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LIFE SUCKS : 2010 April

Stories submitted by real people.


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Saddest stories:

  • Tired of Trying
  • the world is screwed and so fucked up.
  • I'm so tired of living
  • why does life suck?
  • I gave up on everything.
  • So you realy want th truth?
  • My life sucks
  • When you are your own worse enemy !(sins of the father)
  • Everything sucks
  • mylifeiscrap
  • Life hates my guts!
  • burned
  • Anguish
  • really shit of a life.
  • life sucks
  • No kids so husband doesnt like me I guess
  • Fuck The World
  • Simply lovely.
  • Ive got...
  • Life bites
  • Life Sucks
  • my best friend is an asshole
  • everything sucks when your hurt
  • My life thus far...
  • random thoughts
  • gay life
  • No end in sight
  • life sucks
  • shit happens
  • A life, that sucks
  • Underrated
  • Life of a debted person
  • My life sucks too
  • girl lost
  • Life?
  • Words can't even begin....
  • no name for it..
  • Yay... Boarding school...
  • The 30 year Rape
  • yes my life sucks
  • Living with hubsband's parents in their mobile home
  • Ill throw my shoe at your faggot ass
  • disconnected
  • yeah...
  • noone care about me
  • life hurts
  • Why my life sucks
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    [Tell Your Story]  "The pit" (fresh stories)

    When you are your own worse enemy !(sins of the father)

    Posted by Lost4everinlife at May 1, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   General   Poverty

    I don’t know why I am writing this maybe to get some closure, maybe because I have nowhere else to turn....

    I am 39 years old and I have finally realized I am my own worst enemy. The thought has crossed my mind before but it was easier to blame someone else. As I write this I have no water, my electricity was cut off two weeks ago (I just swapped the meter and turned it back on ya I know illegal) and they will read the meter on Monday. My rent is due tomorrow and of course I can’t pay. It has been an average of two weeks late for months. And my landlord is itching to get rid of me.

    My daughter's are due home in two days, I have full custody after fighting to get it for 10 years, have had it for almost two years. And now I am going to lose it. And the bitch is I could have stopped it. Let me back up and tell you about my life......

    I was adopted just after birth, by my Mom and her first husband. That lasted until I was three and he ran off with her best friend. We moved around a bit and ended up on the east coast. She worked her but off to take care of me and did a great job. She met and remarried when I was around ten and that when life went downhill.

    The man she married had a friend that just happened to like little boys. I got a warning “if he touches you in an inappropriate way” let us know. And then I got shipped off to guess where to be babysat. (As a parent now myself WTF?!!) Well by now I am sure you can guess where this leads. ...

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    The 30 year Rape

    Posted by F**** Up! at April 30, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Bad Luck   Society

    my life has been a continuous roller coaster of hurt, pain, misfortune, and circumstances. i've been rejected by society for every possible reason: gender, race, size, personality, lack of wealth, wealth, education. Sexually assaulted 3 times and raped once. i've been beaten and stalked. 8 years of higher education including a law degree and no one will hirer me. started multiple businesses which are all failing to succeed, i feel no purpose for living anymore other than my husband, but soon he'll leave me to. then i will be free to end this horrible existence for good. thanks for nothing "GOD", i guess its pleasing to you to watch all the other millions of people who suffer everyday; you suck!

    Comments: 8   Votes:


    life still sucks

    Posted by peter at April 30, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Philosophical

    You know what? You know you are alive when your life sucks! It's when it don't you know you must have died.

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    why does life suck

    Posted by anonymous at April 29, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Philosophical

    I don't think that there is any disputing that (life sucks).We all need to get over this point. The truth is (LIFE SUCKS) big time but WHY?Why does it seem like all things turn out wrong?Thats because thety do!We are all just telling each other what God is telling us in the Bible over and over again that we live in a fallen state and that we can not free ourselves from this state of living and that life on this earth is allways going to suck!Thats why God sent his son Jesus into the world to die for our sins and to free us from death hell and the devil.So you see it is really up to you to take the next step and go to Christ ,ask for his forgivness and ask him into your heart and ask him that he might lead you through this sucking life so that you can live with him in all glory,peace ,joy and whatever else heaven is after you die.Who cares if this life sucks?The next one won't and that one is forever!Life Sucks ! So What???

    Comments: 3   Votes:


    untitled story

    Posted by chris at April 29, 2010
    Static LinkTags: 2010 April   Attitude   Juvenile problems

    I am 15 and I really dont like my life. I hate everything about it. I am a naturaly lazy person and I say I cant do anything to change it when the truth is that I just dont take the initiative to. I hate waking up to go to school and going to a place where nobody will pay atention to me. I have no friends while the one friend I used to have drifted away because of drugs. I sit alone at lunch because nobody wants to even stop to say hi. People always make fun of me because I wear skinny jeans, threaten to beat me up and say im a faggot. I have nothing against homosexuals but im sure I like girls. To bad I am always to shy or afraid to talk to them. For a while the girl of my dreams acctualy liked me for a while but suddenly stopped talking to me and later left my school. I also hate school mostly because I am to lazy to do any of my school work and I end up failing. I always hear kids talking about colledge and scholerships while I sit there and wonder what Im going to turn out to be. I come to class every day and never have my homework. Instead I write notes to myself about how much I hate living the way I do. I never have my homework because I am adicted to videogames. The only friends I have are on xbox live and playing xbox is the only thing I ever want to do even though I know its a waste of time. I dont play sports or go on vacation with my family. I started smoking weed but I can rarley buy any because I have no friends and I dont know anybody. On another note, ever...

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    Posted by anonymous at April 29, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Attitude   Loneliness   Society

    Ive always been categorized as a "lonely guy", by anyone that knows me: friends, family, classmates etc... Everyone thinks that i love to be that way, always... lonely. That i have a "fuck you world" in my front always, and such...

    BUT, its not that i have a problem with the world...
    its the world that always seems to have problems with me :[

    Whenever im walking on the street, always people gave me that weird look of that "weird guy" thats going there... Always that im walking close to some girls, they laught at me for being skinny... couse of my skinny arms etc :[

    All this support my feeling that i will never match with a girl, EVER.
    And that shit got me depressed from a long time ago, actually last year i reprobed all my stuff in college couse of my deep depression. Almost lost my scholarship last year, and dunno rlly if this year i can definitively take it back... without it, i dunno the fuck im going to do...

    About to lose my house couse of a fucking earthquake, so theres no place to go if that happens. But the worst thing for me, is not feeling love, i dont really know what the fuck its "love", couse of the lack of it, most of my life has been very lonely.

    I try to improve my life, but always theres something wrong showing up and fucking me over, cant find a girl to match at all, cant even find some good friends that supports me. Ive been always strong with all my problems but just having the wole world thinking s...

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    untitled story

    Posted by anonymous at April 28, 2010
    Static LinkTags: 2010 April   Independent circumstances   Health   Society

    I am a immigrant. i have delusion and hallucination. People are being rude and disrepectful to me because my English isnt perfect. Life isnt too good.

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    Posted by SOMEONE NEW at April 27, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Relationship


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    A dream that faded

    Posted by anonymous at April 27, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Society

    Life in my country is very busy. Here people give respect to you only if u study well in a reputed institute(that too either engineering or medicine only!!) or work in a reputed company or if u go abroad for studies or for work. As i m a student let me focus on hw pathetic my life is.
    I study in a reputed school till my 10th grade. I was an intelligent student, loved history and social, but hated math like hell. I was good at all activities in my school, i was a school captain, i loved quizzing, debating and music. Films were my passion. I wrote a zillion stories by the time i completed my 12th grade. I had a beautiful life, i was famous in school. But some people did hate me for reasons unkonown. They scrwed up my love affair with my classmate so badly that she started hating me and even after knowing this i had to sit with her in the same class for 2 more years. My 11th and 12th marked the begining of the end of my dreamy world at school. As i mentioned before, I HATED MATH. But i found that becoming an engineer is easy than becoming a doctor. So i had two options: Engineering and Engineering!!!! WAt else can i choose!!!I chose the maths stream and the girl i loved(i still love her) came to the same school for 11th and 12th as well.
    Here there were a bunch of my old schoolmate who demoralized me to the extent of me giving it all up.In my society being an engineer itself isn't that great, one should be an IITian to attract eye balls. And the entrance is fuckin...

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    untitled story

    Posted by anonymous at April 27, 2010
    Static LinkTags: Appearance   2010 April   Attitude   Juvenile problems

    Everyone hates me

    I hate myself

    I´m uggly as shit

    I´ve been fighting depression for 4 years

    I currently don´t go to school because im affraid of hurting someone or even kill them

    I don´t have any friends

    I´ve been trying to kill myself, but then I think "maybe everything is going to change" but I know that wont happen...EVER

    I only sit in this room all day playing on my computer

    I wake up feeling alone and praying that god shall kill me

    The question for me is just when I shall shoot myself

    I know that some of you may think that this is easy to change...maybe for you but not for me.

    Comments: 12   Votes:


    why does life suck?

    Posted by christian at April 26, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Juvenile problems   Loneliness   Meaninglessness

    okay so most people would say life isnt that bad, but in truth, it really is. nothing has really happened lately but i really feel i am a nobody. i have tons of friends but im not close to anyone. my BEST friend who i loved like a brother moved and i have no contact with him because of his pill head mom. the "special girl" i like really digs me too, but i know if i asked her out she would tell me no. shes just so cool but so shy to that kind of stuff. i have no one to connect to and its tearing me apart. i would never do suicide but life does really suck. im a big christian, (as my name,) and i have a relationship with god, but still. i dont know what to do. i feel like cutting but just to relieve stress, and no aim to kill. im locked up in my own world and its becoming a night mare. people that have no controll over me tell me what to do and ive had enough, considering every bit has no reason. if their is a good reason, i follow their wishes but it gets annoying. when ur first kiss is with a hoe and she dates all of ur friends, it also lets u know that what u had was nothing special. i look at everyone else in my grade as little kids, but some are older than me. i feel older inside thatmn i really am. im really young but i feel i should be older. i guess u could say im an adult in a kids body. it feesls good to let it all out and releive some stress. but now i have to go back to my suckish life.

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    Why I'm pissed off......

    Posted by anonymous at April 26, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Money   Society

    The light at the end of the tunnel that was there is fading again, never having got close enough to be bright.

    Life sucks ass! I moved from one state to another in the hope of life sucking less, didn't happen.

    Got here and had to fill out background checks for every family member for every place, that's $120-160 each house (keep this in mind when moving people!). Yes, this includes children under 18 wtf?

    We have bad credit due to credit cards that we filed bankruptcy on 7 years ago. What the damn report DOES NOT say is that for the last 12 years I lived in the same house and went thru 2 owners never missing a payment or being late! Since I have no credit cards now (nor will I ever cuz they suck) that harms us too.

    Moving to a new area what does one need to do first? Find a job and a home, correct? Any idea how hard that is? We had money to get into a place AND pay 2 months rent in advance so we could find jobs. Most people said no way, gotta have a job. We found a place and had to pay $6000 to get in, yes SIX THOUSAND! That number does not include utility hook ups etc. Of course that only meant one extra month of rent.

    This house is nice, it's roomy, better than any place I've ever been in and I can't "live" in it. Why? The rules OMFG!! Forget eating in front of the TV, one might drop something on the floor and the payment to clean the carpet is high. ALL holes from putting up a picture, poster etc have to be filled...

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    Comments: 32   Votes:


    everything sucks when your hurt

    Posted by hog at April 26, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Bad Luck   Health   Society

    Long story short, worked in Haz waste field for 25+years, got hurt 4 yrs ago, broke(shattered) my shoulder, going on 4th surgery. Fired for being injured,told by company personnel to drive on narcotics,had physical therapy denied for 5months post surgery, so now I'm basically crippled,the state is going to let the big company get away with no recourse, I got diabetes during my injury,can't drive truck again due to this. Haven't been paid for a few weeks, god knows the insurance company needs it more than I. Lost my house, lived in my P/u truck with my dog. Lost all my retirement. No politicians will help, due to big corporate donations. That's just in the past 4 yrs, and it's a lot deeper than that

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    Life suck three out of 4

    Posted by at April 26, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Philosophical

    Life sucks from birth for several facts, you dont get what you want, and happiness only owns small share amount all the time you have when walking the earth.

    -Priary school is fun
    -High school filled with bullies and discrimination and arrogant old school teacher who them-self know everything
    -Cant get decent job without going to Uni
    -Employment is not guarauntee after graduation, what a waste of three years, manys wonder

    Furthermore the possible endings to life further ensure the suckness in life. There are two kinds of endings to life, and 2 endings for each kind, that make four in totals. Only the last one out of four is regard as good ending. Why are there two kinds?

    The first kind of ending involves no children, the second kind involves children. If you have no children in the first kind, you need to have sex with condom for years. Also if you don't get rich in the end, life is considered not interesting, happiness is not measurable, not worth mentioning.

    The second kind ending involve children, you go through the challenge of marriage and making children. Marriage come with the risk of diviorce and losing your wealth for half. Making children is momentary pleasure and troubled for 20 years; you spent first ten months caring for the baby, then three months of 24/7 non stop working hours for the baby, then next 12 years to teach the kid to walk, run, talk, play, learn and listen, on top of the first 12 years, you are su...

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    really shit of a life.

    Posted by why? at April 26, 2010
    Tags: Abuse   2010 April   Family   Health

    I'm 17 was born with a birth defect that at the time my mother did not speak English and i was made in to a girl by a doctor that also made my fake blader.
    so as i grew i had know idea that i was really born a boy. then i when i was
    6 years old i started to get molested by my father in till i was 10 why i let this happen was because he told me he would murder my family but at same time he crazy and he did abuse my mother and my family and because of that when i was ten my sister called the police when try kill my family. after i told my mother what had been happen to me in years leading to the day but she didn't believe me and kind of went crazy for some time and my family had to go to foster care for some months but i don't think she believes today its kind of sad but the court did and went to jail for a long time.when
    i was 10 i was told by mother that was really boy at birth so that really made world a shit hole.also in most of my life i had to have a lot of surgery's so my body under has a lot of scars plus i don't have anything down stairs then after that i was really school stupid and i had diarrhea almost all my life that gets worst every year but after having test done on me doctors say nothings wrong with me .so those two things made drop out school this year and i don't think i can get a ged. and i don't think i can live off of social security benefits and i and most of my family members are ass holes or have a life because their are 9 of us ...

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    random thoughts

    Posted by crazy. at April 26, 2010
    Tags: Alcohol   2010 April   Attitude

    i am an alcoholic. i am also 18 years old. thats right, im addicted to a legal substance that i cannot legally consume. ive been depressed all my life with brief 2 month periods of happiness every few years.. when they end i become suicidal. this time, the suicidal part got real. i tried to die. i then got "satisfied" with life, not happy but not suicidal.. kind of like im just forcing myself to be positive. i think im crazy. i want to kill somebody. i dont care who. i want to be crazy so i have an excuse to hate myself. i dont know why. im not sure whats going on in my head. i would never hurt anybody because i am just. i merely want the insanity that accompanies that. i wish i was a psychopath that didn't feel guilt or remorse. at least i wouldn't want to die. sometimes my thoughts race so much that i get dizzy. i get temporary blindness. why do they even want us to be alive? who cares if somebody kills themselves.. they've found a way to relieve the pain, isn't that what we all deserve?

    Comments: 30   Votes:


    untitled story

    Posted by someone really fucked up at April 26, 2010
    Static LinkTags: 2010 April   General

    27, male, caucasian. I'm obese, jobless, live with my mom, still a virgin, only finished 2 year college at mass bay community, got fired for every job i got, got abused badly by my alcoholic father when im a kid and my familys devorced in 2007. life sucks, fuck life

    Comments: 8   Votes:


    A life, that sucks

    Posted by anonymous at April 26, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Juvenile problems

    I have no friends at school, no father, and a life that sucks. I think I'm getting mentally abuse by my mother, but don't want to call a sherrif. Always makes me feel bad if I don't help her. Although I'm a guy, I have a soft heart and she uses that against me making me feel guilty. I think I'm depressed but I really don't care. I've told myself to just not care about life, get through school, and then go off to join the US Marine Corp. My life SUCKS!

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    life hurts

    Posted by jeff at April 25, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Loneliness

    I really like this girl and i dont know what to do im soo shy and im alwasy lonley i have no friends i think that's why the girl dont like me i want just a normal life just hang with friends and have a good lofe like that others.

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    Posted by darkman at April 25, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Attitude   Bad Luck   Health

    Im a burned victim, depressed, suicidal, stay home since the accident, im not myself anymore.

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