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Posted by anonymous at July 6, 2010
Tags: 2010 July  Philosophical

Not, I just want to say, before I start with my "Story about how life sucks", I want to make it perfectly clear that my problems ARE NOT as bad as other peoples problems. My problems are a tiny, tiny dark pinprick on the stain that is "Life Sucking".

It's not so much a problem, as a "Lost and Confused, seeking Internet help!" type thing. It's mostly just to get it of my chest. I'm 16, Male, and living rather comfortably. Got a roof, got food (If a bit TOO much, if you catch my drift..) fresh water, etc. Semi-loving family, my brother is a dick, but w/e, but beyond that, it's rather....unpleasant.

Call it nit-picking, or somesuch, but I'd say a good portion of the people I know are either incredibly stuck-up, annoying, mopey, and or simply high a good amount of time. Or, in some cases, all of the above. Maybe to others I'm one of these. Maybe most of them. Perhaps all of them.

The small number, the precious, precious few, that don't exhibit such tendencies, at least, in public, are the small group of people I have the pleasure of calling friends. As for the others, I don't say anything TO them about how a few about them, civil discussions, for the most part, but nothing more.

In the common stereotype hierarchy of High-schools, one would classify me, and a good number of my friends as the "Nerds". This automatically puts us at odds with a good number of the other portions of the Hierarchy, specifically the "Higher Ups", the "Jocks" and the "Rich Kids" mostly. "Artsy" to a much lesser extent over a rather embarrassing event that is rather irrelevant. There are exceptions, of course. There are conflicts, small, but numerous. "Oops. I tripped you. Have fun picking up your books, nerd." "Nice clothes, loser." and so on. What makes that last one so confusing is the fact that the High-school I go to has mandatory Dress Code. One conflict, even hourly is manageable, but how about picking up your books 4-5 times between one class, while making your way to your next class? "Hold your books tighter then!" you say? How about being pushed, either outright, or that weird "Crouch behind him, and I'll shove him" trick. That sends books flying. And you can't confront the teachers about any of it. The preps are a close knit bunch. They got alibis for their alibis for everyone they know. Plus they always find out, which is saddening.

Now, life absolutely LOVES misery. It revels is suffering, I find, but it loves one thing more then that. Throwing more misery and suffering onto the pile! Oh yes, if I were to speak to Life, collectively, as some sort of being the conversation would probably go:

"Oh, hey Life, what new? Oh, Michael Jackson's kicked it? Hm. Oh, by the way, what was with that whole 'Toss the Nerd's books around the room, sometimes in the trash, just for fun' thing? That kinda ruined my day." "Oh that? Pssh. That's nothing. Oh, you feel bad now? Ok, how about a large dose of "Love Life" now! Oh yeah, FUCK YOU, FRED. HA HA."

Yeah. Now there's a girl. This is the "Lost and Confused" part. The other part was me just ranting. So yeah. I like his, if not love her. She's Smart, Easy on the Eyes, Funny, etc. Everything a guy like me would want. She MIGHT like me, as she's made allusions to it a few times, but I'm not really sure. I've had girl friends before, that is to say, friends that happen to be girls, and I love them as friends, but not beyond that. I just seem to... lock up when I try to talk to her, can't think of what to talk about, can't really think in general. "Love Struck" I believe the term is...

So, that's A Rant/Plea for help. My life doesn't strictly suck, and I want to remind all of you that my Sorrows are but a TINY, TINY, TIIINY fraction of the pain and suffering of others.

Comments / Ideas / etc

Oh and keep the Trolling to a minimum. I won't even READ the Trolling, so it's pointless to try.


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By anonymous at 14,Jul,10 02:18

forget about the teen love
80% of serious teen relationships don't work. I'm under that 80 and 1/2 a year after the break up has got me from the 'i want to kill myself' stage to the 'fuck it' stage. still not there yet though.
So fall in love, moap around for half a year after the break up and realize woman are the devil.
don't waste your time.

By Tambrey at 26,Nov,11 12:00

Shoot, who would have tohuhgt that it was that easy?

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