even trusting the guy. It's like all my morals I learned jus went out the window. I then fell into a really deep depression and shut myself away from the world. Last year I rekindled a friendship I had with someone in the past and then we started going out. couple months later, one of his cousins who heard of the story of me from four years ago told him while disrespecting the shyt out of me in front of him. I know he was embarrass...

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    Comments: 4   Votes:


    Always Into Trouble

    Posted by Ihatemylife at June 24, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    my life sucks like today, its my sister birthday and we were gonna go to six flags and my sister had her cousin over and i got mad at my sister and she yelled at me. My dad is abusive so after she screamedi got really nervous. A couple seconds later i get yelled at and hit. Now i have to stay home with him. i cant dtand this. im crying now

    Comments: 41   Votes:


    nothing is fair

    Posted by no1butmyself at June 24, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    my life has never been fair to me, its hard to know were to begin. I had a pretty good life i guess until i was about 4 when i was sexually abused by my baby sitter. The worst part about it was i didnt know what was going on or that is was even wrong so i never said anything. So i teqnically never got to loose my verginity. At the age of 6 my mother started to use heroin, but the whole thing is it wouldnt of happened if i didnt become friends with the girl down the hall, i never had friends really so when we became friends so did my mom and hers, her mom introduced my mom to this guy and he got her into heroin. I remember walking in on her the first time and she yelled at me and slammed the door in my face. my father was no better, he got into the same thing but my parents wernt together. then i remember walking in on my mom and this guy she was with and they were having sex i remember asking what they were doing and he said were having sex get the fuck out. this is all in the same year. the next year the ETF broke down the door and made me lay down on the floor with a gun in my face at 7 years old and the only thing i said was wheres my baby sister. my mom ended up moving so when me and my babysister went with her she would disapear for days at a time and i would have to take care of her by myself untill the CAS took us away and eventually seperated us and i didnt get to talk to her or even see her for 5 years out of all the things iv been through that was the hardest. a...

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    Comments: 5   Votes:


    What to do...

    Posted by Lost.... at June 24, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    Where to start, where to start... Well I am 19 years old, I have two beautiful baby girls and I love them to death but lately its been so hard. My two year olds father has just got locked up because in his mind it was okay to sleep with an 11year old girl so my oldest daughter has lost her dad. Its probably easier just to tell her daddy died. My youngest daughters dad i am still with but lately hes so unstable. It seems all he cares about is getting drunk and high. And let me tell you he is not the happiest drunk there has been many times we have got into physical fights. Once well I tried to protect our youngest who was in my arms. Hes in DV classes but they are obviously not working. We are only living off his lousy $90 checks considering I am still looking for a job I recently went back to HS and graduated. It hurts so bad to not be able to provide for my children, I had to beg a stranger for $1 to buy some wipes for my children. If it wasn't for food stamps at the moment we wouldn't even have food. Pathetic I can't even put food on my damn table. I sometimes look at my kids and fight the tears back, I love them so much but this life ain't good enough for them. They deserve so much more than I can offer, I hate it. My poor girls, they deserve better than me and it hurts so bad to realize that...

    Comments: 39   Votes:


    I don't know what's wrong with me

    Posted by j at June 24, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    When I was younger I was very social. I was really clever always had something funny to say. I could always make people laugh. Now I'm 17 and I'm socially awkward. I can barley fucking hold a conversation with anyone even my closest friends. I've had many chances to go for a girl that I really cared about and she cared about me and completely fucked it up. I used to be good with people, but ever since I've been in high school I've just been different. Even my very bestfriends have been becoming more distant from me. I've heard them saying I've changed and have become a little annoying and creepy now, because I barely talk anymore. I guess I'm just not meant to be around people now. I've gotten to a point of depression I haven't made one genuine connection with a human being in at least 5 years. That's all I used to live for. I feel like I'm the only one with this problem. My parents pulled me out of school so I just sit around my house lonely and bored. I hate my life. But fuck it I'm just gonna go get drunk.

    Comments: 15   Votes:


    Engagement is off

    Posted by cheese at June 23, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    I had been dating this guy for over a year, was engaged about 2 months ago. I had past serious relationships before to the point of proposal from the boyfriends. However, I could not accept their proposals because as hard as I try, I could not 'click' with them. And so, unfortunately, I had to turn them down and end the relationship.
    Now back to the current boyfriend, who I finally truly fell in love with. We are so similar in many ways and he was someone I really could imagine being with for the rest of my life like no other. We started out as good friends and quickly fold into a serious relationship (I guess we should have waited a little longer in the friend phase, huh?). We both enter this relationship with hope and our flaws--he was a former marine who still deals with PTSD and I came from an abusive environment. We both accepted our flaws, tried to compromise where it fails, but because his past was much more severe (how about seeing your cousin die in front of you during combat?), he has a lot of social issues when it comes to communicating his emotions to others.
    Last night, what happened truly took the cake. Despite a number of promises that he felt to keep with me before, he understood how important it is to keep our sex life private from our friends and others. During a conversation between him and his friend, who was discussing how the boyfriend does not take no for an answer lightly, the boyfriend responded with: yeap I don't take no for an ...

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    Comments: 28   Votes:



    Posted by Mike at June 23, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    hi my name is life is not a good one.
    at the age of four me and my family got evicted out of our apartment when i was 5 years old.we moved to another city.we moved right into the worst neighborhood in the whole entire city(and possibly the whole entire COUNTY)

    since i was the new kid, i would get picked on by the local kids.they would beat me up and bully me. not only this, but my mother would beat me profusely. if i we're to guess how many times i was jumped it would be too many to count.when i was about five and a half i seen my first was a good friend of my older sisters and he had to go to the hospital. i was very young but understood what happened.

    about a month later they took my pets away from us. this was becuase we couldn't properly feed them since we had a family of 8 (including a bum living in our basement)and only got 20,000 dollars a year.
    about a couple weeks after i turned 6 i was put into a foster home. i didn't know this then but i would be placed through 32 different foster homes and programs.

    let me give you a background of my family and such. my mom is extremely overweight diabetic, who has PTSD( i also have that), depression (i also have that), bipolar disorder, and is a major claustorphobiac.
    both of my sisters we're both raped by my mothers previous boyfriends.

    even though i am white one of my 2 half sisters is half puerto-rican and hung out with the LK (although she is not a memb...

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    Comments: 19   Votes:


    5 1/2 years into friend zone

    Posted by Mr. o at June 23, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    I was engaged to this girl. She was just incredible. Everything you could want, she was beautiful, smart, artistic and loved star wars. we started dating, become engaged travled throughout Turkey together. I could not have been happier. While we were together she had always said that she wanted to get out of where we lived. So I ended up getting a job offer and I got to pick from a list of locations. After talking it over with her we decided on a place that was close to her sister's home. I would go there right away to start and she come when she finished school a year later. Not even three months go by and I found out she began writing love letters to men from her past. But we had been together for five years so I forgave her and we moved on. 6 months into it she calls me and dumps me. She said the romantic love was gone and that instead I had become her best friend... for fuck's sake. I've never been more lonely in my life. I have no friends and the love of my life is gone forever. fuck everything

    Comments: 124   Votes:


    forgot i was here

    Posted by you at June 23, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    On my birthday they forgot to sya any thing and made me do every thing for them and said that they hated me for the last 17 years I have lived here they also they wished I faild every thing wow what a good home I live in

    Comments: 15   Votes:



    Posted by life goes on... at June 23, 2012
    Tags: 2012 June

    im 20 i have few freinds and they use me to there biding, ever since a grauated, o what the fuck let me go straight to the point im a complete loser still a virgen, people make fun of me, im always deppressed sad i just wanna crie almost every 2 to 3 days. ive thought about suicide but i just dont know what stops me from doing it. ive sufferd... bulieing, made fun off called retarded its so un berabol :(. ive only had 1 girl freind and she ws kind of slutty and i left her cause she was not ready for a realtionship. wow seeind other people soo happy with girlfreinds an life, makes me think "why was i brought to this world :'( i still have my family i thank god for that :) but what about me, dont we all have some happiness in our life, i just have not experienced it so far. wow i can go on all night. im ugly, i have a face that looks reatarted and cant change that and a voice thats retarded. tell me can a retarded type all of this and have an 80 overall average grade in high school.. no they cant. im fed up with my life. if something positive does not happen to me.. i just dont know what i will do. theres alot a can tell that would make you guys crie.... i havent even gottin starded. from this point what advise can you guys give me? and i also cant talk to girls im super shy. And please no making fun of me comments its not good right now :'( i just wish i could go back in time and change alot of things. theres alot i want to say, i regret most of the things ive done. you would not believe this, i was the buffes guy in school 5"8" 215pounds muscle and still no girl.. just that slutty girk i had and im still a virgen.

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