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Im thru with life

Posted by Joel at August 12, 2010
Tags: Attitude  2010 August

I'm 38 was brought up in pretty good family not real close knit. But had 2 supporting parents. I've always struggled with depression at least twice a week, suicidal thoughts. Never spoke to anyone about it, keep it bottled up inside. Tried depression medication before but never really helped. I have a 20 yr old daughter and she's the ONLY reason I don't end it all. Have very few happy moments in life but i always seem to fall right back into my slump. Really wish i would just not wake up everyday, get no satisfaction outta life. My depression has held me back in life with any career or relationship. Now I've recently screwed up most of my friendships and am becoming a loner and have been googling different sites for easy suicide solutions and I'm believe now I'm trying to reach out to anyone who will listen. But I really just want my LIFE over with.


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By anonymous at 23,Aug,10 00:16

Have it the same way, but I'm way younger.
But don't kill yourself

By anonymous at 23,Aug,10 04:17

You do realise those you talk about suicide never do it, right? You don't want to die, otherwise what are you waiting for? If you really wanted to do it you would. And all this bullshit about your daugther being the only reason why you don't do it is just another excuse...

Got it?
By anonymous at 24,Aug,10 06:37

@anonymous why are people coming on to this site to slag off depressed people? If your happy with your life why are you here?
By anonymous at 25,Aug,10 00:07

thanks for your support. some people do understand talking about it helps.

By anonymous at 24,Aug,10 13:18

I know how you feel. Exactly. I have the pills and wine ready to go. Just getting affairs in order, have the date set, place and time. The funny thing is, people are noticing that I "must be doing much better!" Lol. See ya on the flip side!

By anonymous at 24,Aug,10 23:35

At very least, don't commit suicide just to not give life the last laugh. Depression is so hard: see your doctors more, tell them the medication is not working, explore every option. I only considered suicide as a serious thought once, when I recently hit rock bottom, but there's always reason to at least go down with a fucking fight and makes some noise.
By Joel at 25,Aug,10 00:04

thanks for your words of encouragement. atleast someone sees me for a person insearch of intellegent advise. I'm just lost and lookin for a friendly outlook on life. thanks

By anonymous at 27,Aug,10 16:58

Hang in there. You are a child of God and He loves you more than you understand. Things will get better. It's always darkest before the dawn. Pray to God for peace and comfort. He will answer your sincere prayer. Pray believing in God and His answers.

By anonymous at 29,Aug,10 17:44

Yeah. Life sucks. And what's worse is that committing suicide seems like a really, really wonderful option if there really WEREN'T any repercussions afterward . . . but, well . . . it seems there are.

It seems that this life is an otherworldly maximum security prison. We here on earth are all (or at least most of us seem to be) prisoners . . . We did something wrong prior to coming here, and so just as you break a law on earth and you get thrown in jail, when you break a law in the spiritual real, you get sent to jail as well . . . except jail in the spiritual real is called "Earth" . . . or at least Earth is ONE of what I'm sure are many, many "prison planets" designed for souls that have been imprisoned for one reason or another. Just like an earthly sentence, you just have to serve your time. Unlike an earthly sentence, however, you can't "break out" of this jail. You HAVE to serve your time - and the sooner you get on with it, do it, and finish it, the sooner you'll be out of this hell hole.

Best of luck. Life sucks.

By anonymous at 13,Sep,10 02:39

Hi there, I would like to sincerely suggest to you to REALLY go to a psychiatrist not psychologist(lenghty etc) and get on a good ANTI-depressent ASAP!

Nothing wrong with you, your brain isnt making serotonin and THIS is why you are sad and feel defeated etc all the time.

I WAS in your shoes years ago and I went to a psychiatrist and got on celexa and I feel NORMAL AND NOT DEPRESSED!!!

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