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LIFE SUCKS : Disappointment

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    [Tell Your Story]  "The pit" (fresh stories)

    Bad timing - sucks big time

    Posted by Nick at July 28, 2011
    Tags: Disappointment   Health   2011 July

    I have retired and hoped to finally be able to accomplish a few things but
    diabetes has struck after a sudden need for surgery to clsoe an aneurism last year. Never sick in the last 30 years and now this! My friends are all loosers (I basically have none). Im on a fixed income which gets me by but now am sick and cant do much. So I had hoped to make real progress with my astronomy interests only to have our whole club be taken over by a bunch of total assholes - the club is dead, members quit, and this bunch of greedy assholes luiterally wont let me now touch (their!) equipment and they siphoned off everything usable for themselves! What a bunch of fucking pricks! I would join another club but the closet is hours away so I am stuck and cant do anything. I have waited five years for these assholes to let me in and now way are they going to. Iam literally screwed and they love it! Then they asked me to give a public presentation (I used to teach at a university). I told these assholes I wanted nothing to do with their programs - it was my last genuine gesture in defense of myself and all the good people they have run out of the club. I live at Cedar Rapids Iowa. 1+1 = 2 and now you can find the rest if you chose. I am so sick at heart over all of this. No place to turn. Stuck. Screwed.
    I know my story is typical. THATS THE WHOLE PRTOBLEM! How did things turn so bad for so many. We are all paying a huge price for the few who screw up life for millions of the rest of us.

    Comments: 39   Votes:


    Tired of Trying

    Posted by WTF at April 16, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Disappointment   Family   Poverty   Relationship

    Every since college, my life has spiraled down hill. I'm a teacher with a Masters degree and I'm always broke as hell. My wife won't listen. I married her because she got pregnant. I want to do the right thing since she already had two children out of wedlock with two different men. She had her tubes tied when she had my child despite my wishes. Now I can never have another child, but I call hers my own. That was ten years ago, but problem like that don't go away. I'm a former athelte who will never have a son. She quit her job to go back to school. She was obviously focused on other things while she was in college. Now the water is cut off, the gas is off. She hasn't worked in a year, but when I mention it I'm a jerk. Everyone wonders where my money goes like I'm a damn crack head or something. I spent most of my life loyal to Christ and GOD. I was a deacon, sunday school superintendent. Its all the same. My life sucks. I used to be pretty good looking, but now I'm bald and funny-looking. I've sacrificed the best of me for a woman who is out for herself, and won't even help me as I take care of her and her kids. I used to smoke weed daily just to get by, and I can't even afford that anymore, so I tolerate life as is. No help in site. You see, my life really sucks. Worst ... if I leave her., I will have to pay the child support that she doesn't even make the real dads pay. The sex sucks because she basically lies on her side. Lately, I've had the desire to wear women's clothing. I'm all fucked up. I think she has bitched me out. My mom passed a few years ago. My dad acts like he never had kids no that she's gone. I have no one to borrow a dollar for if I need it. If I ask a minister, everything that is happening is my fault because I'm the man. I can't go on like this. I'm at my lowest today. Life sucks big time!

    Comments: 28   Votes:


    untitled story

    Posted by Ed at February 28, 2010
    Static LinkTags: Disappointment   Family   2010 February

    Wasted 10 years fighting for a green card so I could stay and care for my son, lived in fear all those years thinking things could turn for the worse and lose my son, not being able to see my family all those years was hell. After 10 years of fighting was finally able to get my green card and thought life was going to be better, but was I wrong my own son made it a living hell using drugs,drinking going to jail and the latest getting together with a stripper and getting her pregnant and the fighting the abuse and the ugliness that accompanies people nowadays made it even worse, then the expense and fighting for the custody of my grand baby whom I more than adore. I have a very physically demanding job which I have done for 21 years and that has taken a toll on my body my hips are gone I never done drugs, don't drink or smoke because I thought that if I respected my body it would take care of me....and man was I wrong I walk like a 90 year old man and the latest I am developing problems with my elbows..cant stop working because years of supporting my parents and 3 brothers have also taken a toll on my finances....and last year sometime in June was thinking about ending my own life..even planned how to but the strength of the love that I feel for my grand baby prevented me from doing it..Im even feel ashamed to publish this sitting here alone at 2:35 am in front of my computer...but writing about it somehow helps

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