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My Dad, my Life, and my Future.

Posted by hflanaganboston at February 11, 2011
Tags: Family  2011 February

My life is great except it's all just a toilet and an excited dog howling and peeing in my room sometimes. Also it's hard for me to get to sleep, but if I act manicaly crazy like I have down syndrome, I get to sleep. It's so weird. I feel so weird. And my dad isn't helping me much with these problems. I mean, I don't know what he thinks of me watching porn, but he always gets angry with me, which sure isn't helping me. He shouts, screams, threatens me for the stupidest things. For example, I didn't put ice cream in a bowl and ate it out of the carton because there was only a little left and I wanted to finish the ice cream and in walks my dad, and screams that I have no manners. He shouts at me for an hour (YES an hour) about ice cream and then makes up lies out of the blue. "The cream cheese has saliva in it." "Look at the vegetables, there are only carrots left." I never ate the vegetable soup and I don't spit on cream cheese. HE'S ALWAYS picking fights on me like this. He's making me unattractive and I've only had one girlfriend in my life which only lasted 2 weeks. I don't talk on the phone so my dad thinks I'm anti-social. My job title is a cashier. I don't know if I should go back to school or stay in customer service, but the job I have now is not going to cut it. I'm already 26, I don't feel good by myself and I need to find some friends and find out where I'm really heading in life. Usually I don't even know what it is that my dad is talking about. I guess I need my dad to stop harassing me first. Then I can work towards building a better future.


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New Comment

By anonymous at 07,Mar,11 04:31

Wow, grow up. If my 26 year old was living in the house with me, I would be grumpy too. Your father should have nothing to do with you building a better future, he's just your very lame excuse. You don't have a girlfriend because your 26 and living with your dad! girls do not find basement boys attractive. Good luck to you.

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