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LIFE SUCKS : 2011 February

Stories submitted by real people.


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  • My dads an asshole
  • ......
  • help me please
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  • death is the only way out
  • wish god would help
  • Shity life
  • sucks
  • I've come to the end of the road.
  • fucked by uncle sam and every politician
  • i don't get it :S
  • bull shit
  • open book or open casket ?
  • This life sucks
  • loneliness
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  • Life sucks ass
  • xmas 2010
  • really am I alone? NOPE
  • Life Sucks
  • Don't even fucking care.
  • Wife of 17 years
  • My enitre life..
  • Life sucks and there is no escape
  • What to do when you fucking hate your life after you think you've fixed it
  • F.M.L.
  • A lot for one person
  • Black Hole Love
  • Drugs killed him
  • LIFE SUCKS!!!!!!!!
  • fuck my life, i hate my life, it sucks how can i go on with my future when my past haunts me
  • My life sucks
  • Worst Day of My Life
  • life sucks... now what do i do?!
  • What a crock
  • whats the point
  • life is horrible
  • shattered heart
  • it really sucks
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    [Tell Your Story]  "The pit" (fresh stories)

    Life Sucks Balls

    Posted by Rephiam at February 10, 2011
    Tags: 2011 February   Juvenile problems

    I'm 14 years old and I've never had a boyfriend to call my own. All my best friends have had past relationships or currently in one. I feel completely lost when they talk about sex and things like that, cause I've never gotten that! Heck, I've never been kissed! I feel like a complete failure at life!! WHY must I be such a loser???
    I don't belong in my group of friends. I dont know why my friends treat me like i know what theyre talking about, because they know I have know idea of what theyre talking about. I belong with all the preps in my school who act like theyve done all these but havent..
    PLease teell me what to do??
    I know this is just another teenage sob story, but coming a teen herself its something BIG!! ...

    Comments: 7   Votes:


    help me please

    Posted by wounded at February 10, 2011
    Tags: Abuse   Family   2011 February

    since i was a little kid i have been sexually abused by my father. my mother soon left the house and i was left home with my big brother. he was the only one who tried to help me. my father comes at night whenever he was in the mood, especially after a drink, when im in bed, and abuse me till he is satisfied. only thanks to my brother ive avoided becoming pregnant. sometimes my brother would try to beat my father up so he wont be able to touch me but when father is sober, he's so much more stronger and brother gets trashed up instead and it hurts me so much when i see him coughing up blood. there is noone who can help us, some of our neighbors know about this but theyre all afraid of my father and what he could do and stay away. i dont know how i could get out of here. im thinking of running away somewhere far with my brother, somewhere father wont be able to find us, steal everything valuable he owns and leave when he's gone out. im not sure if this would be a good idea or a suisidal plan! plz give me some advices..

    Comments: 19   Votes:


    I've come to the end of the road.

    Posted by anonymous at February 9, 2011
    Tags: 2011 February   Loneliness   Unemployment

    My life is crap. I have no friends, no one calls, no one wants to know me and I don't know what I've done. I'm 30, have no job, no boyfriend, no friends and a mortgage and bills to pay. My ex has taken up with a girl half his age and our unborn child is dead.I think about it every day. I have nothing left, no one to count on, no one to talk to and nowhere left to go. I was fired from my last job for having depression, only to find out that the position has now been filled by a friend who has moved from another company to take up my job! People don't reply to my calls, texts or emails and I just don't know what I've done. I might as well be dead as I appear to have ceased to exist to anyone. I can't even properly cry anymore. I'm just numb. I really hate existing. I try to be positive but it never works out and I always end up getting screwed over by those I trust. I wish my life could be bright and happy again and full of friends but I feel as though I have a big sign on my head that says don't go near her she's weird or as if someone has spread rumours about me because this much rejection all at once isn't normal. I'm not a horrible person, but I feel like a social leper. It's awful. I thought I was through with being bullied and excluded. The way I see it, it's never going to end.

    Comments: 6   Votes:


    untitled story

    Posted by js at February 9, 2011
    Static LinkTags: Addictions   Alcohol   Attitude   Drugs   2011 February

    I am a drug addict, an alcoholic and a crimmianl. I'm in a Clinic now, trying to get better but its hell in here and I'm sure I will never get better, I will kill myself soon with the stuff I can't stop taking. I've done glue, cocaine, drank daily, day and night, can never seem to be seeing straigt, half of my life is spent in bathroom throwing my stomach out, hurt everyone who's ever bothered to care about me: my parents, brother, guys who used to be close friends.. I've hurt them all and lost them all, I don't deserve to hurt them any more and I just need to get the fuck out of this place. I'm going to die by my sickness anyway. I can never stop my addiction. I'm already too damaged, irreparable. I might soon be kicked out of the Clinic because I trashed this guy who pissed me.

    Comments: 5   Votes:


    life sucks... now what do i do?!

    Posted by Olga at February 9, 2011
    Tags: 2011 February   General

    my life sucks in short,

    1: I have disorders that make it hard to have a normal life (PTST, Boderline)
    2: My home situation/parents trigger my disorders, meaning:I'm in constant fear
    3: I need to move out because I don't know how much longer i can take it here
    3A: But.... to move out I need money, right?!
    3B: I can't find a job, no job = no money, no money = no moving out
    4: I don't have a high enough level of eductation, so i started school again
    4A: Then after 4 weeks i got sick, needed surgery and missed 3 months of school
    4B: this meaning, I missed too much to actually be able to graduate...
    5: I had 2 pet snakes for years already, loved them so much, they just died:(
    5A: I need pets, they help me feel ok. Dad won't allow pets in the house:(
    5B: So who to I talk to now when I'm sad?!
    6: I need psychological help, But I've been on the waiting list for over a year
    7: I have flashbacks of my trauma's on a daily base and I live in constant fear
    7A: I have no where to go to relax and calm down. cause home is not safe.
    8: I have no friends,why? because I am scared of people. what if they hurt me?
    8A: No friends = being lonely, having no one to talk to, no one to keep me safe
    8B: I try not to be afraid, but it's easier said then done.
    9: I have ambitions in life, I know what I want
    9A: I just can't get it. I don't have any controle over what I do in life
    9B: I need my parents for eve...

    Read Entire Entry >>>

    Comments: 10   Votes:


    life is horrible

    Posted by Loser at February 9, 2011
    Tags: Abuse   Family   2011 February   Money   Relationship

    im 35ish , i have been married for 12 years , i have 2 great kids , but i hate my life , we owe 20,000 to 30,000 in debit not counting student loans , i got a shitty mortage that is due in the next yr and if i cant pay thr ballon payment of 100,000 or refinance im homeless with no where to go , i have no real friends just people who use me when they want something i think my wife truly hates me and sleeps around , all she wants is to be with other guys or get gamgbanged at every function we go to , talks about screwing all my friends and then does sleep with her female friends adn meven some of my female friends but thats not cheating cause its with a girl ok so she sdays i would just leave but im screwed cause who is going to give a broke man his children that mean more to him than his own life does , i have recently taken out life insurance policies and am currently looking into how to kill myself and my family get the money so they can keep the house and be happy cause i know no one is happy with me being around , my neighbor used to take me in the woods as a kid and make me give him bj's whne i told my grandfather he did the same and worse , so i never told anyone again when i got older and told people they laughed at me and told me i was a fag , my dad was and is still a drunk , my mom well where is my mom as a kid she bounced from man to tman looking for love and didnt give a damn about me just my other brother i was like the burden no opne wanted and now soom it will go away why are we here whats this life for i will ask god when i see him right before i suppose i go to hell for ever

    Comments: 7   Votes:


    untitled story

    Posted by anonymous at February 9, 2011
    Static LinkTags: 2011 February   Juvenile problems

    My 2 closest freinds have just abandoned me the love of my life has left

    me, My famiy is being ripped apart, and I havent seen my dad in 3 years. My

    mom and her boyfreind are always fighting, I have a 1/10 chance in getting

    skitsifrinia, my family is on welfare, im 14 and ive all ready lost everything.

    Comments: 4   Votes:


    Just when thing were looking up

    Posted by anonymous at February 9, 2011
    Tags: 2011 February   Job   Unemployment

    I have an engineering degree. It took me one-and-half years to find a job. I started the new job in november and it's been great. Now it looks like some ahole corporate raider is going to try and acquire, then sell my company. Thereafter, I will be fired. Just when things were looking up....

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    MY LIFE worse than any others thx to coming to see new country

    Posted by at February 9, 2011
    Tags: 2011 February   Money   Unemployment

    my life started when i was child 10 years ago i have beautifull child memory but I have everything what child need for we have with parents BIG nice house luxury house in hungary nice BMW in 1998-2000 but when my uncle relative told him to come to Canada 2001 everything was chnage we sell it everyhing to see new country .SO we sell it after while ago we arrived to toronto we just applied like immigrant . our country in hungary goverments sucks stupid izrael control everything polithics people they want control europa same as united states his own pocket to support izreal people its madness.when i was living in toronto stupid family resident told me move to hamilton its has better life we move to hamilton i just been working for 4-6 months .My mother told me move to vanouver w we live there 1 years and working allmost 1 years. my father relatives call us told me come back to hamilton we have jobs we working together we trust my father relatives we come back agian .but they just lier no jobs in here Canada Hamilton they just jealous because they know we renting 400$ big house we save we comeback again in hamilton then my parents cannot find job in here because little speak english my mother cannot speak english .its they dont like to learn that i been 10 years now its life just worse and worse when i was 24 -25 and 20 i didnt go to club find girls because am shy and anxiety my parents told go out see friends or talk withs am not gay or anytinh...

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    life just gets worse

    Posted by bad luck boy at February 9, 2011
    Tags: 2011 February   Money   Relationship

    i am 28 living at home with my parents and my wife. we are going back to school affter loseing all of our money when we lost out jobs and could not find any other ones where we lived. affter moving back home with my parents they decided to help us go back to school so we took out some goverment loans wich totaled 62,000 dollars. so now when all is said and done we will be out of school in 6 mounths and owe about 65,000 dollars to the goverment so this at best will be out last tax return. my wife said that she whould give me all the money to go out and buy a motorcycle. she like the gas milage they get and are perrty cheap and run a long time. affter i did the taxes i found out that we where getting about 4000 back and i found a goldwing i like for 2500 when i confronted her about buying the bike she was pissed and said that we could not afford it and that i was a dumb ass i mean she realy flew of the handle a side of her i had never seen. i started thinking about what she had said and i just kept getting more and more mad so i told her to get out. five days later she had filed for a devorce and the next day the tax return came in the mail. i took the return out and bought that bike and gave the guy the full 4000 even though he only asked for two. now that bitch is sueing me for 2500 dollars and 500 pain and suffering. thank god i paid that guy in cash and i put that bike in my brothers name sorry about your luck bitch. but i still lost my wife and now i am in debt so far i dont think i will ever get out life sucks then it get worse. i always keep a ten dollar bill in folded up in my wallet when the knock out blow comes that should be enoff for a hamburger and a shot gun shell.

    Comments: 2   Votes:


    Life sucks ass

    Posted by bert at February 8, 2011
    Tags: Addictions   Attitude   Drugs   2011 February   Meaninglessness

    I'm 30 years old, I have been a herion addict for 9 years. as a result I still live with mom and dad, I do not have a single penny in my name, i havn't had a job in 5 years, I havn't had sex since 2001, and every little move or decission i make is under a microscope.
    But the part that sucks the most is that i have absolutly no desire to fix any of it. I have become very comfortable being completely miserable 24/7. If i happen upon $50 or so I become very uncomfortable. I can easily go a week straight without stepping foot outside. I have far less meaning in my life than even my 4 year old niece, atleast she goes to preschool during the week.
    So whats in store for the rest of my life? lets see. I will live with my parents (with zero freinds) until they pass on. then I will become homeless at which time i will probablly kill myself.
    I wish I wasnt addicted to being miserable and I'm sure with theropy I could have a life. But i dont have the energy or value my life enough to do anything about it.
    and this is why life sucks.

    Comments: 7   Votes:


    Girl Who Never Talks

    Posted by Kayla at February 8, 2011
    Tags: Family   2011 February   Juvenile problems

    Hi!! I'm Kayla, your worst fucking nightmare.. I know you dont want to read about my life, as also you probably dont give a fuck.
    But I'm going to go ahead a complain about the life you may or may not think is worth complaining about.
    Anyways, since I was like 4 years old Ive moved almost every year of my life, and being that I'm 14 now thats kind of a long ass time.. Ive had to change schools and make new friends, and if you dont already know what that feels like it feels horrible.. Everytime I moved I hated it because I knew I was just going to be the weird new girl.. Even when i was younger and it was easier to make friends I still felt that way..
    My mom and dad loved eachother, or at least I thought they did. Apperantly they didn't because they would be off and on, off and on, constantly.. And me, being the little kid i was thought that it was normal. I didnt fucking know that my parents were suppose to live with eachother all the time.I thought it perfectly normal that my dad would go and rent another place to live with for a time.
    I was truly a clueless little kid.
    Oh, and when my mom and dad were 'separated' my mom would have this man( boyfriend) that would come and try to take my dad's place. I have no idea why my mom liked this person. He was nasty and disgusting, and I completely loathed him. I loved my mom, but I will never to this day understand why she would choose him over my father.
    And with saying that Im not trying to say my dad w...

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    Sucks to be me

    Posted by Asian Sejin at February 8, 2011
    Tags: Attitude   2011 February   Job   Philosophical

    Shit, I couldn't beleave I found this site. It's good knowing I'm not alone, well anyways let me get started. I'm 29 single and l live at home. I own my own buissness cause I'm a high school drop out. The cool part is I own a dry cleaners cause I'm half Asian lol, I thought I might be good at it cause I'm Asian, but no I suck. I've been doing this shit for 6 hellesh years and ended up finding myself more broke then my teen years. You would think 14 hours of pressing clothes and meeting assholes everyday would fatten up your wallets, but no. About 3 years ago my girlfrend left me and called me looser and the truth is I think she right. What she doesn't know is that I did it for her and when she left she took with her my selfesteam. Now I learned to hate myself and don't bother going out, other then teach judo at a small dojo. Don't get me wrong I'm not bragging, I go there cause unlike everything else in my life, I feel I belong. I'm not any good at it but damn cleaning clothes for a living makes me wanna run alway and never come back, but I won't run. Cause what else can I do? I try hiding the fact that I hate life, I put on a smile and greet people with kindness but like most of you I fucking hate life. I don't even have an option, I don't care anymore about anything. At the gym I meet people with so much happiness there always claiming how wonder life is. I see them and just wanna never leave my house. In fact I love staying home. If I had to pick from going out and hanging out with frends I'll pick chilling out at home with my dogs, I got four of them by the way and I don't mind being around my parants. I think I was born a looser and my sister was born a winner cause she's doing real well with herself.
    Sorry this shit is so damn, I just wanted to vent even if it means fucking up my spelling and don't get me started on my grammer. Thank you!!!

    Comments: 3   Votes:


    death is the only way out

    Posted by anonymous at February 7, 2011
    Tags: Attitude   2011 February   Meaninglessness

    life sucks
    there is no reason to wake up in the morning
    you can just list off how much everything is going to suck that day
    i go to bed wishing that i dont have to wake up in the morning
    i wish i was invisible so nobody could see how much of a loser i am
    the only way to escape this world of shit is to play video games that i hate
    do i really have to wait another 50 years for this shit to end?
    if only i had a shotgun
    come, sweet death

    Comments: 12   Votes:


    Fuck my life

    Posted by Nick at February 7, 2011
    Tags: Attitude   2011 February   Juvenile problems

    Im only in 9th grade and i am constantly depressed and i just might get expelled from school for doing what i love. My parents treat me like crap compared to my brothers and my parents are trying to ground me for months for bullshit reasons. I am about to get drug tested by my school all the time and if i fail i get expelled. Im about to kill myself. All that keeps me through the day is smoking pot and thats about to be taken away from me

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    i cheated my best friend

    Posted by wesmoney at February 7, 2011
    Tags: 2011 February   Friendship   Relationship

    I met this cute girl my freshman year of college. We clicked instantly, in fact, she's the only girl I ever picked out instantly and started talking to, like love at first sight kind of thing. i'm usually very shy and rarely just walk up to a random girl and start talking. we had great chemistry, things started to get physical and that's when I froze up and rejected her, even though i really liked her. i'm still a virgin, because i'm so fearful of being intimate with somebody, even though i long for it so badly. she got the wrong idea because i was being so cold. we still hung out, but i wanted my space. we were great friends. i had this other guy who was in all my classes, and we became really good friends too. these two people met, and after awhile, started a relationship. At the time, I didn't really mind because I valued my solitude too much and wasn't really interested in a relationship, so I let them get together.

    I hung out with both of them for the next 3-4 years. At first it didn't bother me at all. Over time though, I realized how much I fucking loved this girl. I haven't gotten any action at all these years, just fantasizing being with her. I tried dating other girls, but would get rejected because i couldn't make a move. So, it's my senior year, I'm depressed and sexually frustrated and they break up, for the third time after 3 years. Every time they would break up, I would feel bad, but get very excited. After hiding my love for her for all these yea...

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    Posted by hk at February 7, 2011
    Tags: Abuse   2011 February   Society   Violence

    i was raped a month ago. i hate myself. i want to die. it happened in a church. my parents dont kjnow. if they do, they will kill me becuz im arabic and thats the culture. im not a virgin anymore. im 16 i have no friends no bf nothing. i feel like shit. my grandfather molested me when i was 8. bye

    Comments: 14   Votes:


    Grow Up!

    Posted by Old Dog at February 7, 2011
    Tags: 2011 February   Philosophical

    Sorry! But, this site is kinda very pathetic. Let me drop your sorry butts in the middle east or Egypt or something right now if you think you have it so bad! Why dont you quit feeling sorry for yourselfs and do something. I have a "sad" story too...but, hell I grew up and made things good. Even as an adult very bad things have happened to me....and again...I looked for answers and got things right. GROW UP and quit looking for outlets to whine and belly ache! Put that effort into straightening up your lives! The sad part is that I work my butt off to support your butt!

    Comments: 8   Votes:


    Life worth living?

    Posted by anonymous at February 7, 2011
    Tags: 2011 February   Philosophical

    Life's a gift, a gift given to us unvillingly. With no choises we are granted life. Some suits it, and some doesn't. Im one of thoose who doesn't. Even though im only 17 I can deffenetly say that if I could go back and choose between living and not, I would choose not to. For is life worth living, if you have nothing to live for? Like me, I have no close family, I lost both my mother and father at the age of 12. I was 12 for christ sake, how am I suppose to handle it! It left scars so deep in me, that I doubt nothing will ever heal it. As a child I was always second hand. I diddn't have any true friends, never chosen first or over others. Allways last, allways the outcast. As I grew up things diddn't change at all. I was still the outcast amongst people around me. I'm not exacly what you could call thin either. Life has only brought me pain and missery, so therefore I ask myslef, why keep on living? Why stay in this pain and suffering. But I find myself to weak to do anything about it. I've tried to kill myself on several occations, but I just dont dare it. For what if the future holds happiness, even for me? Maybe pain and suffering is just a part of life that you have to live with? But then why? Theese are the thoughts that rumbles through my head. Maybe I'm right, or maybe I'm wrong. But isit worth gambling on? It's easier to imagine leaving life, rather than doing it. Maybe the love of my life is waiting for me in near future? Maybe even I can find happiness? only the future will show, if I live to experience it.

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    Waiting for 2012

    Posted by Jamie at February 7, 2011
    Tags: 2011 February   Relationship

    I'll be turning 20 tomorrow. I spent this afternoon crying over my life. I was a really bright student in school. So before graduating high school I moved to a bigger city to study and live on my own. My parents supported me financially. I was only 15 when I was living all alone in a totally different city. I was really excited at first but after a few months I started feeling really depressed. I broke up with my then boyfriend and started distancing myself from my parents. I was always used to being the best in school. I was also my school's star athlete. But in my new school everyone else was just as talented as I was, if not more. Plus they labelled me as the small town girl. I didn't really make any friends there and kept to myself. I missed my old friends like anything. I was so alone and depressed that I started dating this total loser. I started smoking and drinking with him. He also hit me a few times. Every time I tried to breakup with him, he'd start crying and threaten me that he would commit suicide. I was so trapped. Obviously all this affected my grades but somehow I still made it to college. Although I never broke up with that loser "officially" i made sure there was no way he could contact me. I had an accident just before starting college that broke and dislocated some of my teeth. It was so bad that I had to get braces. So here I am, 20 years old, with braces,no boyfriend and two failed relationships in my pas. I am doing fine in college, not great, but fine. I don't have a lot of friends, just people I hang out with and don't care about. My mother still sort of likes controlling me. I had planned to go to a concert with my friends. It was really far from my place. When I told my mum about it she said I couldn't go and to make sure I didn't she froze my bank account so I didn't have enough money to buy the tickets. Also, I am in love with a 29 year old guy who won't love me back. Also, I don't think I'll be getting any gifts on my birthday.

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