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LIFE SUCKS : Poverty

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    [Tell Your Story]  "The pit" (fresh stories)

    I'm hungry and pissed off and broke

    Posted by Overworkedunderpaid at August 15, 2010
    Tags: 2010 August   Mistakes   Poverty   Relationship

    I married an idiot 3 years ago and procreated with it. Now I have a cute kid, but no money to take care of him and I'm over my head in credit card debt, always on the verge of eviction and getting flouresent envelopes from utility companies I haven't been able to pay. I don't know why I can't pay them. We both work full time but only make enough to parely pay rent. (Oh and buy cretin husband pack after pack of cigarettes)I haven't been grocery shopping for more then 2 months and am literally starving. I can't remember the last time I fell asleep to the sound of anything other then my stomach growling. Any food we have (from food banks and pity) goes to my 2 year old or my cretin husband who works in construction and does need food. I fantasize about robbing burger king. I look at people and see hamburgers with legs. And I'm just pissed, I 'm tired of being hungry. I'm tired of being poor. I'm tired of being married to a creeper. I'm tired of angry letters form bill companies. I just hate everything. And I'm pretty sure i'm starving to death.

    Comments: 104   Votes:



    Posted by annoymous at August 2, 2010
    Tags: 2010 August   Juvenile problems   Poverty

    my life sucks. my fam is struggling finacially. when i was 6 i fell in love with gymnastics. i was never serious about it but one day i had a choice to join a club. i had exactly 2 seconds to make the choice and i said no. i was stupid. im serious about it-i didnt realize it till later. its harder than u think. imagine ur life without that one thing that u love b/c u were stupid and said no. and u are stuggling with money so its even harder to go back. imagine somethin like taylor swift never picking up the gutair b/c she didnt hv the money to. and she didnt noe she was serious about music. its been over 8 years and i regret it ever since. also my mom doesnt care and give a shit. she treats me like im 12 and it took me till i was 14 to finally buy me a bra. everyone got one in like the fifth grade. me? grade 9. and i fit b4 that. my mom doesnt care about my feelings at all. if my bf broke up with me she would tell me to suck it up. my dad-sont mentoin. my brother only cares about music and the computer. hes in university and dreads gong out. i faced so many friend dilemas tht no one ever has. my bff puts me down. none of my friends care. my bff told me she liked my bf while i was dating him. she didnt fel like it was a vad thing. he was a crappy bf anyway but i still liked him. i wish i knew he cheated mre than once. i stayed by him for over 9 months. i have onyl met one of my 50 cousins. i have never been to an amusment park. ppl always look at me like im a kid cuz i look young. i have a bad haircut. i had no friends when i headed into high school. ppl spreaded rumors about me. i already am shocked im saying all this.

    Comments: 1   Votes:


    Its always been a hard life.

    Posted by Indiana man at July 15, 2010
    Tags: Bad Luck   Health   2010 July   Money   Poverty

    I know im not the only one with the same problems. My dad is a drunk and he has many mental problems. I have always been poor eating the government cheese. The erea i live in is the midwest of america so go figure im always finding myself going from one crappy job to the next because of economic downsizing of epic proportions,collecting unemployment or no income at all. Im in a shitload of dept from the poor lifestyle of not being able to pay all my bills because i live alone and i recieve very little help from people. I have medical problems that make me as sick as hell in times of no health insurance. Every woman i ever met used me to get back with someone else so none of those woman lasted long. I learned that fucking and dumping someone no matter how much they say they love you is the only way to go so thats my way of protecting myself from rejection and it feels kinda bad but not as bad as being rejected first. I always grew up in poor nieghborhoods and got into a lot of fights and i have had many things i loved stolen from me like stereos,cars,and so on. I have been mugged 3 times by gunpoint. The third time i got mugged i got away by running the mugger over with my car so i think he probably died but i dont care. I could tell you more on me but i will stop because i have things i cant even talk about that just tear me up inside. I know things could be way worse because i am outside everyday and i see things that really blow my mind. Im 36 years old. I still have i tiny little bit of hope left and i have 3 wonderful cats to care for. All i ask for is that things dont get worse. I dont ask for much.

    Comments: 3   Votes:


    I am shit

    Posted by Sorryass at June 30, 2010
    Tags: Family   2010 June   Poverty   Unemployment

    I look and feel like shit all the time. My moms an alchoholic and my pops pops pills. I am soon to turn 24 and still live at home. I cannot find a damn job and unemployment ran out. Life sucks and there is no emotional support from my parents. Oh my brother is 6 years older than me and lives about 2,000 miles away and doesnt care about the parents cause they alienated him looong ago. Anyway thanks for listening to me bitch. asta

    Comments: 114   Votes:


    shitty life

    Posted by cant tell you my name at June 28, 2010
    Tags: Friendship   2010 June   Loneliness   Poverty

    I am bored to death with my life. I hate it. I never have money, always fucking broke. People tell me well you can always change that by getting another job. well they don't know my situation, its easy to say but not easy to do. i have friends but not friends that will help you in times of need.Just drinking friends. friends who will back stab you. Recently ive been doing stuff i shouldn't be doing but fuck it i don't care anymore, i will only live once.
    I believe i am a nice person who cares for others but whats the point no one else cares for me.
    I will always be on my own i have got used to that.

    Life! what the fuck is that even mean?

    Comments: 15   Votes:


    i really fucking hate my life

    Posted by nonarky at June 27, 2010
    Tags: Job   2010 June   Money   Poverty   Society   Unemployment

    im 21, all the jobs i ever had, was fired from all of them, i recently worked at mcdonalds as a maintnance person for 3 years, got fired fort false claims of sexual harrassment from a fat ugly chick that wanted to fuck me and i refused and thats how she retaliated against me.

    after that it was very difficult for me gettin another job because of bad references from my previous employers.

    then i land a job at a mexican restaurant, worked there for a month and end up getting fired for not working fast enough.

    so then again im jobless, i cant get into college because im not elgible for finacial aid, so there goes my life right there cant get funding for school so im going to be a nobody for the rest of my life,

    i try getting into the army, i couldnt pass the asvab test because i lack math skills, 32 is minimum to pass, most people get 50% or better on the asvab test and the best i only can get is a 25% on the test, i took the test 7 times and couldnt get better than 25, so now i feel worthless and fucking dumb.

    right now i applied at 10 different job places, speedway, little ceasers, menards, hope depot, walmart, meijer, right aide, wallgreens, carpet to go,
    demmers, and job agencies,

    i had interviews at all of them, but every single fucking time, i been refused job offers and it just keeps happening.

    here is the worst, i got 2 no proof of insurance tickets and 13 parking tickets ,

    i havent figured ou...

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    Comments: 341   Votes:



    Posted by worthless at June 22, 2010
    Tags: Addictions   Alcohol   2010 June   Poverty

    Well I was born to alcoholics. My mother 'raised' me by pushing me off on my brothers and sisters. Growing up I had no clue about things normal kids learn growing up with caring parents. I got pregnant at 16, had a baby at 17. The father didn’t want anything to do with him. I had hope then finished High School worked crappy jobs to keep my child in clothes and food. My favorite brother died in a house fire. Was so depressed I guess I didn't notice some red flags on the next guy i dated. He had a good job, spent time with his son, yet wouldn't introduce me to his friends. We hooked up, my mother died, he moved in. Then he'd disappear for days at a time come home broke. I was so naive I didn't realize what was going on. We had 3 kids with in 4 years. Crack took over all his time and money. I was left to raise 4 children on my own. Worked full time at a job I hated. I couldn't take it anymore so I quit and went back to school. Going to school while raising children is no picnic. Especially while working part time to keep bills paid. A year and a half in my sister commits suicide. This made me more depressed then normal. Just over a year later my brother committed suicide. I flunk that semester of school and know that my chance at an education is at an end. This basically signs my life away to live in poverty. My nephew died this last spring. I'm wondering how I'm to spend another day on this earth. I’m having major health issues. It just keeps getting better today my son was let go from his job so any help with bills I was getting is gone. I'm going to lose my house, my kids and I don’t think I’ll live to see 2011.

    Comments: 32   Votes:


    43 and i live in a van.

    Posted by janice at June 20, 2010
    Tags: 2010 June   Poverty

    I am 43 years old, and I live in a van.. the van isnt so bad. it is the fact that I live in a van with 4 dogs, my beautiful husband; and i live in oklahoma... did I mention that it is the middle of summer... my daughter and her husband are in jail.. my 3 beautiful grandbabies are in dhs custody... but living with my son in laws father... i lost my job so I cant get my daughter out of jail.. my husband works 20 hours a day and we still cant make enough money to survive on.... my grandkids ask me all the time when moma is coming home... i have no more answers... i have no more hope... i have no idea what i have done in this life to deserve.. this hell that I am in... did I mention I am a college student to.... life sucks if your lucky you may have a few found moments of happiness then you die

    Comments: 15   Votes:


    Worst luck in da world

    Posted by Fundo at June 17, 2010
    Tags: 2010 June   Poverty

    Ok, am 21 yrs old, frm malawi(dats in africa). It started a r ago wen mx dad went flat broke cz he udnt listen 2 any1 who gave constructive critisim on his business, my mum dsnt work n she tried 2 help him bt he wudnt allow it, he trusted da wrng ppl n they brought da company down, i had 2 drop out of school during my 1st yr of uni n i cud hv bn finishn nxt yr, we lived in a nyc surburb n had 2 muv 2 a ghetto ass area in a house with no electricity, food is nw rationed cz we dnt hv plenty, we have no money at all, cnt even afford a crappy college. Once apon a time my dad had tha money 2 pay 4 xul anywer bt he had so much money he thot he was God bt God showed hm. Everyday i wori abt my future, cnt accept its ova bt i hv 2, the worst hs hapnd n am here in tha dark..if i had electricity i cud switchd on my xbox o computer n i wud drift 2 another world oblivious 2 tha carnage n cnstnt wori, plus the fool of dad went n got a loan n instead of invest, he did God knws wat with it, nw the loans guys r up our ass..jus wnt t go bck 2 xul n get a life bt as of nw it seems am goin nowhere

    Comments: 16   Votes:


    Everything Long sad and never ending

    Posted by Booty at June 9, 2010
    Tags: Attitude   Family   2010 June   Money   Poverty   Relationship

    IDK just doing some searching and found this site. God where to begain? My whole life has been a struggle to stay alive. When I was born back in 1982 I was a bastard child that from the get go tells you something. My mother couldn't raise me so she gave me to my dad. He couldn't raise me either (hooked on drugs) so my grandma at her old age tried to raise me. When she could no longer raise me she sent me off to go to the home of the innocents. From there I went to 3 different foster homes and was abused in the 2nd one hince why I went to the 3rd one and was abused in that one (even had a broken arm..yeah WTF a broken arm and I wasn't even 3) so my dad who managed to be sober long enough suggested to the aurthorities I should be placed in the care of my great aunt. So I was raised by my aunt from age 3 to 18. Everyday I was either beaten, locked in my room and called every name in the book. My confindence is shoot because of that. Also a good part of my life I either working in the yard ( did everything by hand because my aunt thought I would break something...she always would say I could fuck up a N***er funural) from like mid afternoon to dust or hanging out in a bar while my aunt played the was so bad at times that the customers would feed me food and of course when she manage to leave I was blamed for one thing or another and shortly afterwards beaten till she didn't feel like it anymore. About the best that my days got was either I was alone for hours upon ...

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    Posted by MyLifeSucks at June 8, 2010
    Tags: Appearance   Attitude   2010 June   Poverty

    I grew up really rich in a huge house, but then everything went wrong, we had to move, suddenly we were poor.
    I was always beautiful growing up, and I was put in pageants, modeling competitions, etc., but then we were too poor to join competitions, and I thought that I was ugly, and it soon enough, I was right.
    I have no respect for myself. I'm overweight, ugly, annoyed with myself, completely talently, terribly slobby.
    I can't get a job, can't get a boyfriend, don't have any friends. Life sucks.

    Comments: 10   Votes:


    Why my life SUCKS!

    Posted by Isabel at June 8, 2010
    Tags: Abuse   Family   2010 June   Poverty

    My life has allways sucked. I have a big family were poor and everything just sucks.
    I was raped at age 6, by my brother. I allways wear the same clothes, ive been wearing the same bra and underwear for weeks! No one in my family really cares about me. I allways get abused and forced to clean. One time my mother beat me to the ground. I get hurt almost everyday by family members for no reason. Im allways hungry and there is never really any food in the kitchen. I hate my life, I almost died because I was choke-ing and no one was there to help me. I actually want to die sometimes. I just cant take it anymore my life sucks really bad.

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    long list of bad decisions, life suks mainly because i fucked my chance

    Posted by gilign at June 3, 2010
    Tags: Crime   Drugs   2010 June   Poverty   Relationship

    started this life with a poor large family, parents constantly displaying acts of violence through out my was always working his bones off to support sick mother and family(15hrs day mostly), while trying to defend and secure the relationship.
    i ended up giving up and leaving at 13. lived ok and continued to educate myself. going ok till i went bak to home town(age 15),to be a bit closer. started to hate mum(the acts of violence were too much)and couldn,t believe the fact dad was still trying to sustain love and there relationship
    my bad decisions soon follower after that.
    (age 16)
    i started to smoke pot and stealing anything to sustain the habit. left school and went to the street side of life.
    i moved alot from here(most states).
    (within the next 5 years i ended up with a rap sheet a dozen pages long)
    one thing i never have done is a violent act.
    (age 18)
    ended up in vic on street, taking coke, speed, any thing i can get, stealing cars, making drugs.( not making money just support habit)after trying to get full education (11 and 12 in 1 year).
    (age 23)
    went bak home town and to my amaizment divorce was being spoken about. happened
    (age 28)
    devorce finally happened
    still resent mum. but glad dad happly married now for 2 years from now.

    back to me

    i went straight for nearly 2 years and lapsed once so i agreed to do drug counseling(god bless the salvation army). i did discharge myself ...

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    Comments: 14   Votes:



    Posted by poot at May 30, 2010
    Tags: Family   2010 May   Poverty

    I'm struggling to get through college. My mom is a schizo alcoholic and my dad is a coke head. I've been laid off twice in the past year and am currently unemployed. Through the past two years I have lost my car, my college fund and my faith in God. I have only one meal a day, just to go to school and currently a 6' and 125 pound male. I have enough clothing for about a half a week, that's it. Everything that comes to my friends is easy. Yet for myself, almost everything is a catch 22. Hopefully, there is something better down the road, something more.

    Comments: 6   Votes:


    is this it

    Posted by Jamie at May 24, 2010
    Tags: Bad Luck   2010 May   Poverty

    about a year ago my business failed within months of that my wife left me with my 3 kids. i cant find a job in my field. im 44 living in my aunts extra bedroom.
    trying to find the cash for gas from day to day is impossible. ive never felt so hopeless!

    Comments: 7   Votes:


    my life sucks

    Posted by anonymous at May 12, 2010
    Tags: Attitude   2010 May   Poverty

    my life sucks so badly....
    um born in a poor family,,,with no status n luxuries...
    bt mine problem is dat i can't stay like a poor one...
    its been ages i have never succeded in my life,,,, i never got wot i wanted.... bad family, bad love life, no stature, nothing ,,, just starving like dogs... feel like ending mah life... its too bad car, no home , no fanciful desires, no gud clothes, nothing i have... my life sucks like NYTHING... I DUN HAVE ANYTHING WITH ME AS LIKE OTHER PPL HAVE WITH DEM.. GUYS PRAY FOR ME... SO DAT I CAN BE SOMEHOW GUD SOMEDAY... i hate my family,,now i dun even believe in god, i dun have any frns no circle, no party, nothing,,, um hell...

    Comments: 3   Votes:



    Posted by tom8962 at May 10, 2010
    Tags: Abuse   Family   2010 May   Poverty

    As a child living in Scotland my family was very poor, we lived as best we could on a diet consisting mainly of haggis. Haggis which we had to catch and kill ourselves or face the wrath of my tyranical father. Even at aged four my father would daily send me up into the hills with my two younger brothers haggis hunting. And if we didn't catch a big enough one? He would beat us to sleep that night with the intestines of the scrawny ones that we did catch. I suppose it was just his way of saying that he loved us, but a cuddle might have been nicer.
    I think these experiences have inevitably coloured my entire life, for one thing, I can't stand haggis anymore, and I still flinch everytime I see a string of sausages. Which considering I work in a butchers makes my worklife a living hell.
    Not that home is much better, my wife "Mamfa"... before I conitinue I must point out that Mamfa is a pet name, her real name is "Samantha", you see my wife has a cleft pallat and when I first asked her her name it sounded like she said "Mamfa" so it just kinda stuck.
    Anyway "Mamfa" has recently left me for an orthadontist and her words just before she slammed that door behind her for the last time, well they still haunt me.
    And for anyone out there that might be feeling a bit low, believe me you don't know the meaning of the word pain until you hear your wife of 16 years call you a " shushling ushleh shunt".
    TOM c

    Comments: 8   Votes:


    untitled story

    Posted by anonymous at May 9, 2010
    Static LinkTags: Health   2010 May   Money   Poverty   Relationship

    suffer from depression, been through a lot, had multiple suicide attempts. my stomach was pumped, given charcoal, i even got liver failure.

    i ended up w/ an abusive boyfriend who brought self esteem so low, he'd beat me and say i was ugly. he'd use up all of my money. i couldnt leave because i had nobody. my brother was shot and killed too and my abusive boyfriend didnt care or sympathize. he just took more of my money and kept abusing me.

    i managed to finish college and get my Bachelors of Arts. i kept pushing on believing things would be better. i stopped seeing that boyfriend and stopped taking antidepressants, stopped seeing therapist. I havent had a suicide attempt in a few years now. i feel it was the meds making me want to die even more. i think about dying now, but never put plan into action like i used to when i was on meds. i try hard to just deal with life, good and bad. i try soooo damn hard to make things work for myself.

    its hard because i rely on my father financially, and getting help for depression has cost so much, college costs a lot too. my father treats me like crap, like a bum. im looking for work very hard, but i dont have enough experience. i owe a lot of money too and my father sometimes doesnt even send money and i starve. I cried to him before, "daddy i am so hungry" and he did not care. he isolated me from family and kept me reliant on friends have used me and now i have none. I am afraid to trust anyone o...

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    endless downward spiral....

    Posted by idiot at May 9, 2010
    Tags: 2010 May   Money   Poverty

    so im now in my mid 30s, always worked for a living... about 2 years ago my job closed down, and ever since all ive been able to find are jobs for $8/hr part time, did i mention i have a college degree??? im in the process of filing bankruptcy, losing my house, and my car got repoed while i was in the hospital... and now im pregnant with a high risk pregnancy, not allowed to work so i have absolutely no money, living with my bf in a delapated trailer that would be condemned if inspected, and have no control over anything in my life. to add insult to injury, my bf is married to someone else... he promised he would be divorced before the babys born,but we all know that isn't gonna happen... he hasn't seen her in over 6 years, but has excuse after excuse not to get divorced. in a matter of a little over a year i went from being a professional in control of all aspects of my life to a trailer park princess living off the mercy of a married man, wondering every fucking day what the real reason is that he wont get divorced, and whats gonna happen next... i don't think i can fall much further down the spiral, but im sure another bomb is waiting just around the corner for me.

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    No dream. no hope

    Posted by anonymous at May 8, 2010
    Tags: Attitude   2010 May   Poverty

    U r lucky. I have poor family. My parents divorced when I was born. Since then I never had met my father. My mother raised 4 children and she also looked after her old mother (however my grandmother died 10 years ago) alone. Her income is not enough for our life. So my older brother started to work when he was 17 while his study. Soon he left his school and went abroad to work. His business had no success. And he is now 38 has 2 children and wife. His income is barely enough to his family. My older sister has no good career and work. She sometimes get money from my old mother's pension. And about me. I'm 20 now. Well I was overachiever in school. I was successful and quite happy for my accomplishments. I am much younger from my sister and brother. In my teenage years I lived with my mother. My mother lost hope in relationship and life. So she didn't want me to go out with boys and friends. So my teenage years was full of loneliness and depression. As I am good at school I easily get good university and scholarship. Other people were quite jealous. But it don't matter. I don't care their jealousy. Because I used to be alone and independent. When I came in city I started to work while study. Because I don't want to get money from my poor family. Working get much time from my study. Then from the 2nd year of university, my grades decreased. I became more and more tired and depressed. My boss pushes me hard. My job is quite good than average. So I can't quit my job. Also I need money for living. But I have to study. I'm losing my hopes, dreams and ambition. Also it's hard that people around me don't understand me. I know I'm very introverted and seems independent to others. But inside me, I am insecure child. I have never grown up. I have very low self esteem however my peers admire me a lot. I have very negative picture of my tomorrow. Right now, I don't know what to do. I can't do anything except crying and binging. Life really sucks.

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