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LONG ISLAND = California Hotel?

Posted by Good looking but sad at March 23, 2012
Tags: 2012 March  Money  Philosophical

Enough is Enough! Hard work Just doesn't cut it any more. There used to be a day where some one could live comfortably by there own means as long as they generated some sort of income. Now you can't walk out side with out pissing away 50 dollars. The Gas is Ridiculous, Prices have gone up on everything including Hair Gel, The economy is shitty unless you were one of the more fortunate who comes from a long line of money/inherited money/ or won the lottery. Usually the greatest inventors and most inspired entrepreneurs come out of depressions/recessions, but how the hell is anyone suppose to be able to do anything these days with out credit??? Jobs don't pay enough!! 8 dollars , 10 dollars, 15 dollars an hour is just not enough to do shit with. There are more couples getting divorced over money and more grown "kids" Stuck at home because they just can't handle more than one thing financially. The worst part about this all is simple this..
In life, we all have different likes, interest, hobbies, talents, etc. We all know the difference in being a physicist and being a garbage man. There is a greater degree of education and intelligence that may go into one career and as a result they are highly compensated for the unique genius or specific hard work. But regardless of the differences, both a physicist and a garbage man or a Teacher and a sales clerk used to be able to lead normal independent lives. Both could own their own home if they choose( though one may be a mansion and the other a regular ranch) They could both afford new cars( one may be a mercedes, the other a honda) They could afford to take vacations and bring there families on trips ( some may stay at the highest end resorts, while others may stay at a average hotel). Now a days, you cant survive in a regular job unless both people are working and haven excellent credit. I know how important smart financing and being careful budget wise can be, but it comes at such a great cost these days that people are losing out on more important things in life.

When does it all stop. WHy doest every one have to feel like they have to be a doctor or a lawyer or a hiphop super star to lead a simple comfortable life where you can enjoy your freedom and excercise the right to shopping for your self or traveling.. Why are these basic privledges slowly only becoming available to the wealthy.. Were killing future leonardo da vinci's, were destroying future edgar allen poes, were ruining the chance to have another lincoln or jfk, or roosevelt or any good politician ,hero figure from existing because were all becoming like ANTS. All we can do is wake up all fighting over the same thing .. trying to make as much money as possible just so we can feel like were alive, just so you can keep your family happy or take a girl out, or feel like a real grown adult and independent. These things arent luxuries there suppose to be a part of life. Everything is out of control from the extreme reliability on computers for everything, to the way people are being brought up .. Future generations are becoming drone like, Theylll all live off computers, none of them will have a sense of real family, there won't be a reason for marriages at one point because it will be considered a fad, there wont be a government because no one can agree on anything so it will be easier to have one person make choices for us, and boom.. there you go the complete opposite of where we started... Ironic.. dont you think??

IM mad. because I just want to live my life. IM tired of measuring up to everything for every little thing i do day in and day out, an its become past the point of just simply minding my self. You can't leave the house with out spending 20-50 dollars on a tank of gas, paying to enter a beach because most are becoming "private" same with parks, eating food other then the dollar menu at mcdonalds is becoming gourmet prices. and theres so much more....

thats the price we pay for living in new york, but its still ridiculous. Im really afraid for the future.


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By Cursed at 23,Mar,12 16:09

The gap between the haves and the have-not's is growing bigger each year. It's called the "middle class". There will be no middle class- just the rich and the poor.

By anonymous at 23,Mar,12 16:57

You are right on everything. Also, this is happening around the world, not just in New york, or even America. Every other place is becoming more expensive. I'm glad I wasn't born earlier or later, it seems like every part of human history sucked more than it was great. And it's getting even WORSE! The only thing we can hope for is that someday, we will wake up, or die before it gets worse.

By anonymous at 23,Mar,12 21:03

well said, man. exactly. i live in nyc too and it is expensive living here.

and yup, it's like everything is getting more expensive but nobody is getting a raise. except wall street and CEO's. the rich getting richer and the poor poorer.

By anonymous at 24,Mar,12 09:12

Yeah dude I agree I don't wanna live in a world like this anymore

By anonymous at 26,Mar,12 16:40

well said!

By anonymous at 04,Apr,12 05:55

Its all been planned by men with high delusions of grandure and they are destroying the middle class. The reason everything is so expensive is because we have a fraudulant income tax and regulations. Things are getting worse and everyone is distracted by the anti-social devices and false reality projections I.E. cell phones and entertainment to see that system or machine is holding the human spirit down. The Corpratists plan to use class warfare to rally the down troden and the progressives to the ideas of Marx and Engels to suck the wealth out of the middle class. The future is a mix of Brave New World with 1984 and it does not matter who you vote for. It is becoming more and more apparent that violent revolution might be the only solution. I to do not want to serve the system whats the point of going to college, if you get copious amounts of debt, work frantically to pay it off. Then work to keep giving the man more and more, then when you hit 60 the system knows you cannot work so you think your going to retire, then all the crappy food you ate in your youth gives you cancer or heart disease and you die you served the system but now since you serve no purpose you die. Thats the way it works were not humans we are machines.

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