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LIFE SUCKS : May 2009

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Saddest stories:

  • never get what you want, life is just one kucked up game.
  • unbelievebly sore in s.c.
  • Life sucks
  • after 10 years I was given one weeks notice
  • this shit sucks
  • ...
  • my life sucks
  • My life sucks
  • Is it seriously worth it??
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    [Tell Your Story]  "The pit" (fresh stories)

    Life sucks

    Posted by anonymous-53009 at May 31, 2009
    Tags: General   May 2009

    You can't imagine how many times I have wondered and asked myself "is this all just an illusion, a cruel joke by some divine source, how can so many people have the will to go on in this cruel and pointless world"?

    If you feel like me and want to surrender don't have any children - you are doing your unborn descendants a favor. This is not the type of world and society I would want my children to "live" in.

    Comments: 4   Votes:


    unbelievebly sore in s.c.

    Posted by anonymous at May 29, 2009
    Tags: Health   May 2009

    I'm a male. on may 16th i end up in emergency in the local hospital because i hadn't been able to pee for 18 hours. a catheter is inserted into my penis and i am relieved of close to 2 liters of urine. i am referred to urologist who i am unable to see until the 21st (my bladder had to come back to somewhat the original size). The catheter was removed; that night i am back in the er due to the same problem & another catheter is inserted. this senerio is played over and over until i have a procedure to examine and deal with the problem within my bladder; again using my penis for entry. my bladder was cauterized where bleeding was occurring and pieces were cut out for biopsy. i am released from hospital with yet another catheter in place 'cause i still can't pee, sore as the devil and with a prescription for pain relief (and at this point i am in pain, a lot of pain). trying to have the 'script filled i am informed that the doctor had made an error in writing the prescription and it couldn't be filled as it was considered a narcotic and the doctor was not responding to any calls from the pharmacy or from the staff at his office to verbally correct his error. no pain pills. my life sucks!
    after consideration, yes it sucks but i consider my self fortunate when comparing this to the problems of so many others.
    thanks-it feels good to vent!

    Comments: 1   Votes:


    My life sucks

    Posted by anonymous at May 19, 2009
    Tags: Family   May 2009

    Ok well first off i havent seen my dad in two years. I feel he deosnt want to see me again and yes i've called him. Ive moved away from my whole family. and i feel i dont even know them anymore. My parents are forcing me to get a job,I literly about to fail shcool,everybody in my new neiborhood hates me,THis girl i absolutly hate is flirting with my biggest crush that i cant seem to get over.I did some dirty stuff with a guy and i like him but he doesnt like me back and is constantly flirting with a girl three years younger than me.And after doing the dirty with me he told me he regreted it. And the bad part i dont.This guy that i used to hang out with is telling everybody im doing the dirty with him. And is ignoring me now. My bestfriends a back staber.And im grounded for dear life. Oh and i cant hold a relationship and every time i find a guy i like he deosnt like me back.

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    my life sucks

    Posted by anonymous at May 19, 2009
    Tags: General   May 2009

    everything bad i ever did gets exposed ;why and also so many bad things happen to me that i didnt deserve; imagine all ur secrets and private life being exposed consently; i get no privacy i am every1 scarfical lamb; every1 feels better exposing me ; every1 i confided berayed me; i have no self respect i am embaressed people dig thru my trash; i am so depressed and sick mentally and physically;some guy totaled my car and blamed it on me and got away w/ it; i have no money ; i was blinded by stupidity and choice the wrong relationships that haunt me ;torture my soul; i am so lost in this world; i cant hardly breathe;

    Comments: 2   Votes:


    after 10 years I was given one weeks notice

    Posted by anonymous at May 17, 2009
    Tags: Family   Job   May 2009

    My wife told me that there was a problem in the marriage, took me by surprise, I had 7 days to try and fix things but her mind was made up, she took my kids for 12 days and i had no contact with them...

    I worked for her Dad, good paying job, he suspended me and my wife took my she says that I am a deadbeat...

    i hate life, my life sucks...I am 36....only thing that keeps me going are my two little kids, I love them so much, yet i hurt so much at the same time...
    what to do...

    i always thought that my childhood was bad, but this is even worse...
    life does suck, and it only gets worse

    Comments: 76   Votes:


    never get what you want, life is just one kucked up game.

    Posted by that jonny kid at May 17, 2009
    Tags: General   May 2009

    What more can i say when i say life sucks; much much more. my life sucks because i was bullied in school, my life sucks because i was never that bright A-grader in highschool or that Hunky dude who excels in sport. my life sucks because i am short and i am therefore treated like a second class citizen. my life sucks because i am poor thanks to my saab, or should i say general motors who rip off their customers whose cars break down every second. my saab keeps breaking down and i cant get my licence cos i have pefectionalist instructors where i live. my life sucks because i hate all the women i know except for mother who i lost thanks to cancer. my life sucks because i keep seeing the word cancer on the news and on commercials. my life sucks because my job has robbed me from my freetime. my life sucks becuase i humiliate myself everytime i go to work. my life sucks because women tend to see through me. my life sucks because i am "ugly" according to women although i am only being myself. my life sucks because some of my friends may be backstabbers and are plotting things behind my back. my life sucks because i go to uni and now i have sleepless nights. my life sucks because i go to the gym but i am still that scrawny little bastard i see on that mirror. my life sucks because very few people understand the pain i feel. my life sucks because i know things will never get any easier as i grow older. my life sucks because i will become an adult and i wont get to be a teen anymore. my life sucks because i am not looking forward to getting a new home. my life sucks because i have a tiny amount of friends. my life sucks because i somehow repel people from me. my life sucks because i am black and i keep getting mistaken for an indian even though i am australian. life bloody sucks. but life doesnt suck anymore because i am used to the shit that life throws at me.

    Comments: 16   Votes:


    Is it seriously worth it??

    Posted by anonymous at May 15, 2009
    Tags: General   May 2009

    Sometimes I just don't even know. I wasn't aware that things could go from totally normal to such crap in an instant. It's terrible, I hurt all the time no matter what I do or where I am. I just can't escape who I am and I'm afraid that it's killing me.

    I wake up every morning disgusted with myself. I'm fat, and definitely NOT happy. I'm on the border of an ED, which is making me feel even worse. I've been skipping meals so often that I'm dizzy and nauseaus, but I'm afraid to touch food in case I gain back the weight I've lost so far. It's a vicious cycle, and my mother is starting to catch on. I can't get sick from this because I can't miss anymore school, or I'm going to loose any chance of a scholarship which would be my only chance to get the hell out of here.

    My dad is loosing his job, which is more stress on the entire family. Who knows what's going to happen? I'm terrified, but my parents insist on treating me like it's somehow my fault, if I get one more glare from either of them I swear I'll live on the streets. It's ridiculous, and I just want out of this house. I need to escape, because real soon I'm gonna end up doing something stupid that I'll really regret. And I can't afford that.

    Our best family friend has a brain tumor, and things aren't looking good. She used to be a goofy and fun person, now she's quiet and in pain. The doctors can't say how long she has to live, it's completely inoperable and in a part of the ...

    Read Entire Entry >>>

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    Posted by anonymous at May 12, 2009
    Tags: General   May 2009

    I lost my job last year, living off my savings, hooked on painkillers, taking two types of anti-depressants and just buried a dear friend. My only thoughts at the mass were that I wished it was me in the coffin. But betters days are coming, right?

    Comments: 3   Votes:


    this shit sucks

    Posted by letsgopens at May 1, 2009
    Tags: May 2009   Relationship

    im in love with this guy who works at a pizza store and he says hi to me sometimes but weve never really talked. so today i ordered a pizza from them and i called them on the phone. I DIDNT EVEN WANT THE STUPID PIZZA i just wanted to talk to him and i was hoping that he would deliver it. anyways HE ALWAYS answers the phone. but this time some stupid lady answered. so guess what i didnt get any further with him haha this is lame and im getting a pizza in twenty minutes that I DONT WANT and is probably going STRAIGHT into the trash.

    apart from that i have no friends because people are gay and all they want to do is drink and i hate drinking bc its lame. and my parents hate me and wont pay for college unless i go exactly where they want me to.
    blahhh life sucks. oh and ive never had a boyfriend and im 18 years old. YEAHHH fun fun life.

    Comments: 12   Votes: