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LIFE SUCKS : Unemployment

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    [Tell Your Story]  "The pit" (fresh stories)

    My life sucks

    Posted by Me0 at December 28, 2011
    Tags: 2011 December   Juvenile problems   Unemployment

    I dropped out of high school sophomore year of family issues! I tried to get my GED but I have to pay for the fucking classes. And a rip off fucking 100 dollar GED test and I have to take 5 separate tests so thats fucking 500 dollars!! I don't have that kind of money and never will, and I dont have internet I steal my neighbors I lost my social life pretty much still talk to my friends on fbook once in awhile, but I can never do shit with them because I never have any money I can't get a job because of this shitty ass economy and when I do get close to getting a guess what?? I need my fucking GED or Diploma. Who fucking cares about a GED or Diploma it's just a fucking piece of shit paper with your name on it.

    I'm going to see if I can join the army if I cant then fuck my life might as well jump off a bridge!

    Comments: 7   Votes:


    I am complaining to the world about my problems... Lol

    Posted by anonymous at December 28, 2011
    Tags: Bad Luck   2011 December   Health   Unemployment

    To start off I have had a broken right knee since october 7th 2011 it is now 12/28/11 from a car crash.. Since I have been ill they havent been able to fix it... Lost my job a few months before the crash, putting out around 5 apps a week give or take 1... No luck with jobs cant even get an interview and I am running out of places to apply in the area... I have had 2 family members pass away along with my girlfriends mom who just passed all at the same time. Also, cant wait to get this cavity filled.. Someday.. The messed up part of this is I know someone else has bigger problems and they are not ranting online about it.. I will say it does feel a little relieving.. So to anyone's life that is a little upside down, looks like we are stuck living hard until things turn around.
    Oh yeah going from steaks and nice food and the couple weekly BBQ's, to the dollar menus really sucks...

    Comments: 5   Votes:


    Why is it so wrong to want to end your life?

    Posted by anonymous at December 27, 2011
    Tags: Abuse   2011 December   Loneliness   Unemployment

    I just lost my car. I can't fine employment. And, I am about to lose the roof over my head. I want to die. I have no one in my life. I've always been alone. Never had a true friend a never had a love in my life. Th e only time I had sex was from the ages of 5-11 when I was raped by someone very close to me. I'm now 27 and never had a boyfriend because I'm scared of men but I'm not sexually attracted to women to be a lesbian. I'm a hermit and a loner who is about to be homeless. I never wanted this for my life. Am I god's sick joke? I always hear on tv about others helping people, I just wish someone would help me.

    Comments: 30   Votes:


    TIRED of bein TIRED

    Posted by anonymous at December 13, 2011
    Tags: 2011 December   Job   Money   Unemployment

    I had worked for Carrier building air conditioners for 12yrs, 4yrs at ICP and 8yrs in Tyler. what a waste of my damn time! They treated us like dogs; no, dogs are treated better than that! And then, they sent all our jobs to mexico! The government made it so our jobs go to Mexico. Unemployment told  us because our jobs went out of the country they will pay us two years to go to school and learn something new to better ourselves. Then they keep on screwing our payments and making us lose everything we have! If they were gonna do that, they shoulda just said "well, good luck to ya!" and left us fendin for ourselves then! Ya... I'm ANGRY!

    Ain't been paid in forever here!!! Prob end up loosing everything before I ever get through this crap! I only have a mortgage and a truck payment and can't keep them paid! My house is about to go into foreclosure for the 3rd, 4th? time!
    They screw everybody they can!!!

    When I get it... Unemployment pays $415 a week.... If I went to work (and there ain't any now) I'd only make about $250 and if I take one of these lesser paying jobs... It would screw my unemployment benefits; If I was to get laid off again... Would lower payment to about $100 a week unemployment if the job lasted long enough to gain unemployment insurance! What the heck are we supposed to do?!

    I mean Geez, I've got one semester left. They aughta get me through it! But the bastards don't send payments every damn time I turn around! They were supp...

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    Lost my job for the 4th time in 3 years

    Posted by anonymous at December 13, 2011
    Tags: 2011 December   Unemployment

    Got laid off twice and fired twice in the past 3 years. My self esteem is at the all time low. Have to look for a job again but I don't think I have it in me to look again. Husband is upset with me. I am making him depressed as well. I just turned 37 and because my job situation is so unstable and I struggle with bouts of depression we can't start a family. So I drown my sorrow in mindless tv watching and internet browsing.

    Comments: 8   Votes:


    Miserable Life

    Posted by unhappy at December 13, 2011
    Tags: 2011 December   Unemployment

    I got laid off from my job in December 2009. I have a B.A. degree in Psychology and I just completed a Masters degree in Accounting a few months ago. To this day, I have not been able to find a job. My unemployment benefits just ran out a few weeks ago. I have been diligently searching for a job for two years and have not had any luck at all. I've put in application everywhere but to no avail. It seems as though an education is worthless nowdays in this piss poor economy. I am 34 years old, broke, and live with my mother and autistic 32 year old brother. I assist my mother in caring for my brother as he cannot bathe or toilet on his own. We have to bathe him and wipe his butt for him. He is like a big baby. This is very challenging situtation for us. Our father was a truck driver and got killed in an accident when I was 11. I feel like the biggest failure and screw-up that has ever been. I am jobless, broke and fat I love my mother but she can be an extremely difficult person to get along with. She is condescending and looks for every opportunity to put someone down. It seems as though her gift is making a person feel like crap. No one can do it better than her. She loves to fuss and raise hell. I did not ask to be broke and unemployed. I did not ask for this messed up situation. This is very depressing. I feel like a worthless piece of crap. Sometimes I think I would be better off dead, but I fear I will go to hell if I commit suicide. I do believe ...

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    Jobless and Scared

    Posted by Brian at December 12, 2011
    Tags: 2011 December   Money   Unemployment

    Joined the Navy at 17 years old and was just recently discharged for an issue at work - General under honorable circumstances. Not the best but far from worst. I pride myself on always doing the right thing and was proud of my service. Unfortunately a single slip up in my integrity has left me in a bad situation. I've never not worked, and always had enough money to at least "make it". I worry about my wife (whom requires medical attention/med's) and my two best buddies, my puppies. I'm thankful we don't have any children at this point but I still don't know what awaits me. I've been selling anything of value (big tv/gaming systems, etc) on craigslist to fund our cross country trip from Washington State back to Florida. I am very resilient and know I will find work, I'm just scared. Will I ever make enough to pay off my debt, keep my car, etc. Wish I had saved more and lived within my means. I can see why people turn to drugs and alcohol - the stress is almost unbearable. I know my situation is minor compared to others, I just wish I had more guidance and knew how the next few months are going to play out. On a brighter note, my mother is allowing us to stay in my old 10X10 bedroom until I can afford to move out. Probably the best Christmas present I'll ever receive - Love. Good Luck to

    Comments: 20   Votes:


    Poor & helpless

    Posted by anonymous at December 10, 2011
    Tags: 2011 December   Money   Poverty   Unemployment

    I have never been so poor, in debt & 53cents in my pocket book. Dec. 10, 2011
    I can't help but feel so helpless.
    I don't want anyone to know it me!
    Here is my story. Just not the lowest facts & details; always more to a story that's not always shared.
    I'm 38 years old from East Grand Forks. I was laid off in 200x. My husband and I have been married for xx years. We have x amazing children. My Husband was laid off this year. Both my husband and I are jobless and searching.

    It sucks: Living in an old house. It's cold and the plumbing is terrible.

    We are struggling to find the money to pay for: gas for our vehicle and insurance, mortgage and insurance on our home, all our utilities, and find a way to feed our family.
    Sure there are programs to help people in need, someone like me? right?
    Then why can't I get help?

    The Services in our area don't go out of there way to full fill needs, they only act like it. Trying to get food help has been such a challenge.
    Only when I threatened to make a complaint to the county after several requests, did we receive more food stamps. Yes, it's embarrassing for me shopping locally.

    In September, our family of 6, I thought should have receive more then $250.00 for food help. When attempted was denied at the E G F food shelf in September for not having the PKM or the Marshall Polk Water bill (paid bills to get them turned back on.) But because the other seven bills I ...

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    Comments: 12   Votes:


    what next

    Posted by anonymous at December 8, 2011
    Tags: 2011 December   Money   Unemployment

    4 years ago it all started down hill and it has gone fast. I was in a job that I didn't hate but it still paid the bills, I was in love and about to ask her to marry me, I had a little house and a cool dog. 4 weeks before I was going to ask the true love of my life to marry me she called me on the phone and told me it was over, no reason just it was over and to never contact her "ever, for any reason". Within a couple months my precious little dog died, I had to hold her in my arms while I felt the life drain from her body. Shortly after that I was laid off from my job (still unemployed to this day). This ultimately forced me to sell my house. So in the matter of months I lost my love, my dog, my job and my home. I was so torn up it was impossible to even fathom what had just happened. After moving to a tiny little one room apartment I injured my back and was basically crippled for the next 3 years, uable to stand or sit for more then a few minutes at a time. I look to the heavens and ask why. I'm a good person and have been a contributing member of society since basically being on my own from 16 on. I can't even get up some mornings, no where to go, nothing to do, in pain, money gone, unemployment gone, love gone, home gone, it's all just fucking disappeared. I'm not a bad person and don't understand how this happens to decent human beings. I see crap humans stepping all over people being successful and flying through life with no worries. It just doesn't make sense. I ask God to come and take me, I'm done and I have no energy to go on. Let's just get it over with, PLEASE! Thanks to all who read this and the compassion I'm sure you have. bye, M

    Comments: 4   Votes:



    Posted by a pessimist at December 6, 2011
    Tags: 2011 December   Unemployment

    Why did I spend thousands of dollars and 4 years for a piece of paper that tells employers you still don't have enough experience to work for us. I got lucky after scheool, I did have a decent job making 20$ an hour, but that was short lived because the lustful bastards didn't want a female making that kinda money, so they weaseled me outta there. So my financial situation got worse, on unemployment, not to mention the entire time I'm in a long distance relationship. My bf who loves and supports me the best way possible is also a recent college grad who hates his dead end job. Tryin to maintain a LDR when your hours away with no financial security is difficult. Spending money to see each other only once a month is wasteful because we could be using it to get an apt together. We can't get a job in the same city, let alone our own. I'm depressed and I'm losing hope...period. I'm so over this sad situation and its frustrating to know that I have to wait for the economy to improve just for me to start a life with him. At this point I don't even want to have children because my future isn't even secure. So I'm still looking for a job here, there, or anyfuckingwhere with my relationship hanging in the balance. Great.

    Comments: 1   Votes:


    life sucks

    Posted by Alyssa at December 3, 2011
    Tags: 2011 December   Money   Unemployment

    My fiance and I moved to Rochester, Mn july of 2011. We have been unemployed since. We cannot afford gas, groceries, rent or pay bills. My mom sends $100 / week n pays all rent n utilities.we are trying to get jobs but nothings working out for me since im currently a student in cosmetology school. No job is willing to work with my schedule. Thank you for hearing me out. Im nit gonna post the whole story due to privacy issues. Again thank you

    Comments: 3   Votes:


    My life is shit, Id rather not be alive

    Posted by anonymous at November 30, 2011
    Tags: Money   2011 November   Unemployment

    I hate my fucking life!

    First of all, Due to being unemployed for roughly half a year, I have to live with my psycho mother. Thats right, Im nearly 30 years old and I had to move in with mom again because the economy is fucked beyond belief. There are practically no damn jobs hiring. What makes it worse, is she currently lives in a two bedroom apartment, 1 room is hers, the other is occupied by my bitch sister. So I am stuck in the living room with ZERO privacy. They both constantly talk down to me like I am a loser, when they cant get their shit together themselves. Damn hypocrites.

    But thats not even the worst of it!! My mom is a compulsive hoarder. Have you ever seen that show "Hoarders?" Guess what, thats the same problem my mom has! So I have to sleep on a couch around piles & MOUNTAINS of useless junk that she collects. She refuses to throw any of it away. I cant even walk around in the apartment. I cant throw her stuff away because she will freak out on me and kick me out. She wants all the useless crap around, she obviously has mental problems.

    What makes matters worse is I am in extreme debt with Student loans because (years ago) after I graduated, the jobs in my field went away due to the fucked up economy. Awesome timing huh? I graduate and then the economy gets fucked. Now there are no jobs worth a shit. So for the last several years the only job I could get, was for a shitty company that barely paid anything. They finally laid m...

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    Never expected this to happen to me.

    Posted by Depressed mom at November 27, 2011
    Tags: 2011 November   Unemployment

    I am a 40yrs of age. I was laid off from my job a little over a year ago. My unemployment has been exhausted. I have been searching for work like a stray dog in the streets. I am on the verge of losing my place because I have no income. I am a single parent with a 17yr old that is looking for work as well. I have no money,no food, hell my dog doesn't even have food at this time. I have never been in this situation before in my life. I feel like my life is slipping away. I am so depressed....I can't even go to the doctor for help. I have no insurance. My heart is so heavy right now and has been for a while. I am so at my wits ends with my life I sometimes I wish I didn't exist but I know that would not be fair to my son or my lovable dog. I feel like a horrible parent and have always prided myself on being a great mom. I have a very limited support system. No one really seems to give a crap anyway. My son's father is in prison for 8 to 40yrs. My son is depressed as well. I pray to God for a miracle. I know that no one can help me. My heart is aching so I don't know how to go on. Please pray for me and my family. I am scared....I don't want us to become homeless. I just don't know what else to do.

    Comments: 89   Votes:


    Life Sucks...only if you allow it to

    Posted by EasyE at November 25, 2011
    Tags: Abuse   Family   Money   2011 November   Philosophical   Relationship   Unemployment

    Does writing all this then re-reading it make any of you any happier?? Seriously guys the whole world sucks but it is what you make of it.....I had a kid at 16 and another at 21, I bought them both up alone, the second childs father became a heroin addict and tried to kill me. As a child I was sexually abused over a period of years and assaulted at aged 12. I could take the easy way out and believe me I have wanted to so badly but all that did was cause me more misery inseide. I have no job, my mortgage payments are 2 months overdue as is my loan payment. I could lose my home that I worked ( yes long hours bringing up my children alone, and i do mean family at all )so hard for, I could be in court due to unpaid bills etc, I already have had to have meters put in! And you know, through it all I just keep smiling and being the cheerful person I WANT to be. Life will only make me down if I let it, it's all material anyhow.....and if you can't be arsed to like yourself why the fuck should anyone else....seriously! So guys cheer the fuck up....oh did I forget to mention the crazy pyscho mother, excessive amounts of funerals to attend and the alcoholic violent ex??!! No 'cos they don't matter....all that matters is feeling good, being content with what you ghot, doesn't mean you can't aim for more but if you ain't happy then nothing wants to come near you xxx hope you guys all cheer the fuck up and get a grip on yourselves

    Comments: 12   Votes:


    How do people get through it?

    Posted by anonymous at November 24, 2011
    Tags: 2011 November   Unemployment

    Like some of you younger kids, I went to school, got a job, did decently, had a decent career. Then I got laid off. Now I don't know what to do. Hubby has a job that he is gone a lot and I'm alone. No job. I went back to school to prepare for a new career since I can't get a job in my old field. It's terrible- just sitting and studying all the time. I can't do this for years, and I don't like the subject anyway. I don't want to start over.

    But I have years left of life. Should I just never work again? Just live off the husband and enjoy myself? Or go back to school anyway, spend years doing that, just to get a job in a different field that I don't like just because I can then say that I'm working too and pulling my own weight.

    I'm so depressed and confused about it I just sleep all the time. Life is so pointless you know. All you can do is find ways to distract yourself from it.

    Comments: 1   Votes:


    Poor excuse for a person

    Posted by IDN at November 23, 2011
    Tags: Anxiety   Attitude   2011 November   Unemployment

    I've never had high expectation for my life. I figured, I'd at least scrape out a meager living. I could live with a dead-end job, with no hope of advancement. I could deal with a crap apartment. I just want to be able to take care of myself.

    I had a job about 4 months ago, for 2 months. Before that, I had been unemployed for 2 years. I was happy again. I final felt like I could take care of myself. But my employers didn't like my perpetually anxious state. Despite my efforts, I failed them. I wasn't good enough. No one wants a person with so much anxiety, depression and an inferiority complex that just won't quit.

    It seems that anytime I start to feel better about myself, like I'm living up to my potential in someway, my confidence gets ripped away from me. It was the same story with school. I feel lucky that I managed to graduate high school.

    I'm told "Just get up, dust yourself off and try again". But after you've been kicked down so many times, the whole thing seems like its set up so I can never win.

    All I have is my best friend, the love of my life. If I lost him. I would truly have nothing left. It sounds horrible but, I don't think I could go on living without him. I wish I could give him more then just my love. I just have nothing to offer other then that.

    Life sucks.

    Comments: 3   Votes:


    Life now is shit

    Posted by nobody at November 20, 2011
    Tags: Money   2011 November   Unemployment

    I am 21. I live on my own. No money for college or university. Two months ago I was laid off of a well paid job due to economy. I can't find a new job.

    For my last money I bought a bag of beans and potatoes. I can't pay next month's rent or bills. I am so fucked. It was all so good till this moment. WTF is going on? WTF? I just don't know what to do.

    Comments: 3   Votes:



    Posted by WTF at November 16, 2011
    Tags: Addictions   Justice   Money   2011 November   Unemployment

    I'm 26, divorced, just lost my job and was denied unemployment benifits. I lost my truck to impound when I was caught driving with out a licence, I currently have 3 warrents for my arrest and have 1 case in another state I've been trying to fight for the last 8 months. Due to my increasingly expensive drug and alcohol addiction and no longer having a job, I can't afford to pay rent and have to find somewhere else to go by the end of the month. To top it all off the only calls I get each day are from creditors harassing me about the bad debts my ex-wife and I accumulated over the past 5 years..........I'm realizing I have failed miserably in life....

    Comments: 12   Votes:


    Try to leave something bad, then it gets worse.

    Posted by SourGirl at November 16, 2011
    Tags: Mistakes   Money   2011 November   Unemployment

    I moved away from Florida to Colorado over 2 months ago. I thought moving would help me by removing me from the affair with a married man. No one warned me about how terrible looking for a job here would be. Ive been through all of my money and borrowed others to pay my bills. Imvery depressed. Ive been living with my sister and she told me tonight to stop feeling sorry for myself. She knows I have suffered from depression my whole life. Ive been a server for over 8 years and have been told im excellent at it. I guess no one in Denver thinks I am because they would rather hire some person with less experience and that dresses like they just got out of bed. I have not had a boyfriend in 4 years yet I get hit on and my friends back in Florida think im awesome. If I dont get a job in 3 weeks my car will be repoed and ill pretty much have nothing. I just dont know what to do anymore.

    Comments: 2   Votes:


    it's all bad

    Posted by anonymous at November 16, 2011
    Tags: 2011 November   Unemployment

    i lost my job 4 years ago and went back to school to get a degree only to find out there are no jobs...even in the medical field! my wife is about to loose her job and our 2 great kids go to a shitty school where they teach down to the slower kids which sets back even the average ones. things just aren't getting any better. i've tried....they just don't.

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