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why bother.

Posted by fws at March 31, 2012
Tags: Attitude  2012 March

I am a fat worthless piece of shit. there is absolutely nothing redeeming about me and everyone in my life reminds me of that. The only reson i dont kill myself and get it over with is because i have a 2 year old who depends on me. No matter what i do i am never good enough for anyone. The man i have been with for 4 years treats me like such dirt and takes special care to remind me how worthless i am. I was molested at a young age and have trust issues. I have no friends, no love and i cant even kick him out because i will lose the roof over my head if i do. I just want it all to end and i want to disappear because I think everyone would be better off without me. I want to beleive in god but how can life be this hard? I get that he wouldnt do it if i couldnt handle it but why is it so damn hard? i just want the pain and worthless feelings to go away.


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By allen from cranston at 30,Mar,12 20:53

Why dont you take your kid and go to a womens shelter? At least they have counselors who could help you through the massive baggage of shit that you have been carrying for so long. I think that if you get your stupid ass out of there, then there will be people there that can help. Oh yeah, when you leave the situation go on a fucking atkins diet, get a vaginaplasty, and prove to everyone that you are better than them. I hope my kind words have helped and made your shitty day no so fucked up. And if your ever up in cranston, come see me, I work at the Holiday car wash, I am the head vaccum guy.
By anonymous at 30,Mar,12 21:19

You are an idiot. Ignore him but please seek help if not for your sake than your child. Do you really want your child around all this.

By anonymous at 30,Mar,12 21:20

I meant Allen was the idiot.....was in ur situation and I love supporting myself and my kids..,.

By anonymous at 30,Mar,12 21:32

Take it from someone who's been there you're not worthless. Do you really want your 2 year old growing up in this situation? i had a friend give me some advice that hurt to hear but in the long run it was worth it. She said to me "Anna get youre ass off this couch! Youre life sucks that's not news. Stop feeling sorry for yourself its pathetic. Go out there and get a job even if u only get paid two dollars an hour and do us all a favor nd throw out the lemon ice (i never liked chocalete). Lily (my daughter) needs her mom so start acting like one." i was stunned that someone i thought was my friend said something that hurt me so much. But she was right. i moved into her house with my daughter and got a job. i'm saving up to get my and lily our own place. Life is still hard and i sometimes feel like curling up and dying but then i think about LIly and it helps me pull through.

By anonymous at 30,Mar,12 23:39

Life does suck but don't let them fool you into thinking you are the problem. Life is hard--- no question. But you are no less or more than they are. You have a place in this life. You may not know your place right now but you r here for a reason. Life is full of a future with hope. A day can make a difference.

By Truth at 30,Mar,12 23:45

If you kicked him out, why wouldn't YOu have a roof over your head? It seems to me that HE would no longer have the roof over his head.
Anyway, I digress..I was talking to god today, and asking him about you. I asked and asked and asked, and then he said...

...nothing which usually means "Hey, quit asking about the tundra beast on earth. Lets talk about anything but (tundra beast on earth) that. But I wanted an answer from god, but I got nothing.

Jesus told me to go fuck myself, probably because I went around him to god. Jealous kike motherfucker.

So, I guess if I were you I would probably try to lose at least some of my "gunt" , which is what fat ladies have which is part cunt and part gut. It's like frontbutt, except lower. No one likes gunt because it makes your clothes fit badly, and also once i read in the national inquiry that this gal lost a grilled cheese sammich in there, and then her boymanfriend would be like, hey , this isn't the normal cheese smell...this smell in more like processed cheese food smell. Oh's jizz pouch, guess I'll fuck it!

and then the grilled cheese sammich stays there for some other time. Don't ever think about wating it if you find it though, it'll be like a blut, which is a dead duck egg that some jap buries until its so rotten it kills the poison from the bacterioles in it but it still tastes like turd.

Only Japs like that.
By justme at 31,Mar,12 04:26

Truth, lovely as usual. However just a small correction: I believe it is called balut, not "blut". Still a very disgusting amuse bouche, judging by the look of it... Asians are known for their challenging gastronomical preferences, so let us refrain from (openly) mocking them. I suggest you make up for that by photoshopping a picture of KotaKoti eating a balut.

By SoCal at 31,Mar,12 00:24

Good grief, where to start...lets see, "allen from cranston", what a fucking loser you are! And you are proud of being "the head vacuum guy"? Mind you it probably works for you, after all I bet that vacuum hose is the only sex you ever get.

Ignore "The Truth", right now he is probably beating off knowing hes been a "real man" by writing a mean comment, again, another loser who never gets any sex.

So fws, what to should you do? Only worry about the things you can change, which means nothing in the past, that is already dead and gone, so move on and stop bringing it up, it solves nothing and causes hurt.

As for the "man" you live with, you are not dependent on him, he has only been around 4 years, so time to start planing the next stage in your life, because trust me, he needs you more than you need him, thats why he uses you as a verbal punching bag! Real men don't need to insult or control their partner.

So you have to work out how are you going to keep a roof over your head once you kick him out, yes it's that simple. It could be get a second job, work from home, find a smaller cheaper place, whatever it takes, but life is to short to put up with shit just because the people around you are assholes, find better people to be around. They are out there, you just need to look for them.
By anonymous at 31,Mar,12 01:08

It just kinda seems as if you're a little confused over your own sexuality. IDK, but your insults just came off as somewhat gay. Sorry if that's not really the case.
By anonymous at 01,Apr,12 00:13 Fold Up

On point!

By anonymous at 31,Mar,12 02:49

I'm sorry that you hate your life. I hate my life as well. But thing I will tell you is there are others who have it a million times worse than you and I. I have been watching a lot of documentaries lately of people in third world countries and what they have gone through, but they still have HOPE. I have tried to put myself in their position and I concluded that I would have died a long time ago. These are people who have been abused and tortured, and live in caves with no food, heat, warm clothing and a whole lot more. VERY SAD AND PAINFUL!

My dear if you hate your body weight you need to start doing something about it because complaining isn't going to make the weight go away. And you should not allow another person to abuse and make you miserable. I made a vow that I will never be in a relationship I am not happy simply because i want to have someone in my life. I neither have a boyfriend nor friends and I am lonely. But i would rather have it that way that to have fake friends or a man who is going to make me feel worse. Life is hard already and I don't need anyone to me it harder. There comes a point in life when you have to take a stand for yourself and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I beseech you in Jesus' name to take that stand now and start working for a better future for yourself and your child. Cast all your burdens unto God and ask Him to give you the grace and strength to overcome. I do that at it does help. Find a home church to go to and try to make friends there because the people there are not going to judge you based on your physical appearance but based on your inner beauty and that's what you need. You are blessed. God bless you.

By anonymous at 31,Mar,12 04:43

Play some GTA and kill him, then steal a car, then go get some sleep. Seriously wtf girl are you idiot they have assasins give some money to them and let the niggaz kill himm yooooooooooo
By anonymous at 31,Mar,12 23:27

wtf are you saying? You probably have no idea that this site is not for fucking lowlife nigger like you who sits around all day playing GTA then whines like a baby if he gets busted. Get a life, you twerp.

By anonymous at 31,Mar,12 05:10

what's so bad about your situation.. you have a child...youre lucky...there are people who are single without anyone and childless and hate their lives. you're blessed with a have a husband/significant other...or boyfriend ...if he puts you down well again there are guys who are 1000 times worse than that...theres nothing that bad abotu that---thats not to say you should put up with it but youre not that bad off. You're never good enough for anyone...err...says who..sounds liek self esteem issues... your situation is not that sound like most complaining people who just complain for the hell of it... stop whining about having self esteem issues...from some bad experiences...there are women who get beat, raped, shot, killed, tortured...people with no kids, single people just alone forever, there are people whose lives are destroyed by others....youre just whining and complaining b/c youre depressed... your life isn't that bad...wake up and get a clue...and stop bitching about nothing....erally suffer then have something to complain about

By anonymous at 31,Mar,12 05:13

Hi fws. You seem to have gotten a lot of responses, some genuine but others from complete jerks. I really don't know what to say that can help you, but just know you are not the only one who suffers in life. There are parts of my life that I also wish would change, but I do what I can. Take good care of your child because he needs you, stay healthy for him if not for yourself. There are folks like me that are cheering for you.

By anonymous at 31,Mar,12 14:51

Life is short, you never know what tomorrow will bring... Leave him and save ur child..

By anonymous at 01,Apr,12 21:26


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