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Waiting to leave this world.

Posted by anonymous at December 27, 2009
Tags: Attitude  December 2009  Philosophical

I've realized life sucks, a lot. I would have ended it already, but I have people who still likes me, even if I haven't done much in my life (I'm not in school anymore and I don't have a job...). I just don't want them to have the pain I go trough. But I don't feel any motivation of living, I'm just waiting and waiting... Maybe for an accidental death, that way it wouldn't be my fault.

I've lost interest in almost anything. There's a few things I still like to do, but that's not much.Life is still boring with all these things. I'm sure I'll never meet love, but I don't really care. I would have to change to do so and lie about things I like and hate. Because I doubt I will meet a girl who shares the sames interests as I do.

There's nothing else in this world for me. I've seen everyting I wanted to and most of times it's just "more of the same". I'm 20, I hope I won't reach 25, even 21 for that matter.

I could go on and on and say many other things, I have a text saved on my computer with over 6000 words telling how my life sucks but I won't paste it here, since it's in french and way too personnal. But sometimes I hope someone in my family find it randomly.


Similar Entries:
my life sucks May 9, 2011
untitled story April 19, 2010
Untitled September 8, 2010
So close but so far November 11, 2010
Life January 22, 2012

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By hope at 27,Dec,09 08:56

It's hard to find the words to make you feel better because I know what it is to lose interest in anything, I'm only 19 (and I'm french, sorry for the mistakes) but I try to convince me that everything is still possible. Waiting is not a solution, you're sure that nothing good can happen to you but you seem to know why your life sucks so if you feel negatively about something, change it!! don't wait for this, do it yourself! If you don’t know what to do to correct your situation, just do something different than what you’re already doing because you know it doesn't work, you have nothing to lose!

I know it's easier to say than to do and you may not fix everything overnight, but try! Keep hoping!

By anonymous at 27,Dec,09 13:25

If you really don't have any interests in life then its hard for any of us to tell you that its going to be okay becuase you just want to give up just like that. It is almost pointless to even try but i will try anyway.

YOu need to ask yourself why you feel like there's no reason to live. is it really because of the fact that you think you may never meet a girl? if so, she doesnt hold your happiness and she wont be responsible for your happiness. It's YOU. and its better to be in the right mindset and be happy FIRST before you want someone imporant to enter your life. no offense but who wants to date a depressed boyfriend who's always down all the time? get what i mean?

I do know what you mean by just wanting to shut away from everything. i've been depressed for around 5 months becuase i just can't seem to find a job anyway.

When i lost my job i went nuts. This job was the best job i had ever had. it was close to home, paid me very well, didnt require much effort, people cared about me and i had good hours. now imagine just having that taken away from you all becuase the company couldnt support you and therefore i was laid off. i have spent 5 months trying to find a job but is like the world is ignoring me. no matter how many applications i fill out. it is even more depressing that i have to settle for less again, like going to back fast foods or retail. i was a receptionist before.

I had looked at a bottle of aspirin one time and thought
"if only i is my only way out." but then i'd hurt my famliy. imagine YOU walking in on someone you love and they are just dead. you'll never see them again, never have anything to do with them, becuase they are simply dead and once you are dead, there is no coming back. this person is absolutely absent from the REST of your life. then there's funeral arrangements to consider. funerals can cost over $6000. so why make your famliy go through that, especially if they are financially burdened?

If you have no interests, try fixing that. if you choose to be depressed you will find depression. if you choose to be happy, you will find it! I'm 23 years old, NEVER had a boyfriend in my life. sometimes we may want something really bad but never pay attention to the possibility that maybe we SHOULDNT have it right now at this point. go to college and make something of yourself. with the way this world is, youre probably going to need a degree. get online, look up some interests, hobbies or careers. see which one fits you.
By anonymous at 31,Dec,09 20:34

that was a very uplifting post it helped me a lot too thank you for that
By anonymous at 07,Jan,10 20:59

you are welcome

By anonymous at 08,Jan,10 03:01

you are good to go dude

By anonymous at 15,Jan,10 17:16

lol, its feel like i wrote above story. THats very strange. But a difference is i dont have text saved on my computer! :D
its so sad to know that there is same person like me.

By at 18,May,10 03:33

No one wants to live through life alone and die alone. That is just too sad. The ones that has nothing to lose in life and are willing to die are the ones that are capable of understanding the true meaning of life. Call it ludicrous or however you want, but a person can only honestly appreciate life after he or she has everything stripped away from them, leaving them with only loneliness and emptiness.

If you're a guy that believes a girl will never share or understand your feelings or interests then there are "no" females in this world that are worth your time and sanity. And of course vice versa.

Take my word for it. I am 20 and never had a girlfriend but thinking this way makes a lot more since no? I would say my biggest regret in life is being too shy. I had many chances to find myself a girlfriend but was too narrow minded and clueless on starting a relationship. My inferiority complex also got in the way. The last girl that stole my heart is now my best friend's girlfriend and I'm happy for them because I learned to move on.

By anonymous at 26,May,10 18:16

Well, it is difficult to know what to say to you. I guess I should say thank you--- thank you for making me realize that I am being a self absorbed, pathetic excuse for a person. I am buying a house and having a hell of a time doing it. I hate my job, and my boyfriend is an ex con. I have a dog, a mom, a dad, and a grandma that love me, but its a small family. I have suffered from depression several times in my life, and what I have learned is that depression is self generated. Everyone has to make the choice to be happy. If there seems like there is nothing to live for, that is because you spend too much time living for yourself. FInd someone who actually is in need of help--- help them-- I bet you will feel better.

Stop thinking about yourself. The part where you say you doubt you will meet anyone with your interests is bullshit. What you mean to say with that is that you are lazy. You are too lazy to look for and correspond with other human beings. GET OVER YOURSELF! Life is short and has little to offer but fun and memories. Spend all your time here creating one of these. The right girl is out there... for goodness sake there are over 6 billion people on the earth, to say that none are right for you is ridiculous.

By anonymous at 19,Aug,11 21:15

life is a big lie...nothing really exist here... everyone is living on someone's ideas.. its impossible to be an individual person... if you try to be an individual someone is already there to mix up the things wid ur things... so, overall this world is just an imagination...only im not having any intrest in living....coz nothing really exist... i m really searching a real life.. i dont know when i find that...

By matz crorkz at 23,Nov,14 10:30

EQ48IH I like what you guys are usually up too. This sort of clever work and reporting! Keep up the superb works guys I've you guys to my blogroll.

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