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pushen against the prick.

Posted by maori nz at January 29, 2010
Tags: January 2010  Loneliness  Racial

well my shit isent like your shit but it is shit i know!!!.ummm wea to start,im 36 right now and all my family is plastic fucken shit no nathing only wen some one has got something they your best mate but wen you got jack theyll no me wen im dead,they right from wen i can first remember,no one liked me!! and i know it wasent in my head,it was my skin colour,but i got past that shit.i am a good person was broght up like that to respect your alders an athers, to speck with respect to all!!!what aloud of fucken fucken shit all the beattings i took and all the shit i went throuw.from all these fucken asshole, i had respect ,fuck they suck those cunts!!!!!,i was 14 just out of the nappy fighting men.they dont fuck with me now.i got one eye two fucked rest and fuck hands and fingers a fucked shoulder two fucked nees backs fucked all from fucken fighting scard to the helt dont need tats.i think im fucken ugly im getting fucken old,who the fuck is going to want my fucken ass,just found out that the mother to my kids went with my hafe bro,riped my fucken hart out,wen i rang the bro to ask him about it, he said!yea and what you going to do about it,an a hole lot of family have all gone to oz and im left behind,ive lost my family miss them very much an becouse ive got kids is becouse im still alive right now!!f i dident i would check out,.to some.i no its abit of weak story,but thea is more to my shit then what i have put here,been on the end of a rope pulled my self back up becouse of one person that did love me,my mother,dident want her crying over my shit,i was 14 at the time.wish its not to late to meet a girl that likes me 4 me.its been two years havent been with anther girl havent seen my kids,fuck this shit sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.


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By anonymous at 29,Jan,10 21:27

I'm sorry but i could barely understand anything, i stopped reading after the first few sentences becuase i just do not get this new generation of half-english. I would help if i understood it. :(

By anonymous at 31,Jan,10 03:33

Why cant black people speak english? maybe if you didnt act like apes, people would respect you.
By anonymous at 16,Feb,11 17:55

you strike me as quite prejudiced. An ape could perhaps explain the theory of quantum mechanics or the infinitesimal calculus to a cunt of your proportions, though the soggy do in your smug money-ridden skull would be the flabby to receive even the smallest dose of wisdom.

By anonymous at 31,Jan,10 04:19

your an idiot

By anonymous at 31,Jan,10 14:14

Do you speak and write English. No offense but you must be a Japanese or Korean that used Google Translate for your post.
Also, individual paragraphs do help.
Finally, what was your problem? Was it being incoherent all the time?
If so, STAY IN SCHOOL and man-up in classes, because you are seriously future homeless if you don't.

By anonymous at 06,Mar,10 09:48

I posted this rant in an Ebonics translator. This could not be translated to English. The translator software told me it was not written in Ebonics, it was written in Moron.

By anonymous at 27,Mar,10 19:01

I can see a future in fry making ahead for you. You will be able to buy more crack and fry more brain cells. Go to school moron.

By anonymous at 29,Mar,10 10:00

I read your article, and I can see the pain coming out of you. But there are a few advantages you have: 1. You have spirit and the will and desire to change. To get out of the situation you are in. 2. You love your kids, and are willing do anything to be with them. You are in a low point in your life. The one way to get out of a low point is a Good Education. The more Educated you are, the more doors to opportunities open up to you. You had to fight all your life. If you can use that fighting spirit and energy to educate your mind, you will be much better off. Talk to an education counselor. Get your GED, and go on to a junior college. If you do not know what you want to do, take the "Strongs Interest Inventory Test". It will show you where your likes, dislikes, and strengths are. Challenge yourself to move beyond your current situation. YOU CAN DO IT !!!!

By anonymous at 23,May,10 10:14

ebonics,ape,moron?he might be illiterate,but he is trying to get help,not more racist slurs.pls dont add to his injury if you cant understand him or help him.

By anonymous at 20,Aug,10 23:41

U know wat thing faluckem all fight to the end!!!! Haha

By anonymous at 28,Oct,10 18:11

You people are the idiots. His I'd says maori NZ He is from new Zealand or just speaking in a different dialect. Now don't you feel like asshats?

By anonymous at 04,Sep,11 13:51

hey dude, i know wat ur saying. just fuck'em. do ur own thing, i had the same thing. life is lonely and only wat u make of it.

By Marcela at 30,Jun,12 00:00

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By take a look at it! at 24,Oct,13 17:24

Pcsayi I value the post.Really looking forward to read more.

By matzcrorkz at 03,Aug,14 22:46

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By crorkz at 05,Aug,14 00:22

EImtVi A round of applause for your article post.Really thank you! Will read on...

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