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The journey of a thousand miles sometimes ends very, very badly.

Posted by Frank at May 15, 2010
Tags: Health  2010 May

Life is a journey. Most people get lost along the way. Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. My life sucks. I have a mental illness that makes me miserable. I am fat and have scoliosis which is a curved spine that causes me back pain. If that was not enough to make my life suck, I am also poor and sensitive to noise which means I am at the mercy of my neighbors to keep quiet. I have very little control over my life. The only reason I don't kill myself is the small amount of hope I have that my life will get better. If I ever get a painful terminal illness, I will kill myself rather than suffer.


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just so lonely June 11, 2012
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By mary at 20,May,10 07:00

Hi, i don't know what to say about your mental illness, but maybe i can help with the scoliosis. I have that too.
If you're taking meds then losing weight won't be easy.. however give it a try.
I used to be a bit overweight and, since i have scoliosis, hernia and an injury in the spinal the only thing that helped was losing.
A good diet (and i'm not saying to stop eating.. but eat healthy stuff and slowly slowly you'll lose automatically) and some exercise will really make you feel much better.

Careful, do stuff that your doctor allows you. Cycling and swimming helped me a lot.

You'll feel better with yourself, you'll care less about noises.. which i admit can be a real big pain in the a...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enter some team, do stuff you like, most problems can be solved with a healthy life.

Ah, fast-food and generally fat food causes depressions! it makes you happy for those 2-3 minutes and then you feel guilty you ate it or even depressed and you have no will to do anything anymore.

Try to avoid sweets and fat stuff for 3-4 days even only, i promise you won't miss them anymore, just 3-4 days.

Then of course if you want to eat a bit of chocolate from time to time, do it, just don't overdo it.


By anonymous at 30,Aug,10 02:10

Aw man. I hate to tell you but it seems there is very little chance that it will ever get better - at least in this life . . . and not as far as outer/physical circumstances go. I CAN get better as far as your own mind, and how you handle it go; how you look at things and the attitude you have about the circumstances you're in . . . but yeah . . . that's a tough one to be able to accomplish. It's possible, but it seems you have to go through some serious life change before that happens.

It'll happen though . . . eventually . . . for all of us . . . Maybe not in this life . . . but eventually.

By suba suba at 26,Oct,19 00:43

9002at This particular blog is definitely awesome and also amusing. I have picked up a bunch of interesting tips out of it. I ad love to go back over and over again. Thanks a lot!

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