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never get what you want, life is just one kucked up game.

Posted by that jonny kid at May 17, 2009
Tags: General  May 2009

What more can i say when i say life sucks; much much more. my life sucks because i was bullied in school, my life sucks because i was never that bright A-grader in highschool or that Hunky dude who excels in sport. my life sucks because i am short and i am therefore treated like a second class citizen. my life sucks because i am poor thanks to my saab, or should i say general motors who rip off their customers whose cars break down every second. my saab keeps breaking down and i cant get my licence cos i have pefectionalist instructors where i live. my life sucks because i hate all the women i know except for mother who i lost thanks to cancer. my life sucks because i keep seeing the word cancer on the news and on commercials. my life sucks because my job has robbed me from my freetime. my life sucks becuase i humiliate myself everytime i go to work. my life sucks because women tend to see through me. my life sucks because i am "ugly" according to women although i am only being myself. my life sucks because some of my friends may be backstabbers and are plotting things behind my back. my life sucks because i go to uni and now i have sleepless nights. my life sucks because i go to the gym but i am still that scrawny little bastard i see on that mirror. my life sucks because very few people understand the pain i feel. my life sucks because i know things will never get any easier as i grow older. my life sucks because i will become an adult and i wont get to be a teen anymore. my life sucks because i am not looking forward to getting a new home. my life sucks because i have a tiny amount of friends. my life sucks because i somehow repel people from me. my life sucks because i am black and i keep getting mistaken for an indian even though i am australian. life bloody sucks. but life doesnt suck anymore because i am used to the shit that life throws at me.


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untitled story August 17, 2010
acceptance September 17, 2011
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New Comment

By at 23,Jul,09 15:49

I think you sound like a really nice guy.
By anonymous at 27,Apr,12 06:45

i agree. I would love to be friends with you.

By at 23,Jul,09 15:49

I think you sound like a really nice guy.

By at 31,Aug,09 04:03

Yah man you do you sound like me aha
I really felt that man
Try to turn negative shit a little bit positive at least
As said every negative has a positve vice versa
Get your stress and anger and depression out on music sing dance sports try everything man because we need people like me and you to make the world go round life would be nothing without emotion fellings of sadness lonliness sometimes its just to hard to deal with...=[ shitty ay but thats how it is...

By at 31,Aug,09 04:03

Yah man you do you sound like me aha
I really felt that man
Try to turn negative shit a little bit positive at least
As said every negative has a positve vice versa
Get your stress and anger and depression out on music sing dance sports try everything man because we need people like me and you to make the world go round life would be nothing without emotion fellings of sadness lonliness sometimes its just to hard to deal with...=[ shitty ay but thats how it is...

By anonymous at 12,Nov,11 04:34

Ya man I know what it's like I am a indian and I don get treated fairly like white guys have just cut me off in lines and old ladies seem to think of me as a slave or somethin always asking me to do their dirty work. Life sucks cause it shit that never stops happening
By anonymous at 27,Apr,12 06:47

im white and im sorry you feel and get treated that way. I would like you to know that i would never do that to you or anyone else and would never judge you.

By anonymous at 20,Dec,11 13:52

Cutting yourself might help

By anonymous at 13,Jan,12 15:16

They bully you because you are a little, retarded, ugly,bitch-ass indian yoda.
By anonymous at 20,Jan,12 20:55

U sir r a big fat troll

By anonymous at 14,Jan,12 13:18

I have it worse but your life does suck i got it worse - except for gym which is no problem just take shake and read all the time in the web on new ways to train just dont over-do it or youll end up like me with joint problem

i think your life sucks but not that bad and you defintly can turn them around

do compund exrcisese and also specific and eat a lot - go crazy
By anonymous at 27,Apr,12 06:48

Learn some fucking grammar you retard!

By anonymous at 29,Sep,12 02:16

Seriously focus on what you have to do and when you find your career you won't have to worry about itbe all you can be how your worth

By Caterina at 06,Nov,12 19:14

"When you're going thru hell, keep going ! " - Winston Churchill
" keep walking "- jonny walker

By anonymous at 16,Mar,13 09:44

Atleast you have a job

By anonymous at 19,Apr,17 11:43

Kill yourself.

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