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I Smell Like Sh*t

Posted by Smelly Girl at January 31, 2012
Tags: Health  2012 January

I keep reading other people's stories as how they think they have it bad, but I would trade with them in an instant. My life sucks big time because I smell like shit. Imagine people covering their nose and turning away as soon as you get close to them. That's my life everyday. I have no friends because no one wants to be friends with the "smelly girl". I'm in college now and am seriously thinking of dropping out because no one talks to me. I've heard people in my dorm talking about how I smell bad and it just makes me want to kill myself. This problem started about two/three years ago when I took birth control pills my feet kept sweating. I don't take them anymore, but my feet smell terrible when I wear shoes and ever since then, my life has become a living hell, no joke. I have tried everything and nothing helps. People in high school hated me and on one wanted to me my partner or sit next to me. I also have really bad breath that people says smells like poop. I can't talk to anyone without them making an "ewww" face. People can smell it when I sit next to them because the smell comes out my nose--its that bad! I feel like I have no future because I am failing school since I am scared to go to class and I can't sit next to people without them them gagging. The boy who I had to sit next to in lab kept saying, "Oh my god, it stinks in here" every time I got close to him. So basically I'm going to fail college and I won't be able to get job because no one is going to hire someone that smells bad and has no degree. I have no hope of a relationship at all (I'm ugly anyway) and probably won't have any friends unless they have anosmia (not being able to smell). Even my dad and my sister asked me if I brushed my teeth or washed my feet. At least if you don't smell bad you can still have a relationship it people. WIth my problem, people don't want to be near me! My life sucks! Be thankful you don't smell bad its a terrible curse to have! Fuck life! I will trade with ANYONE!!!


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By anonymous at 14,Feb,12 22:51

Is this true? Why don't you go to the doctor to find out what it is? Seems fixable.

By anonymous at 14,Feb,12 23:44

foot infection, go to a doctor, mouth smells bad, go to a dentist, get a cleaning and your cavities fixed. Use a tongue scraper and Listerine. Brush often. Wear perfume and deodorant. Bathe often. Brush often.

By anonymous at 15,Feb,12 03:23

it's not a hygiene thing, i'm sure that she has tried everything that falls into regular everyday basic hygiene. at this point, simple hygiene would only be masking an underlying issue......but i believe think in your case medical attention is necessary....... food collects in the folds of EVERYONE'S tonsils, there it will stagnate and give people very strong rotten breath.......have your tonsils removed, it's a fairly simple outpatient surgery. (blame it on you ALWAYS having a sore throat, this will be grounds for removal)......of course floss everyday, but also buy a waterpick to flush bewteen your teeth to remove bacteria left behind from flossing......
also, once the tonsils are out and your throat is fully healed, you'll want to flush your entire system....i would like you to look into doing a 3 day "juice only" fast..(add some water, but mostly juice) won't die, tomato based V8 drinks, most 100% fruit juices, and other similar products are very nutritious.....2-3 DAYS ONLY......after a short fast, you can begin to eat solid foods again, but i would recommend you drinking between 8-12 full glasses of water a day....i would simply jog for 10-20 mins in the morning(preferably) to sweat out all of the toxins your body has accumulates overnight.


you can discuss all of these suggestions with your doctor to be sure :)
By anonymous at 16,Feb,12 11:51

great advice!
By anonymous at 16,Feb,12 21:27 Fold Up


By anonymous at 15,Feb,12 07:54

a waterpick is an excellent tool.....basically, if anyone wakes up with the infamous "morning breath", it's because they're not flossing then flushing with a waterpick inbetween their teeth well enough before going to bed......this is a hotspot for bacteria and the main cause for molar decay.....

an ear/nose/throat specialist can temporarily remove the stagnate, sulfurous smelling particles in the throat through will return in time, they are known as tonsilloliths......everyone has them, it's as natural as the sun rising, so don't worry OP......just see a specialist and you'll be feeling wonderful in no time

go to google images and search "tonsil stones"

By anonymous at 15,Feb,12 08:19

honey, calm down.....don't give up on college, it will literally haunt you for the rest of your days.....the people here have gave you some wonderful suggestions, please look into them.......i doubt you are "ugly", think about it.....there are simply some speedbumps in the way of you building your confidence back......eliminate those speedbumps, an earlier comment said it right, people don't stink, it's simply BACTERIA.....when someone's underarms smell, it's from tiny bacteria feeding on the sweat.....that's why most deodorant has an anit-persirant property, to keep you from sweating.....find the source of the odor causing bacteria and you'll be home free!!!

By anonymous at 16,Feb,12 11:49

You need to see a specialist doctor. They are TRAINED for this type of infections and bacteria. Over the counter stuff helps but won't cure what a doctor will cure. Please heed my advice. Also, cut odorous foods from your diet, like onions.

By anonymous at 25,Feb,12 13:00


By anonymous at 07,Mar,12 20:36

Good luck with going to see a doctor. Most of the time they claim they cant smell anything and will get you to go see a shrink.

I have the same problem as you but have no idea where the smell is coming from. You need to change your diet. Cut out dairy, red meat and junk food with too much sugar. Drink heaps of water and exercise. Take zinc and magnesium. Also probiotics will help with the bad breath. And make sure you buy a tongue scraper, because that is one of the biggest sources for your bad breath. You could also take anti fungal pills - like grapefruit tablets or grapeseed tablets. Because you could have candida.... or TMAU.

I also am finding it hard to go to college. This semester I have not been to one class. I see all the people that are going into the room and turn around and leave. Its like humiliation each and every day. People on the bus rides home and to school who I have to sit next to are always coughing or sneezing or breathing really obviously like they are in pain. I want my degree so fricken badly, but I have seen doctors before and they had no answers. I am a super sensitive person with low self esteem, so any reaction people give to my smell makes me break down.

I try to stick to the diet but am so depressed I just want to eat bad food. There are also times when I try starving myself.

My breath smells the same as yours, but I can not tell if it is the main source of my problem....

Try to hang in there, think of the small positive things in your life. Mine is my family. If you can, try to stick to college. Im going to try and go to my classes.
By anonymous at 07,Mar,12 20:48

also to the people who vote its not really that bad, screw you. Its basically living in isolation and going through life without making any relationships. You have your family, but what happens when your parents pass and your brothers and sisters move on?

You have no friends, nobody wants to be your boyfriend, which leads to - no husband - no children. You cant stay in school without being humiliated every day and treated like shit. That leads to no degree - no job - no money.

For some people there is no cure to their b.o issues, because its not simply "bacteria on your skin blablabla". If you have TMAU your pretty much screwed.

By anonymous at 18,Mar,12 04:32

there is no way on hell that birth control pills will make you stink like that. it's completely unheard of. brush your teeth.bathe properly, and use deodorant and I dont see you having these issues.

By at 11,Apr,12 01:04

i dont think you should worry about how you smell. honestly i beleive it doesnt matter how good or bad someone smells i beleive the most important part of a person is the heart not the smell. i have a friend who stinks really bad her breath has litterally killed bugs and withered flowers and much more her feet have killed things because of how bad they smell and her underarms have killed things just because of how they smell and her farts are highly deadly too.. her smell pretty much kills.. and i honestly love her to death i dont care how bad she smells she will still get hugs and cuddles from me.. so just wait there is atleast one person out there who will love you stinky or not c:

By anonymous at 02,May,12 14:44

First of all, you mentioned not one time that you actually, brush, bathe, or tried any breath mints. You need to see a dentist if you already haven't for your breath odor. And as for body odor, there are special soaps and powders you can use, as for foot odor, try not to wear socks doing the summer as it can cause them to sweat, or try foot powders also. You just have to see a specialist if this keeps on going.
By anonymous78_12 at 06,Dec,12 14:13

I am sure any human being takes care of his/her hygiene. I am sure because I have had the same problem for long time.Thanks

By anonymous78_12 at 06,Dec,12 14:03

I have this curse too and I have lost the feeling of being alive. I quite going to college -I was studying physical therapy- which I recommend you girl not to do ,please.Now, I am broke ,dont associate with people,dont have a job, dont have a girlfriend. I dont know whatelse to do because I have done everything to treat this illness; I went to preachers to pray for me , I went to at leat 6 professional famous dentists in USA and Africa, I went to 2 ENT spcialists , gasterologist, I had done CAT scan and endoscopy on stomach, I have done CAT scan on liver.All with no help . I have been fighting this curse for 16 years without least improvement,and now I am 34 years old.I tell you a story happened while I was on the plane 4 weeks ago[ two ladies were sitting by my wanted to change thier seats because of my halitosis but they changed thier mind for respecting my race - I never blame them but I cant kill myself. Please girl never give up education.
By anonymous at 18,Dec,12 16:42

I think but no sure that the fucking god wants to get rid off his own evil so he let curses occur.Making angels fail to carry some of his darkness , letting Adam and Eve follow satan so the carry some of his shit which we inherited.That is why we have diseases by many many ways.

By citrusny at 08,Dec,12 14:57

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By anonymous at 18,Dec,12 16:45

God created flowers and created the shit , how crazy and stupid he is.

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