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Posted by strange kid at March 30, 2012
Tags: Anger  Attitude  2012 March

I have nothing but hatred for everone.
(yes i really do, naw only when i look at everyone else and seee what they have done and accomplished. proud of them)
I have anger management problems. Not normal ones though. Their quite strange. Sometimes I get so mad that I just sit there-- shaking, saying in my mind "God kill me now dammit!".
(hmm, i must admit that happens alot but i remind myself that i am ok)
I also tend to get really jealous of people sometimes. I admit it, I have serious issues.
(true true happens to most peolpe well thats what i tell myself but i know tis true)
most people tell me I have too much patience and often comment that they would burst long before I do.
(i guess that is good for the most part, plenty of patience..that is good if i say so myself*smiles*)
I know that I should probably try harder in life, and some of my problems are my own fault, but its just so hard. I see all these different people in this world, and no one seems to want to get along with each other. Most people seem to enjoy contributing to this endless cycle of hate and pain, which really makes me sad
(well, everyone goes through their own sort of pain and everyone suffers in their own way, right? so really, doesnt make me sad)
if he or she fails, they try again, no matter what, no matter how many times. And so I think to myself, why do I still do nothing. Or rather, why don抰 I change something. While knowing that talking about all of this will get me nowhere. And the dissatisfaction that I have with myself, why don抰 I change? Why am I still standing still, in the same place, repeating this over and over again. How low should I sink before I actually do something? I guess people like me realise things at the very end.
(uhhh.. i am trying at least still in school so theres plenty of time to do something, spend time with family and firends, badger them with questions aboout life and their life stories, then i realize i have it lucky then them...then anybody i guess.. *laughs* weeell, not THAT great but good nevertheless)
Every single one of you fuckers are nothing but dumbass pieces of shit. I'll never be fucking happy and I've accepted that but goddamn on a firey cross why do I have to be surrounded by fucking morons who don't know their dick from their elbow? putting on a fake little show for everyone, pretending to be happy, giving fake smiles to everyone. I felt like some pathetic puppet, saying what everyone wanted to hear. Really though, I was dying inside.I WISH I COULD JUST GET A GUN AND KILL EVERY ONE.
(woah!! calm down! man, thats what ur all thinkin right?*smiles* dont worry i never get mad at anyone even if nicole(my friend) talks behind my back i dont care but alyssa, emma, alysha and paige tell me to stand up to her and tell her off or whatever but hey, everyone talks behind others back not me though, it makes me feel guilty and i have to apologize*laughs* i hate to be angry)
I know I need to get away from these negative thoughts and go along with what I have now but I still cannot ignore the fact that the "volcano" will be erupt inside of me soon enough.(this again...umm, like i said plenty of patience and always forgive people too much)
thats it for now, well i think most of u are gonna post some rude comments like for example,
"You are a fucking moron dude. Just sayin. You sound like a broken record of fucktardation. you contradict yourself. you say you dont fuck with people you dont want friends or any shit like that but you want love. you are fucking idiot and I can only hope that you dont ever multiply because I would feel so sorry for any possible kids that you would ever're obviously not going to find love when you have a I hate everything and everybody fuck you fuck this fuck every fucking thing in existance attitude. you're a fucking little cry baby"
whatever but hey i am nice and a bit too qieut9is that how u spell it) oh well bye and have a nice day oh another i am only 15 so take it easy with the rude comments... what the heck? go nuts it will be funny to read it!! *smiles and waves bye* bye!


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By at 30,Mar,12 21:03

Good day ole chap!! Yes, it is my belief that you should indeed grab a rusty pair of sheep shears, and stab yourself multiple times in the name of the Queen. You pathetic sperm filled jamrag!!!! No one likes you, not even your mum who gets four shilling for a reach a round. To hell with you american maggot! Are you by chance colored? Or a midget? Go eat a bowl of steaming brown trout you fucking slag! God save the Queen
By anonymous at 31,Mar,12 13:47

Nyz 1 mercy i like ur comment
By Strange Kid to Mercy at 02,Apr,13 20:01

Spermfilled jamrag? In the name of the Queeb who stabs herself multiple times while a midget fucks a her royal horse in public.
The ole chap, the Queens concubine is too busy cleaning her shit off the royal walls... The Queens mom is on the streets selling herself for four shillings as the american maggot swims inside her stomach, desroying her insides slowly, making her bleed out of her pussy for SEVEN days, as she walks around topless with her baggy ass boobs flopping as it reeks of a dead ass carcass!
To hell with the mentally challenged Queen who bless the Devil as she spreads her leg, begging for the devil to fuck her pussy, to cum inside her as she screams out "God Fuck Me!"
In the grand diner outside the town there lies a nice bowl of steaming brown trout on the counter.
Who would eat this? Why its the most well known person ever!
He gobbles down the trout laughing at everything and eveyone repeatedly saying "God Save The Queen!" when in fact she is getting fucked by the Devil! *Gasp*
Mercy ignorant to the fact that the brown trout is rotten and moldy as he swallows it, feeling it slide down his throat as the trout travels through his stomach and intestine.. Smearing and latching itself to the fleshy walls of the intestines.
Still mocking and throwing insults at everyone Mecry suddenly clutches his stomach, groaning and whining as he travels toward the whore house..
Where he promptly fucked the Queens mom sucking on her baggy tits as yellow milk fills his mouth before the Ole chap comes in and fucks him before filling his ass up with jizz!

Lol, I hope you loved this Mercy! I did it to the very best of my ABILITY!! XD
Hmm, I am a native.. Does that help? Or who knows, I could be white, black, yellow or maybe just a mix ;)
It is your turn to come up with the reply! Busy with Highschool so yeah, hope we become good buddies! :3

By Truth at 30,Mar,12 23:52

I know what you mean, kid
(kill the little douche backflow mancunt)
Life can be hard sometimes
(even though it's probably a fucking breeze for you, the shitbird crybaby)
I can empathize with you though
(fuck that, I want to beat the living shit out of you with an old loaf of artisan bread from the dumpster at save-u-mart)
Someday a girl will want to make a real man out of you
(no she won't , instead she'll look at his 2 inch mushroom and piss herself from laughing so hard, then she'll have to go home and flick the bean and think about justin beiber)
I'll be your friend
(OH HOLY FUCK no you will NOT! Ypu will punch this little pre-fag so hard in the nutsack that his shoe size increases by two)

(Piss off Gimpy Doug, no one will ever like you)
By at 31,Mar,12 16:06

May I say, Truth old chap.....YOUR FUCKING EH RITE!!!!!!
By Strange Kid to Truth at 02,Apr,13 20:19 Fold Up

Lol, split personality! Never seen one before maybe you can help me out? I need to figure out how to scare away that big boob chick -_-"
(She is fucking Emo! Cuts literary cover every inch some of her skin!)
So mind helping a poor fellow out? You twisted fuck?
(Holy shit! I never meant to hit her! She is just so FUCKED UP IN THE HEAD!! Hold on, i didn't hit her...)
Maybe you and me can go on a rant? Kill those who dare try to take us down?
(Fuck that shit, i would instantly sell you out! Who gives a shit about a man that has to be a pedophile! O.O!)
Lol, well have a good day! ^-^
Maybe we can become Friends? Or not, depends on you though :3

By anonymous at 31,Mar,12 10:04

Be proud that you stick to your morals, trust yourself, be honest and truthful and do the things that make you happy, no matter what anyone else thinks. Know that you live in reality, no-one wants to hear the truth, they fear it. People see that the truth hurts, so they lie, what they don't see is that lies destroy lives.
By anonymous at 02,Apr,13 20:44

Heh, thanks! I guess I should be proud of myself but its pretty damn hard to when society just keeps getting more messed up and cruel :/
I have few friends who like my personality in general but hey, I am still young and trying to find my place in this world be it a big role or a insignificant one all that matters is that I support my young siblings as they grow up and protect them with my life...
Sounds cheesy I know but its the honest truth ^-^

By at 01,Apr,12 05:49

15, wow.. that sucks.. I hate the fact that you are 15 and have your whole life ahead of you.
By Strange Kid to 01 at 02,Apr,13 20:31

I am 16 now and in grade 10! I do struggle still with people who surrounds themselves with lies and deceit as they cower in fear of truly showing themselves..
Its get pretty damn tiring to have to deal with people who steal and crave attention, drugs, alcohol, or anything in general. They try so hard to climb to the top not caring if they ruin other peoples lives in the process as long as they reach that dream, that goal that has mocked them, taunt them as they scrambled towards it.
Or maybe that single substance that they need to get their fix to calm their nerves as their body starts relaxing before starting it up all over again.
I have more to say but then it would seem like I am just whining and crying, for some odd reason -_-"
But I am trying my hardest to pass highschool and get into collage and finally University :D
Damn, its tough! Lol, I am taking responsibility for once! Now how long would it last, i wonder...
What do you think?

By Mike at 23,Jun,12 19:55

i completely understand you man
By Strange Kid To Mike at 02,Apr,13 20:36

Thanks! I don't have many friends or people who understand me truly :]
But knowing I have at least someone who understands I can relax a bit before that loneliness feeling comes back again -_-"
Anywho, I sincerely hope your day is going ok! :)
(or great, wonderful depends on how ur day is!)

By Mike at 23,Jun,12 19:55

i completely understand you man

By anonymous at 13,Aug,12 00:29

And one more comment. I hate people in general. I live in an impersonal shithole suburb. People are selfish and dont care about others. Its a place of alienation. Impersonal and dehumanizing. I dont give a shit. I dont care about my " neighbors" and I dont care what people do. Never ever. Fuck this society and fuck humanity. Its a lost cause. The world would be better without any people.

By anonymous at 01,Sep,12 18:16

and I have one more comment to all you dirtbags who harassed me. I say FUCK YOU ASSHOLES.

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