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Fail in life.

Posted by j at March 5, 2012
Tags: Attitude  Health  2012 March  Money  Sociopathy

I'm 22 and I have no friends. I haven't had any friends for the past 4 years. Looking at my contact list on my phone, there are only 3 mum, dad and the house phone. I go out on Friday nights just to stroll around town and look at everyone else having fun. I stay in on Saturday's and just read books or watch documentaries. I have no one to talk to.

I'm broke. I have £1.50 in my purse right now. No bank account as I got scammed on my bank closed my account when the cheque bounced, and now no bank will let me open an account. I will never be able to get a loan or a mortgage. I have student loan debts and a biology degree which I can't even get a job with.

I can get guys but as soon as they find out I have no friends, they run. It's not normal to have no friends at 22, after all. Can't blame them.

My dad is always rude to me, calling me names and shouting at me for no reason. He's fake in front of his friends but as soon as they go, he ignores me unless he wants to shout and verbally abuse me or tell me to fuck off.

My mum is ill. She has had many cancer scares over the years as it runs on her side of the family. She also has a bad back and joints. It makes me feel so horrible...she deserves the best yet she has a piece of shit like me as a child. I would have killed myself long ago if it weren't for her. She told me she couldn't go on if she didn't have me. If it weren't for that, I'd not hesitate to kill myself right now.


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By anonymous at 08,Mar,12 16:21

quote "I can get guys but as soon as they find out I have no friends, they run".

I bet they think something is wrong with you FIRST, then see you have no friends and then realise why!

Do volunteering work, to get you a job. Someone is bound to hire you that way, and besides you are still living with your parents, its much harder to live out in the world. Start saving, stop being so gullible, and dont be silly, you'll get a bank account.

By anonymous at 08,Mar,12 16:25

Hey J. I totally know where you are coming from. Been there many time in my life. Even at the "high" points I only had 1 or 2 people in my life I'd call friends...most of the time it was just me. Not quite sure why that was; I'd look around at others with many/some/a few good frineds and scratch my head thinking 'I wonder how they do it'. After many years of searching I found an organizaton that became my was more of a group that I felt comfortable with that provided my with a place to go when I needed to be with people. I think any type of group would do for this purpose. Might be church or hobby or community related; look around. Helped me.

By at 08,Mar,12 20:20

Man, I wish I was still 22. Anyway, you're not alone. I'm 24 and never had a girl friend. I have no job. I have no friends. Man, girls don't even talk to me. At least, guys talk you, right?

Why do I keep going? Because life is a gift and a privilege you shouldn't give up so easily. It's a journey full of surprises, mysteries, and discoveries and ups and downs. Maybe it's because of my scientific mind, but I find the universe to be a very interesting place. Being alive is better than being dead because by being alive at least you exist and can do things.

Anyway no one ever looks back and regrets having tried their hardest. Keep living this crazy journey called life and when you look back you won't regret having kept going. You'll probably wish you were 22 again. lol.

By anonymous at 08,Mar,12 21:11

I wonder why a 22 year old would feel like this? I'm sorry you are going through this. Maybe like the second commenter said... find a group thing to do... You are bound to make friends there. Search for a free class of something and maybe you will have something in common with a few people. Good luck and don't give up.

By anonymous at 08,Mar,12 22:26

at least you have a degree. that's better than nothing. you can get a job with a degree even if it's a BS job, just take it.

what are some of your interests and hobbies? go on or other websites and meet people with the same interests as a way to make friends. if nothing else, have you tried joining the social clubs at your local church?

and don't worry, you are not alone. i am in my 20's and don't have any friends either, but i am kinda of a loner so i am ok with it. but it does get lonely sometimes. it will not always be this way. i am sure you will make some friends. good luck.

By anonymous at 09,Mar,12 02:17


I am so sorry you feel so horrible.

I have been there. And still go there sometimes.

I promise, you are not a piece of shit child.

What I hear in your statement is you are part of a group that I and my girlfriend belong to. We are part of the highest 2% of emotionally sensitive people in the world. We accept abuse because we feel like we "should" be able to make others happy and are worthless if we can not.

The truth is that no one can MAKE anyone else happy. It just doesn't work that way.

I am 39. My girlfriend is 22. We don't see the age difference, just the fact that we UNDERSTAND each other and can help each other. Neither of us has a lot of friends as very few people understand where we come from. Her family is abusive verbally (and would be physically, if they could). She has come to terms with the fact that she CAN NOT make them happy if they do not help themselves first.

Is quality more important? Or quantity? Is it better to have a lot of "friends" who don't understand you and you can't count on or one true friend who really understands you? I would go for the one friend every time.

Both my girlfriend and I have been VERY close to killing ourselves. But we found each other. Please hang in there for yourself.

Buddhist wisdom says that nothing is permanent; everything will change. Know that your situation will change.

If you would like to talk further, comment here and I will send you my email. Nothing creepy or weird; I love my girlfriend. Just a friend over the net.

By anonymous at 09,Mar,12 11:49

Life can be very hard sometimes (actually most of the time it's really hard..) but like another person mentioned, and I agree, nothing is permanent and thing always change. You just have to find the strength in yourself to keep going and to keep believing. When I was 22, I was a complete lost soul... it is a difficult age group to go through. Just hang in there, things will get better over time... God is the answer, nothing else matters!

By anonymous at 10,Mar,12 09:28

please don't kill yourself..
talk to somebody...
if you don't have personal friends..
socialize on the internet...
talk to some people...
or chat them....
We have same situation...
I would like hear more from you
here's my email..

By anonymous at 08,Apr,12 12:47

hey, at least you got your mom. I am an unwanted child and have been neglected all over my life.

By Vest HyBridge Lite Men at 10,Sep,14 10:37

Il titolo del post ?provocatorio Questo spiega perch?il governo di Ankara ?dopo aver fatto la voce minacciosa con la Siria. domenica e festivi 12 - 20; luned?chiuso. abbiamo un appuntamento con la storia. le styliste a tenté comme il pouvait de se rattraper : "Ce n'est pas ce que je voulais dire ! Si ottiene subito il con? letti? Non vedo l’ora che mi chiamino e quando mi chiameranno ci andr?. ci sono tutti i presupposti per danni morali e non solo, Guarda:

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