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Posted by anonymous at March 19, 2012
Tags: Attitude  2012 March

I'm angry that my life is sh*t. I feel helpless to change it. Other days I feel I can pull myself out of the self-loathing pity party for one. But lately I feel like I get pulled back into it way too often. I now have zero faith in any higher power or eventual balance to life where it will get better. I find myself getting very angry when I see others getting breaks, getting ahead, having financial wind falls, getting promotions they wanted etc etc. I work hard, I take care of my responsibilities, I am a contributing member of society that just so happens to never be the "lucky" one. I try very hard and have in the past sucessfully been genuinely happy when friends/family have great things happen to them. But lately I just want to scream and yell and cuss and break something when once again something goes well for them. That's just not a natural reaction. Jealousy. Envy. Frustration. Fatigue. Anger. Rage. Lethargy. Resentment. All words and feelings I would prefer to be much less acquainted with! Incase "advice" is part of this posting process....Yes I am seeing a therapist, yes I have been diagnosed with situation depression, yes there have been extenuating circumstances that has prompted all of this drama AND no I don't think about hurting myself...except maybe the walls, couch, cordless phone, various remote controls and several other household objects. I regularily read inspirational quotes, books, blogs, FB pages etc etc. And find zero comfort in all of them right now. I know at some point I may shake off this sufficating pathetic "f*ck my shitty life" attitude but right now it fits me pretty good! SO.......FMSL!!!


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By anonymous at 19,Mar,12 22:41

i am the same except that i do a lot of self pitying. i get angry sometimes but most of the time i am sad and feeling sorry for myself. i can relate. i've never had any luck and always had to work for everything.
By anonymous at 20,Mar,12 09:06

I think you hit the nail on the head, self-pitying is the name of the game. It is comfort that there are other folks out there feeling the exact same way. Thank-you

By Brandy at 20,Mar,12 01:23

well its good that you are seeing a therapist. thats a step in the right direction. if your therapy isnt working as well as you would like maybe you can see about changing your therapist until you find one that you connect with and can benifit from. Anger is a secondary emotion. there is always primary emotions of hurt saddness resentment pity that cause the anger. find those feelings. and the reasons behind them. then work through them. everybody experiences these lulls. and if it is brought on because of stresses or things happening in your life right now chances are the feelings will pass and you will get over it. hang in there.
By anonymous at 20,Mar,12 09:12

Thank-you for the advice. My therapist unfortunately has been away for the month of March during some really tough times. Spouse went into hospital for diabetes related issue and nearly died and a few major family verbal disputes in the meantime. I have a great connection with my therapist and I think I am missing that safety net and wealth of knowledge. It could not have been a worse time for therapist to be away but not their fault. I think it will all pass too. Its the lulls that can really hurt the soul. Thank-you.

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