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LIFE SUCKS : February 2008

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    [Tell Your Story]  "The pit" (fresh stories)

    I hate my life!!!

    Posted by Nikki at February 9, 2008
    Tags: February 2008   General

    I hate my life. I have my sister who constantly picks on me. I hate high school where everyone treats me poorly and i have don nothing to them . Sometimes I dont like my parents. they want me to be perfec. I hate guys because none of the seem to like me. I hate my job because I have to travel every weekend for photoshoots and sleep deprived and jet laggeed. any help please?

    Comments: 25   Votes:


    life sucks, pls help :(

    Posted by ButterflyBelle at February 5, 2008
    Tags: February 2008   Health

    I live in the Uk and just wondered if anyone out there was finding it as hard, no, IMPOSSIBLE, as me to find a sympathetic doctor to prescribe strong pain meds for pain relief??

    I think I'd have more chance drinking from the fountain of youth, than getting a doctor to prescribe me some proper strong pain relief!
    Does anyone know of any doctors or pain specialists in the UK who can help me please?? I am desperate!! If I don't get help soon, I don't know what I'll do

    Doctors are the devil, I absolutely hate them with a passion

    Comments: 322   Votes:


    My Life Sucks

    Posted by anonymous at February 3, 2008
    Tags: Family   February 2008   Relationship

    I hate my mom and I hate my dad and my grandmother. I started smoking weed and cigarettes when I was 12 years old because of the stress with living at home with my mother and grandmother. I never really got to see my father because of my stepmother and I hate that cause now I think it is his fault, too but it is not. It is hers.

    I want to runaway and go to my friend's house so so bad but after reading some of these stories I do not know what to do anymore. I have a boyfriend and I love him so so much, but he lives in another town, and sometimes I wonder if he is cheating on me!! I really screwed up my life, too, because I have had sex with so many dudes, and given them head so many times that everyone in my school calls me a whore. A friend, well at least I thought she was my friend, talks behind my back and now I do not wanna be friends with her, but I do not know what to say to her about it. This is all the reasons why I wanna run away. I am a 14 year old girl and I really need some help. If anyone knows what I can do please help me.

    Comments: 83   Votes: