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stuck in boring life

Posted by blah blah black sheep at May 12, 2011
Tags: Anger  Attitude  2011 May  Money

I know I hate the peoples but I have to try to keep my anger in my heart cause I still need to see them every working day and the most of your times every week.
I know I got fed up with the job but I can't leave it cause I have to pay my rent, my car and my daily expenses.
I want to get my own private living place but the so called salary can't even effort a house.
I know I need to get away from these negative thoughts and go along with what I have now but I still cannot ignore the fact that the "volcano" will be erupt inside of me soon enough.


Similar Entries:
Lonely September 14, 2011
My Life Is Boring January 22, 2012
unhappy February 6, 2012
life what life? March 18, 2012
lonely January 2, 2012

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By at 13,Jun,11 14:22

YouÂ’re a real deep thinker. Thanks for shianrg.

By anonymous at 08,Oct,11 16:14

Your not alone my friend x

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1 players,Weaned on a beige buffet a la "Fargo" in Minnesota when he was hired by his predecessor to answer phones, "The Aging of the Baby Boom and the Growing Care Gap" by the AARP Public Policy Institute As the population of older people increases in the next 20 years the number of adults in their primary caregiving years (ages 45 to 64) is projected to remain flat This means the availability of family caregivers mostly adult children to arrange coordinate provide and/or pay for long-term care services is expected to decline However more than two-thirds of Americans believe that they will be able to rely on their families to meet their long-term care needs "The future looks very unlike the past" said Lynn Feinberg AARP senior policy adviser and one of the reports authors "We have more women in the workforce who are juggling caregiving and work There are a greater number of people living at a distance There is a huge number of people who dont have any living children We have to look at public as well as private community solutions to long-term care"The AARP report is a cautionary tale for todays caregivers and other midlife individuals You may be caring for your mom or dad now but who will care for you "Boomers who are the large cohort of caregivers have to start thinking ahead as they are providing care" said Donald Redfoot AARP senior strategic policy adviser and co-author of the report To help you plan for your long-term care needs AARP has created a 40-day challenge called "Decide Create Share" Although it is geared toward women in their 40s 50s and 60s guys should join in too Go to and take the pledgeThere are seven steps over the course of 40 days The site has a target date to finish by Oct 13 But go ahead and start when you can Youll get e-mail reminders outlining the things you have to do such as telling people where you keep important documents You can download a worksheet that provides guidance about the information youll need to provide Theres a long-term calculator that lets you see the average cost of long-term care in your stateIve been the long-term caregiver for several relatives Because I know the toll it takes Ive taken a personal pledge to put in place a plan to make it easier for my children to take care of me Isnt it time you decide create and share your planReaders may write to Michelle Singletary at The Washington Post 1150 15th St NW Washington DC 20071 or singletarym@washpostcom Personal responses may not be possible and comments or questions may be used in a future column with the writers name unless otherwise requested To read previous Color of Money columns go to It instructs about the African/American role in the fight for our freedom2) Frederick Douglass Museum It shows the history of an outstanding African/American and his leadership during the time of slavery.Each week Without human intervention, Low-level infections can cause hair loss and itching within a few weeks, John Romita, and the fact that there are those elements of controversy that trail him.

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