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why try

Posted by jennie... at April 28, 2012
Tags: 2012 April  Attitude

anything i do im always super good at it #1 amazing awesome..and i ALWAYS get fucked...bad things always happen to me. its a joke and i cant take it anymore. ive had a super shitty life and ive suffered badly...and now...
any place i work at .. im the #1 sales person and i get treated like shit threatened to be fired etc...or they get rid of me though im weird or i get mistreated. I tried being a model and i got tormented by people and one wants me to succeed and once i start doing really well i get screwed over. my current job....i went from #45 to #2..i was amazing...#1 out of the new hires...amazing sales person...all people at the job did was talk about how good I was and how awesome i was going to be. I was making the company so much money...i was a great employee...i come to work, i get along with people, people like me...however we were on probation and they were getting rid of people. They were getting rid of the BAD sales people...firing people here and there. Everyone said to me-- theres NO way theyre going to fire you...youre SO good..your numbers are SO high...all people at work did was talk about my sales numbers and how good I was..people were jealous too but oh well. this is for a LARGE all they care about are SALES numbers were why they got rid of me and kept peopel whose numbers were WORSE and bad employees too, makes no sense except they were jealous or crazy...and in my case--people are ALWAYS jealous of me or want to get rid of me...but this made NO sense...

seriously ANYTHING i do almsot im amazing at it and all people do is bring me down...its sick...ive also had a horrid life i can't get into and ive suffered so badly...with non-stop injustice oppression persecution sufferign. This job though-- was was showing me-- i was doing AMAZING...making good money..i was SO good... there were other black girl..she is crazy..rude mean obnoxious..all she did was put me down..try to make me look bad..really jealous.....she left work for an hour many times, and was just one knew where she was--(probably fucking a manager so she can keep her job)...she was ghetto trash...mean rude b*tch, horrible person. She cussed managers out, got suspended, she got into fights with people. despite all tehse horrible things..she was STILL employed on probation during a time when other people were getting fired or who nkows what. She could get away with ANYTHING. this was crazy...she cursed managers out and was STILL employed. she was a terrible stupid employee...and why they kept her was confusing...her numbers were HIGH but mine were much HIGHER than hers... they have another b*tch working there who has a mugshot online...and she was arrested for GRAND theft and is working at this crappy stupid company... this company is TERRIBLE. all people kept saying was...dont worry your numbesr are SO high...why would they fire you...don't worry.

so i went into work..and then this rude manager who NEVER talked to me...said he needed to talk to me- and i knew i wasnt about to get hired, but fired. He then said...oh you were doing SO good and you went SO high...but they were letting me go bc/ of "bad attendance" b/c i had many tardies. really? during my reviews--NO ONE told me i had all..they said my attendance was GREAT---how strange of these a**holes to do this to me. They lied to me and lead me on then fired me for a ridiculous reason when i was one of the TOP sales people...crazy sick sh*t. The nasty black girl---she had been LATE 30 minutes MANY times...she cursed people out, she missed days---oh was she fired---NAH. stupid crap sh*t. other new hires....missed days and werent fired. I missed NO days but i was tardy like 2-4 minutes sometimes...and everyone told me its not a big deal b/c we have to take a bus to work so they count that people have to go on the bus. No one even warned me...i find it SO weird and surprising...that someone who is so GOOD a great sales person they just FIRE and someone who is a GOOD honest employee...but they keep criminals and crazy ghetto black b*tches who fight everyone. let's just say that black b*tch was probably doing someone at the company. For me-- this is NOTHING new...i ALWAYS excel in what i do and ALWAYS get punished for doing so makes no sense... i thought you get REWARDED for being good...not punished...but this is all that happens to amazingly good at something and then i get fired or something happens to me or i get warned about things...or put down while EVERYONE else can get away with what they want. All those otehr people who had tardies, one cared about them...they got jobs were hired or who knows what-- but ME? one of the TOP sales people who was talked about so highly by others..get LET go?? I also did this HUGE sale that had never been done before and all people did was talk about it--it was like this legendary sale.. what kind of carzy company gets rid of an honest good employee...and keeps a ghetto black psycho b*tch who causes problems and fights with others---i dont get it?? for me this just showed me that no matter good i do...i ALWAYS get screwed over for it...while others who do WORSE than me...always get the good...its not fair or right...i was the #1 sales person out of like 40 new hires...and i got fired for no good reason and NO warning about tardies so i even knew it was an like why even try doing good.. i get FUKED in ANYTHING I DO NO MATTER WHAT...and i would've made GOOD money at this sales made me almost 5,000 for the month...and i wuold've done better...its just not fair...even the a**hole who fired me said "oh you were doing GREAT"...really??? im SO good...and doing GREAT and u fire one of your TOP sales reps??? stupid sh*tty people out there...f**k life is being PUNISHED for doing good in anything i do while a**holes get away with anything they want...fuk this planet... and this is just ONE situation...i have 100's others and a very sh*TTY life experience ive written about before here...and i tried being a model...AMAZING PICTURES..most people who saw my pictures said...i could be famous i was so good...and my modeling and pictures were amazing..but NO ONE wanted to give me a chance...photographers shunned me and screwed me over...i submitted stuff to playboy and they said the NEXT day wrote to me "youre very beautiful but theres a lot of competition out there."..weird...I was hotter or as hot as any of the playboy models...but that's all people said "there's a lot of competition" but i had people saying i was the hottest woman they had i can be SO amazing...such a good sales great at this and then get FUKED NO MATTER WHAT I DO....ALWAYS FUKED....i hate this planet and humans suck...i bet that rude black b* that job was doing someone...crazy sh*t...this palnet sucks...


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By anonymous at 28,Apr,12 10:16

Whir ru pics?.

By anonymous at 28,Apr,12 13:06

Pic, r u a perv?

By anonymous at 28,Apr,12 18:18

Lol, I can't believe you wrote this.

I'm work for the same company as you, we wanted you gone because you're a crazy elitist nut job.

And by the way, that 'black girl' give the best head. She can take my cock all the way into her mouth and then licks my balls... But fingering my ass was what kept her on the sales team.

By Karam at 29,Apr,12 18:17

Honey, just send them fuck themselves. You know you're great, you are. Life's unfair, people don't care if youre skillful or talented, they just care about their pleasure. I don't know what to say in order to comfort you, I only hope you'll get over it, and find a new job you can feel okey in...

By Psychologist PhD at 01,May,12 17:27

This is true advice from a highly paid psychologist. I'm not trying to impress you, but to impress upon you that this advice is legit. I'm trying to get you to pay attention. I've posted this to many of you, so don't let that lessen the value of these proven techniques.

I'll cut to the chase. The secret to happiness: What you focus on is your reality.

Try this -- Focus on being grateful -- and I don't mean this like a lecturing parent. I say this as a PROVEN THERAPY STRATEGY for souls in pain.

When you feel gratitude, you can't feel anything bad -- it's one of the most pure, happy emotions humans have.

Try this. This sounds really silly, but it WORKS!

Go on you tube and look up Refugee Camps. Watch those videos. In a blink, your troubles are put into perspective.

Then take a moment and just be grateful for everything you have that those pour souls do not. If you focus only on gratitude, watch what happens!

Being grateful is a choice.

No matter what is happening, you can find something to be grateful about. That is the TRUE POWER you have. That is the SECRET TO HAPPINESS.

Try this. Get yourself super grateful, let that feeling take you over -- then go be with people. See what happens. Try this with strangers. See what happens.

Remember, people are like mirrors, they REFLECT what you are projecting. So if you hate yourself, they will pick up that vibe and bounce it back at you. If you project gratitude, that pure beautiful universal emotion will bounce back at you!

Always remember for anything in life -- spend 20% of your energy on the problem, and 80% of your energy on the solution. Stick to this and watch what happens to your life.

Always ask yourself -- "What is my next action?" Your brain will search for a solution.

Your brain's job is to answer your questions. So if you ask your brain a rhetorical question like "Why me?!" The only answer will be "You are worthless, you are cursed!" -- because that was the answer you were looking for -- yes?

WHAT YOU FOCUS ON IS YOUR REALITY. Your brain has no idea what is real or imagined. So if you get hurt once but think about it 1,000 times, your brain suffers it 1,000 times.

I'll prove it to you. Think of the juiciest LEMON you've ever seen. You slice the lemon. It oozes juice. You take the lemon slice and you BITE into it.

What happened? Did you salivate? Because you IMAGINED a lemon in your brain, your BODY REACTED as if it were real. So there is your proof that what you imagine is real.

So thinking about this? If you imagine something horrible happening to you, wouldn't your body think it's real? If you relived a painful situation, wouldn't your body think it's happening again?

Now... if you relive a WONDERFUL MEMORY, wouldn't your mind think you're having another beautiful moment?

So now that you know this, and you still find yourself dwelling on the bad emotions -- it's evidence that you are conditioned to suffering -- because now you have a choice.

This means you have to do some soul searching.

It's time to investigate, face your issues, whatever they maybe. Focusing on wanting friendships, relationships, problems, etc.. is your unconscious need for a distraction from dealing with your repressed pain. People you are with feel the vibe, it's like a radio signal that you can't hide.

It's likely deep seeded self-esteem issues (we all have them).

Be honest with yourself. Read books, or articles online, if seeking therapy is too scary. Self help books on self-esteem.

Focus on the solution, don't dwell on the problem. Burning your energy on the problem will only lead to addiction to depression.

Deal with yourself first, and your true energy will attract the life, the people, the relationship, the things, the love you deserve.


By Dood at 09,May,12 08:17

You're a whiny little bicth aren't you...?

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