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LIFE SUCKS : March 2009

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  • It really does suck
  • college woes
  • 2 Days before
  • someone please help
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    [Tell Your Story]  "The pit" (fresh stories)

    It really does suck

    Posted by anonymous at March 25, 2009
    Tags: General   March 2009

    -growing up with eleven siblings while my pathetic, bullying father worked as a laborer with limited resources sucks.
    -It really sucked doing all the housework for my mother while she sat around all day in her nightgown.
    -going to catholic school really sucked-12 long, nasty years being told I was a bad person who was going to hell and witnessing abusive behavior from teachers sucked also.
    -I haven't heard from any of my friends in decades (husband chased them all away).
    -my crazy/cheap, unfaithful,violent abusive husband sucked for 15 years. His 4 exwives agree with me.
    -I was determined to protect my children from a sucky life by spending most of my adult life making sure to take responsibility for "being nurturing and paying to educate my ungrateful children who don't bother to visit at xmas or call me on my birthday or mother's day or even talk to me now that they are so smart/yuppyfied (I wish I never had any children).
    -I sit at a desk 40 hours a week waiting to be laid off which also sucks.
    -How is it possible to have such an awful life? I doubt it is going to improve so I'm just going with the flow and warn any readers not to put up with people who suck and live it up now. I'm 62 and it's too late to do it all over. Lastly, I'm broke paying for all the tuition so NOW WHAT? Is there a point to all this?

    Comments: 120   Votes:



    Posted by at March 23, 2009
    Tags: Family   March 2009

    My parents think my little brother is better than me when he is NOT.
    It's only because I rebel against them. I smash stuff when i get angry, i swear at them all the time and i'm almost never home because i just sleep down anyones house. I don't bother tellin them where i go. They're not bad parents i just dont like them.

    Comments: 3   Votes:


    someone please help

    Posted by Nicole at March 22, 2009
    Tags: March 2009   Relationship

    I am a 18 year old mother and i have a almost going to be 2 year old son and a baby on the way. one day mt boyfriend was watching my son and he let him cross the street by him self and then CPS was at my house and after awhile my boyfriend didnt want to help me with anything so i left hi mand now CPS had put my son in foster care because they dont think i can take care of two kids on my own so now i have been thouw parenting classes and i ave Special parents that come out to my house along with a wic nurse and i am so Confused with it all they said if i live with someone i could have him back and i live with my aunt and my kids both have everything they need but still they wont let me have him back

    Comments: 6   Votes:


    college woes

    Posted by anonymous at March 20, 2009
    Tags: March 2009   Society

    Life sucks because Im sick of seeing people who kiss ass and suck up get ahead while the rest of us work our asses off and get the shaft. Two people applying for the same program with same GPA one kisses ass to float her a grade and gets into the program. The other who worked her ass off for every grade she has earned didnt kiss ass and didnt get into the program.
    Go figure
    Life sucks

    Comments: 2   Votes:


    2 Days before

    Posted by anonymous at March 18, 2009
    Tags: March 2009   Relationship

    I was with a man that i truly adored. He was my life. I couldn't have asked for anyone better. Two days before our wedding, he called everything off. He told me that he did not love me anymore. It has been two years later and I am still trying to get over it. He was the love of my life. I am now remarried and I am miserable. I just wish that I could go back and do everything over again. I missed him so much.

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