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LIFE SUCKS : July 2012

Stories submitted by real people.


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Saddest stories:

  • tired
  • Why do people treat me like this?
  • Why am I on this planet
  • My miserable life
  • i wanna die!
  • is there a point to all this?
  • oh joy
  • worn out
  • Fuck's Sake
  • Nothing good to look forward to anymore.
  • Genetics and being stupid
  • Very Lonely
  • i was rape
  • Back to Start
  • Well fuck
  • Sometimes it's only madness that makes us what we are.
  • Why me?
  • oh woe is me...
  • I Wish Someone Loved Me
  • Sick and Tired of This Piece of Shit Life
  • i hate my life
  • infer
  • Its hard out there.
  • jobless and hopless fuck
  • the curse of disease
  • My will to live is fading..
  • All hope is lost
  • My life with my family sucks
  • The sad life
  • Shitty life
  • Just me and my story.
  • Yeup
  • Depression
  • Thinking of suicide gives me a bit of peace.
  • No Way Out
  • The other side of the fence
  • My mom doesn't want me anymore
  • About to give up.
  • Venting Tool
  • FML
  • Life sucks.
  • To all the altruistic people out there, start being selfish
  • Being lonely
  • Bad Luck
  • Where Did It All Go Wrong
  • I can't help being a dick
  • I'm a Wigger
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    [Tell Your Story]  "The pit" (fresh stories)

    Sometimes it's only madness that makes us what we are.

    Posted by anonymous at July 20, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    As a young child, i watched my parents murdered before my very eyes. Thomas and Martha (my parents) were walking home from the Monarch Theater one night with me, when we were held up at gunpoint by a mugger who demanded the pearl necklace that my mother was wearing. When when my father refused to surrender it, both he and my mum were shot dead in the streets :\.The killer was a criminal known as Joe Chill who was quite notorious round those parts at the time although he got his justice. Fortunately, my physician and social worker Leslie Thompkins was making a house call that night, and arrived to give me the loving comfort to the traumatized 10 year old me. I decided early that I would never take a life. Right around the time I decided that I wanted to live. It wasn't an arbitrary decision and it was more than moral. It's about identity. As long as you can choose that, choose who you are in the world... you can choose to call yourself sane.
    I was then raised at my Manor estate as i had pretty succesfull parents, so we could afford those luxuries, with the help from my loyal butler i was cared for into my adulthood where he still serves me today but on a more...fatherly role. I had very few friends during my childhood, none if im totally honest, that can also be said for today as i dont trust anyone, not even my closest of ''friends'' theres this one ''friend'' who thinks he's totally indestructable but thats BULLSHIT! ive got plans just incase he thinks hes too good ...

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    Life Sucks

    Posted by anonymous at July 12, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    I am about to be 28, trying to make it at a prestigous graduate school, but got sick and had to return home to my family while I recover. I am not sure I will be able to finish, because my grad school is in NY, and I get sick from the stress of NY lifestyle as I am from a rural town originally. I am not sure I can afford the loans needed to finish grad school and might need to drop out even though I have straight A's. My hair started to fall out from getting sick and I am not rich and cannot afford the loans.

    My longtime girlfriend who I am madly in love with and have done everything I could for her, won't speak to me currently because she is out of state, and would rather marry someone with more money than me, even though we love each other. She told me so.

    I am 28 and living with my mom who has been diagnosed with a mental disorder that drives me insane, and my dad has been called a deadbeat, they cannot help me at all, and I cannot finish affording school to spend my whole life what I was trying to do.

    I currently only have one friend that answers my calls, I am all alone since my girlfriend is going through a hard time in her life and secluded herself, and won't speak to me at all, leaving me heartbroken on top of it.

    Comments: 29   Votes:


    suicide. dont do it. i love you.

    Posted by luckyforlife at July 12, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    Abuse. Pain. Being laughed and bullied by people I know and don't let alone by my own family. I've had all of it, my life has been breif for I am only 12,.. and all my memories. When I was little like 7yrs old I can remember my dad smashing my head into a wall yelling at me,and when I was 5yrs old my sister was hurting me and my mom saw her do it, I can remember looking at my mother with tears and she looked strait at me and didn't care. A lot of times I used to ,and sometimes I still do, go to sleep crying asking God why waz I put on earth, then I read the articles writen by other people on this site and I feel bad for them because I know how it feels I know what its like to. be laughed at by class mates and so called friends and even family and how it feels to want to die, and what its like for your family to not accept you, it hurts dosent it,some times I would go to bed contemplating weather I should take a knife and kill my self and I used to lock my self in a room and cut my self with scissors not enough to bleed but for it to hurt, the cuts are all heald now except for two deep ones, one in my wrist and one in my heart. Unlike a real cut in the skin instead of a bandaid the theoreticle injury in the heart needs love, something a lot of us don't feel we have. But in truth we do have it but we have it to give we don't have what is soposed to be given (refering to the people with fucked up lives like me). So I'm going to give my love to you guys out there who don't th...

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    Back to Start

    Posted by Anony-Mouse at July 12, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    I hate my life because of the fact that every time I try to get somewhere or go after my dreams, I get shut down. This is an example of something that actually happened to me:

    Good Things:
    -Joined a company selling laptops and made about $2,000 my first week off a sale
    -Got a great girlfriend who was the first girl I ever fully felt safe with and connected with on such a level
    -Got away from my emotionally and sometimes physically abusive mother who hates me because I'm transgender
    -Got two jobs
    -Finally bought a moped after years of taking the bus
    -Moved out on my own and lived rent free with my girlfriend's coworker

    Then my life happened:
    -Company turned out to be a scam and involved with credit card fraud. Now I owe $2,000 to collections even after fighting my case.
    -Girlfriend dumped me after a month to marry the man I was living with for his money.
    -Had to move back in with mom because I couldn't find work and lost all my money taking the city bus to apply to jobs. She literally takes every chance she can to belittle me and remind me how much she does not care for me.
    -Lost my previous two jobs even the one that my boss said he'd rehire me for
    -Moped broke down on the way to girlfriend's house. Apparently the guy I bought it from completely messed up the wiring and two different mechanics couldn't fix it.

    I hate my life. There are so many things that I want to do and I am working so hard to do the...

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    Comments: 251   Votes:


    Murphy's Law ?

    Posted by Georgie at July 12, 2012
    Tags: July 2012   Loneliness

    Hello fellow life dwellers of the moment

    Well first of all how i stumbled across this website ? I was actually googleing the definition of shit sucks because at the time that is how I was seeing things.
    This year i moved from my home town of 18 years to venture to a new bigger place. In order for me to move I had to have direction in order for this i enrolled to do a course I was unsure if it was even what I wanted to do. Its ended up being really hard but I need to stick it out and I was very lucky to have got a casual job as a Pizza Cook as-well however the job is also very fast paced and I seem to make mistakes left right and center. I've had one sickness after another since moving here. Every time i leave the house clouds come out of nowhere and it starts raining. I seem to loose all items of importance and manage to somehow miss out on important events for instance my course orientation. I've yet to make one friend so far and between putting myself out there constantly, going to work and my course i'm beginning to wonder if it's even possible to make friends once you graduate from school. None seems to miss me and upon my new found loneliness i foolishly went back to my cheating ex to only be ditched after a week for him finding another girl. My finacial situation is that I live from pay check to pay check money going on food/rent and medical things from getting sick. On top of these things I have no sellfasteem left and constantly feel like a failure. Can someone please out there help me to put things into perspective or share wisdom from their experiences.

    Comments: 224   Votes:


    no job no lfriends no life

    Posted by lizliz at July 12, 2012
    Tags: July 2012   Loneliness

    I am 22 i got married a couple of months ago but we werent living together, now he doesnt even want to talk to me and he is talking to other girls, all my friends are gone, i live at home with my parents i have no car and no job, i feel like all i need is someone to talk to cuz i never leave my house and i still love him but he doesnt love me back. i feel like i wish i had a friend and i feel so lonely all i do is sleep. i try to text him and call him but he ignores me.hat should i do? im gonna end up something stupid if i dont get help because i cant take it anymore i have no life and no one wants me around

    Comments: 329   Votes:


    way am i here

    Posted by Livi at July 11, 2012
    Tags: July 2012   Loneliness

    Im only 16 but im always lonely my family cant see my pain and wont understand i hate all my friends all of them are liars and every day i spend my time alone and every day i wish i had someone to talk to and every day i wish someone would hold me and kiss me like the mean it like they love me i hate falling asleep alone i dont even have dreams my mind is numb my life is numb i am alone and every day i pray for it to end and every day starts and ends the same every day i am alone

    Comments: 214   Votes:


    Shitty life

    Posted by anonymous at July 11, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    Let me tell you guys my story now. I'm male, 16. I was born in a small city in Brazil. I'm not poor. I'm from an upper-mid-class family. Then I moved to the capital of my district, which is quite big, when I was 4. I started going to school normally and made some new friends.

    One day, when i was going back from school, the father of my best friend bought me an ice cream and invited me to go to his house, so we could play video-games and these things. So i did it - went to my friend's house and it was a lovely afternoon. We ate candies, played PS1... it was perfect. I couldn't be happier. Then this started to get frequent. And my friend's dad sometimes did massage at me and my other friends too that came by his house. But with me it was differente. Everytime he did this massage in me was kind of erotic, and he put hands at my genitals and these things.

    I was a small kid at that time with like 6 or 7 years old. I had a notion about what was sex already, but still couldn't understand all that. Then things started to get more serious and he was REALLY abusing myself (not just touching but blowjob etc), almost every weekend.

    I didn't tell this to anyone. I kept it to myself, and to be honest, I liked it. This is the part where everyone is gonna judge me for it. You don't know what was to be in the same place as me, and i thought it was normal. I really did thought it was normal these kinds of things happening to me.

    This kept going for m...

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    Comments: 227   Votes:


    I am a horrible person.

    Posted by anonymous at July 11, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    I have destroyed my own life, along with some others. I'm not going to blame anyone else for my mistakes-- they we're simply there to influence me but my choices were my own. I was misguided. But I've always been that way. My nature and my impulses were always to self destruct- tear apart what was good- back myself into an emotional hole.

    My sob story starts off like a lot of others. I was a reasonably extroverted child who liked acting and reading ''lesson'' stories about kids getting their heads stuck through playground bars in primary school. Pretty much, I was shy - a contradiction to my borderline extroversion. I always had a self-sufficient nature and was not at all trusting, which has been a strength in my life as much as a weakness. I felt - and still feel, sometimes - like I wasn't meant to be born in the time period I was in, like God misplaced me here. I also always felt the pull of some sort of destiny I needed to fulfill in my life, something I needed to find. All of these emotions I had at a young age.
    But I was spoiled and robbed of the majority of my childhood innocence when I was told of my father's mistakes. He cheated on my mother with a 16-year old boy. And all because I'm HIS daughter, my mother and her own mother have always been very cruel to me and treated me like the freak of the family. A lot of the time, I didn't even understand what was going on-- but the repercussions were horrible. I didn't have a strong relationship with my moth...

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    Comments: 215   Votes:


    Fighting for a little boy

    Posted by Underneathitall at July 11, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    My mother and I are fighting for custody of my nephew. He was born to a mother who never really gave a shit about him. Now she has a new son who was born addicted to suboxone and was in NICU for a month. That's when we filed. No one seemed to care-in our state it's apparently not a crime to show up at the hospital high to give birth to a baby. They put him on morphine to help w/the w/drawals. They have already given her back the baby (their attitude is, well she's clean now!). Today the court ordered my 3 year old nephew back to her. She lives w/someone who gave her the drugs, beats her (but she never files charges so nothing seems to stick). He tells us everyday not to leave him, he doesn't want to go home No One Cares. The deadbeat boyfriend is a convicted child abuser and has 4 kids (all being raised by ex-wives) and refused to take domestic violence classes and still won. Fuck this world, forced sterilization I'm all for it. I can't think about the day they will take him I will break down.

    Comments: 219   Votes:


    Stuck in a hell hole .

    Posted by Kate at July 10, 2012
    Tags: Family   July 2012

    I wouldn't even have visited this page if it weren't for my dad . I'm an Indian - a high society south Indian . Back at home , we live in a relatively underdeveloped land . Except the scenic beauty , there is nothing much enticing there . My dad happens to be the ideal man around back at home land . People practically worship him there . But behind the closed curtains of home , he is an in curable sadist and male chauvinist pig . As far as I remember , he has treated my mother like trash and us kids like he has hated us forever . I don't remember a single word of love or endearment from him . Considering the fact that many think we live a happy life at home - this is pathetic . I had high grades in school , topped the whole state , but he never let me pursue my dreams . He let me do my studies in an evening school - i had to watch on when other friends who were less talented and less smarter than me achieved greater success in life . He orders us around . Think that we are creatures of devils and sluts who will throw themselves at the feet of other men If we are let loose . He doesn't let us go out . Does not allow us to work and pretends like he is the best family man outside , talking of religion all the time. I hate seeing his face .
    My house is designed In a way that I am forced to see his face at least twice a day - not to mention , he beats us up like dead snakes with leather belt at his mercy . I dream of running away to a new life . But he has hampered my confidence In such a way that I feel I am useless any more .
    And now , he is going to force me to marry men who are older - I'm barely 21 and he wants me to marry men who are 29 and 30 - men whom I haven't evenly before , this is what sadist Indian fathers do . I'm stuck in a hell hole and I am thinking .

    Comments: 429   Votes:


    untitled story

    Posted by ilya n at July 10, 2012
    Static LinkTags: Attitude   July 2012

    hi there, just need to tell somebody that my life sucks big time even though that won't help anybody. i'm stuck in this suburb of Moscow with no prospect in life and it feels it's going downhill right now. I'm 23 with no real friends and no girlfriend never been in a close relationship with anyone and can't even socialize normally. people think i'm weird all the time no matter what i do it's ridiculous. i just think of my life as a loner until i die and it feels so bad. i've got quite a bit of money now and if you go around here everybody's mostly poor and they will try to scam you if they know u got cash. i hate that i can't stand up for myself i dunno how this can be fixed. i start to give up on myself and lose interest in life at all because it really looks like no matter what i do i will fail. sometimes i think that i hate my parents and i wish i wouldn't have been born.

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    Posted by anonymous at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    I'm a 28, almost 29 year old, guy who has been stuck for what feels like an eternity now. I joined the Air Guard when I was 19, was an honor graduate, but before that had a year of school under my belt plus the 28 credits earned in highschool. I had been in a committed relationship with the girl for a couple years at this point and was not only working full time, going to school full time, but pulling extra man days at the base for some extra cash. I thought i was buidling a life for us.

    The Christmas after i turned 21 she broke up with me because she said i wasn't spending enough time with her. A couple months later I moved out with my best friend at the time who was also in the Air Guard and we had some good times working and hangin out. 9 months later my ex came back around and we started hangin out for 6 months. She ripped my guts out a second time and still wanted to be friends. I was 22, ultra depressed and decided to start hitting the bar scene.

    A couple months later i saw recruitment poster on campus for Marine Officers, and it said guaranteed flight slot. At the time i was near sited and called the OSO Officer for fun to see what he could tell me. The phone call was in March and by June I had left my Air Guard unit that had become a second family to me and was on my way to Quantico Virginia. I completed OCS ranked #7 in my platoon and 2nd most physically fit. I felt alive again. A couple months later my vision was corrected and with my flight ...

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    Posted by anonymous at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    I'm a 28, almost 29 year old, guy who has been stuck for what feels like an eternity now. I joined the Air Guard when I was 19, was an honor graduate, but before that had a year of school under my belt plus the 28 credits earned in highschool. I had been in a committed relationship with the girl for a couple years at this point and was not only working full time, going to school full time, but pulling extra man days at the base for some extra cash. I thought i was buidling a life for us.

    The Christmas after i turned 21 she broke up with me because she said i wasn't spending enough time with her. A couple months later I moved out with my best friend at the time who was also in the Air Guard and we had some good times working and hangin out. 9 months later my ex came back around and we started hangin out for 6 months. She ripped my guts out a second time and still wanted to be friends. I was 22, ultra depressed and decided to start hitting the bar scene.

    A couple months later i saw recruitment poster on campus for Marine Officers, and it said guaranteed flight slot. At the time i was near sited and called the OSO Officer for fun to see what he could tell me. The phone call was in March and by June I had left my Air Guard unit that had become a second family to me and was on my way to Quantico Virginia. I completed OCS ranked #7 in my platoon and 2nd most physically fit. I felt alive again. A couple months later my vision was corrected and with my flight ...

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    Being lonely

    Posted by AP at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    Since childhood i have lonely no one cared, supported me i was brought up in very orthodox family. no personal life,i became hell to live anymore infact inm getting suicidal thoughts now, i have lived enough now i dont wanna live anymore. there is noone to cry for me.

    Comments: 31   Votes:


    He used me just for a kid

    Posted by poo at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    Hi all,

    I am from goa, india... well my story is that i had a bf with whom i was in relation for 9 years but was never serious, he loved me, cared me but i never liked him nor loved him, was waiting for my dream boy. later as my parents knew him told me to get married to him, i wasnt ready. later my dream boy came into my life ( i.e my husband ex) he proposed me at the very first day, but i wasnt sure as i found him too flirtous, still i was attracted to him. i informed my parents abt my this new guy into my life, but my parents told to stay away as he is a nre and shd never trust them. due to this i stopped talking to him, taking his calls. i got legally registered with my bf.. but later realised i have done a mistake. then this new boy started callingme again, i got attracted on his talks and the way he impressed me. we went out for date, which i found i get along with him quiet well. i informed him i am legally married and our relation is not possible, in return he told me to annual the marriage and get married to him, which he spoke to advocate and got my marriage annuelled. later we ran away and got married. soon after 3 months he left me and went to australia, i was expecting our first child, 10 months i was staying with his parents, which i came to know my husband is a womeniser, he loves to have new girls in his life, weather married or young he doesnt mind. after marriage when i was 7 mths pregnant i cam eto know he had relation with a married women and ...

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    Fed up.

    Posted by anonymous at July 10, 2012
    Tags:   July 2012

    I don't think I've gone a night without crying since I was little, seriously. I always get the feeling where I just want to go home even though I am home, It's really hard to put my feelings into words I never talk about my feelings but when I do i tear up for some reason and I hate crying in front of people so I just bottle everything up and carry on.. I have friends, I've had plenty of friends but I just push everyone away I prefer staying in than going out but it seems everyone else in the world wants to go out to party's, get drunk, do drugs but that's not what I want to do so I just stay in, this sounds like i'm just pitying myself feeling sorry for myself but I really don't feel like I don't belong, I haven't had a hug of my dad since I was little I miss him so much even though I see him everyday I feel like he doesn't care even though he obviously does he just doesn't express his feelings, like me I guess..

    This is really long and if you do read this I thank-you for taking notice in what I have to say, this is honestly the first time I have told anyone about myself and how I feel. I get told that I'm always 'happy' and always laughing and stuff and I just laugh and agree when I am DEFINITIVELY not! I have self harmed, considered suicide, even though I know I don't have the worst life ever I feel like I do..
    I'm to shy to talk to any boys in person therefore I never get close to any romantically, I haven't had a proper boyfriend since I was 11 years old...

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    Life sucks.

    Posted by anonymous at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    I'm a 17 year old girl. Let's start from the beginning... All through my childhood I had a half brother and sister. My older half brother had turrets and had anger problems. He would yell and scream and punch and hold knives to me and my family. When I was 10 he was put into a home because he was a danger to us. Now he is in jail doing who knows what. My older half sister got kicked out for doing drugs. I have a little sister that's falling on the wrong path. My little brother has hypo plastic left heart syndrome and could die at any time... He's 4. When I was 12, my mom was pregnant with my other little brother and he died in the womb with only 2 months left. He was a stillbirth and I remember holding him.. His lifeless body, a fragile life... A baby... Just dead. That same year my best friend moved away and I had no friends except at school. When I reached high school, life was looking up. I decided that I wanted to go into the air force and be an officer. I get good grades and in the top of my class so I was completely focused on getting into the air force academy. 2 days before my 17th birthday I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. That ruined my dream. Now I have to give myself shots 4 times a day. My best friend doesn't talk to me anymore... I don't have any friends. I am ugly. I've never had a boy friend. I've never kissed a guy. I'm shy and socially awkward. I have hair that I cant do anything good with. I'm a ginger. Lol which I'm okay with. My mom texts more than I do. My moms a slutty whore who cheats on my dad. She has been with 5 guys that I know of. She's been with several guys at once and my dad is too much of a pussy to do anything. I have no idea what to do with my life. I feel like I am useless and it would be better if I was gone. Sorry this is long but I don't have anyone to talk to. Oh, except for this guy that is stalking my life....

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    Christ is King, but life is Hell.

    Posted by DallasTexas at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    28 years of being left out, overlooked, unwanted, ignored, and misguided (if guided at all) and now i am so far beyond help that i truly realize that this is hopeless. i have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and asked many times what should i do with my life. i guess the answer was just wait to die and then come on up to heaven. so that's what i am doing. tell the world to suck my cold dead balls. peace.

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    Posted by Noone at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    I'm a 33 year old single mother of 2 children, I have anxiety and depression in 2009 thinking that taking medicines for a couple of months would take this away forever. Guess what, it didn' came back in 2011, why I don't know. I don't even know why I'm depressed, I cry, I'm sad, I want to be in bed all day, I can't sleep, my mind is working 100 miles an hour, I shake, I take like 8-10 pills a day to be able to be normal to a certain point and it sucks. Why am I sad, unhappy, depressed, angry, annoyed...I sometimes wish I wasn't here, what's the point of living like this but I do stop and thing about my children, nobody will love or care for them the way I will. Can't I just be normal and happy, I literally feel crazy, not being able to handle my emotions, drinking to much, being uncontrollable, my friends making fun of my crazy pills, not being able to keep a relationship am I always going to feel like this? Useless, loveless, unwanted, weird, crazy, an emotional wreck. All I want is to figure out what started all this and why.........

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