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untitled story

Posted by anonymous at April 16, 2012
Tags: 2012 April  Attitude

I live in a rich city in a rich country... my parents are rich, i go to a very expensive private school that i hate, and i still hate my life. I have many "friends" most of them just use me for parties and facebook pictures. I have no one to talk to about my problems and depression, but I have no reason to be sad. I have everything anyone could ever want, but I hate it. I smoke cigarettes because I'd rather just get lung cancer and die than live anymore. I don't deserve anything that I have... why do I get to have all of this stuff and other people who are more deserving have nothing. I don't have any purpose in life, why am I here, I'm just a waste of space. I'm just a self absorbed, stupid little rich girl.


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By anonymous at 16,Apr,12 08:35

Please try and give up smoking, when your life does turn around you won't want repercussions from this bad time of your life in the form of health problems.

No offence here but the biggest thing I hate about privileged individuals is how many go on to live shallow lives with drinking, parties, whining about everything etc. With so many options available you have a real chance to do something amazing in this life, you can literally choose to do whatever you want or become whoever they want to be.

Talking about what you deserve or don't deserve is pointless, what you have and what you will do with it is what matters. So you have a good education? Become a scientific researcher and help develop cures for illnesses, or a writer and write books to help others in your situation. Don't throw away the amazing chance you've been given.

I'm sorry to hear how you're depressed but you need to try and work out the root cause and fix it the best you can. If you feel you have no one to talk about real issues or your problems then try and branch out more and find someone who will listen. Join different clubs or go to different places and keep an open mind, you'll find a lot of people share similar insecurity problems and want someone to talk to, you can still keep your shallow friends who like to party and live shallow lives, but you are capable of making friends with people who have more depth who could help you out.

Just stop the smoking though, it's such a waste.

By anonymous at 16,Apr,12 08:37

Do volunteer work.

By Mister B-Don at 16,Apr,12 11:07

Stop crying. You're in a position where a lot of people would love to be in, and on top of that it just sounds like your ungrateful.
By anonymous at 16,Apr,12 15:44

Money doesn't just make things right. Many people might like to have a lot of money, but objects and happiness are two different things.

By JWee at 16,Apr,12 11:44

i know that happiness does not come from money.
but what if my dreams depends on money. i love travelling. but i cannot afford. i love driving but i cannot afford a car..

its strange that you dont have any friends.real friends i mean. maybe you should try to spend your time in different places where you can meet different ppl. you know while partying i always feel bad. its seems that all fake faces all around me. i started to hate going to the clubs. instead of that i do some running, go to the gym or smth. try to find some hobbies. and start self-realisation.

By JWee at 16,Apr,12 11:45

how old are you by the way?

By anonymous at 16,Apr,12 11:46

fuck you. privileged piece of shit that doesn't know how lucky she is. Hope you lose your wealth, then you'd have real problems. Cunt
By anonymous at 16,Apr,12 15:02

By anonymous at 16,Apr,12 19:45 Fold Up

I couldnt agree more...
By anonymous at 21,Apr,12 23:27

why are you people so mean?
just shut up!

By anonymous at 16,Apr,12 18:02

It just sounds like you feel your life has no purpose. You're asking yourself, "what's the point?" which is a very deep question, actually. Amazing people like Buddha and Ghandi, also rich and privileged, once thought the same things. You seem to realize, even at a young age, that money and privilege don't buy happiness.

So you need to figure out what your purpose is. If you care about anything, any cause, you have a gift to give. Also, perhaps explore your spirituality.
Good luck.

By anonymous at 16,Apr,12 22:06

You have all the resources to make your life fun, exciting and purposeful. Get inspired, do something for others. Do charity work, volunteer, donate money to something that you really believe in. You are so fortunate to be where you are. Go abroad, explore the world. Find something that you want to do, and go for it.

You have the ablilty to do so much with your life.
good luck

By XXXX at 17,Apr,12 04:25

Where is this house? I want to steal your shit spoiled cunt.

By anonymous at 17,Apr,12 22:08

You are me when I was you! Smoking is really hard to quit. I bet your a total fox on top of it too. There is something called idiopathic postprandial syndrome. The way to fix it is to diet properly. It will help you improve your mind. Try reading some books on psychology and pin point the reason for your depression than instantly think of a better time. Save your money and use it for future success. Make a plan till one works and follow your heart.

By anonymous at 21,Apr,12 23:20


you are a sweetheart,

What I would suggest that you do, is find what you are really passionate about and go and do it. You have to stop listening to people around you that you have to be a doctor/accountant/layer etc. The only way to be happy is to try and find what you are truly passionate about and do it (study it, work it, have it as a hobby anything).

The fact that you come from a rich family, look at it as a good thing because you can choose your pathway.

I think the first step here... is to Look for Yourself! Don't blame yourself for anything, don't feel guilty about anything. As long as you know that you are a good person, there is nothing to feel guilty about. Although... Try to find yourself, look deep inside you, and try to find what is that could make you feel better. Helping other people perhaps?

I just want you to know, that every person is different. And maybe people around you are guilt tripping you by saying that other people would wish to have what you have. Although you are an individual, different as everyone and unique. If you cannot see happiness with what is provided to you, there must be a reason, maybe you are more of a humanitarian type of person, maybe you are more of a free spirit.

Money helps, when you don't have it you struggle, but noone says as soon as you have it everything is solved. Try to look at everything from a positive point of view. And all that about rich country/family etc look at it as it can help you achieve what YOU really want to achieve and not other people. Step one... find what really interests you.

When you look inside yourself ... you will know who is really your friend as well, because you know what you value the most and what not.

Hope helped a little bit. x

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