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Ever Feel Like......

Posted by Warrior55 at February 1, 2012
Tags: 2012 February  Unemployment

Ever feel like God errored, and made me. I am 55years old. On the outside I appear youthful (so I'm told often). Have been a hobby bodybuilder for over 20years until last month. 5'9" 200lbs. Healthy. experienced in a variety of things including owning a small business that made profits Xyears. Accounting,Business were my majors. Clean driving record, not a felon. I can't get a job. In the past 3yrs have lived homeless in my vehicle living off charity and whatever small 1 day job comes. Today, I spent 5hours researching 7 different online sites for jobs. Have had this girlfriend for 7months. I told her when i met her that I'm not a good prospect being jobless. No unemployment in 2yrs. She just moved to a small city 25miles away. Can't even afford to go see her (she went back to her hometown). The depression which has been my companion since I was about 17 is treated with wellbuitrin (for 3months now). I have so many days in which I don't want to wake up. No family around in 20years. Taking myself out of the picture often comes to mind the past 2yrs. My girl is nice, she has medical issues at 36. I'm not going to live off her. I just cant seem to find a job. I know many of you suffer from this and more. Sometimes I wonder why Obama doesnt pass a volunteer euthanization program. I mean, if there arent jobs for us and we cant support ourselves, and society doesnt want deadbeats, PUT US TO SLEEP. Why on earth would America complain about us homeless, if we want work, yet have no means to rebuild! I don't want the U.S. citizens to feel like they HAVE to support me, get rid of me! I havent drank in 2.5years. Prior to that, I had a stretch where I didn't drink for 14 years. I don't rob, prey on people, use drugs, swindle, and yet I'm utterly lost. Ever try to drive around for jobs in a 25mile radius without gasoline? I have often felt like God made a mistake when I was born. I'm so exhausted from effort resulting in disappointments. I long to leave this earth. I wish I had so much more to offer my girlfriend. Maybe God will let me sleep for good tonite and give her someone who makes a decent living, so she will be okay. I hope a miracle of help for all of you suffering out there, that if you get it, you won't take it for granted. If things turn around, maybe, we will remember to help someone else suffering....Sleep well


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By anonymous at 16,Feb,12 03:22

Im sorry to hear about all the hardships you've endured. Its not over, heres some good news. God didn't make a mistake with you.

God uses the weak, the powerless, the hurt, the poor, and the lonely in GREAT ways. Heres a illustration: A potter will take a helpless, lifeless lump of clay and then knead it and squeeze it until it's soft and pliable. And then when he gets it just right, he takes that piece of clay and he does something called throwing, where he places the clay on a spinning table.
As that clay is placed upon that turning wheel, the potter's hands then begin to pressure the clay and work it until he makes something beautiful out of that old ugly piece of clay.

God sometimes uses suffering to mold us, to make us turn to him, to convict us of sin, he has his reasons. Also understand that we live in a sinful broken world, our hope shouldn't be in this world but in Jesus and heaven. Without Jesus we will never be satisfied in this life. Life on earth compared to eternity is like the blink of an eye.

God is the true master craftsman. He is a potter who is making something beautiful out of every life. He will take the old ugly mistakes, hardships and sins and make them into something completely new!

When you truly know God, you can live victoriously! So whatever the ugliness is in your life, be assured that through the blood of Christ, God molds you and makes you into something beautiful! Many people can testify to how God has changed them. Ive never heard of anyone regretting putting their faith in jesus.

Are you saved? God can turn the worst of situations into good! Joeseph was left for dead and put into slavery by his brothers, he was abandonded, afraid, probably thought his life was over. But he trusted God, he then eventually became second in command of Egypt. Without looking into the future it can be hard to be optimistic. If you put your faith with jesus he wont abandon you, he will love you and give you a new life. All you have to do is accept jesus as your lord and savior and ask for forgiveness of your sin, he will wash away all your sin (everyone has sin, i'm not judging you by what I say).

Jesus knows your pain, because he went through all the different pains possible when he was tortured and then nailed to a cross. He layed down his life for me and you, so that we can have eternal life in heaven. All we have to do is accept him as our lord and savior and ask for forgiveness for our sin. Jesus loves you with love that cant be compared, he loves you so much that he died for you. He can change you. He changes people every single day. You can say that one of his job descriptions is "Life Changer". He knows your trouble, he cares for you, and he wants you to know him. He will comfort us when there seems to be no comfort available. He is our friend when everyone else seems to not care, he provides for us when we are without, and he gives us strength when we are weak. He washes away all our sin when we have lived sinfilled lives. He is offering the gift of everlasting life in heaven free of charge, its your choice whether you accept his offer.

By anonymous at 16,Feb,12 18:35

If god is so awesome why is he sitting on his ass while so many good people suffer? He must be out to lunch.
By anonymous at 17,Feb,12 14:59

Like I said, we live in a unfair broken world ruled by sin. We have to look forward towards eternity in heaven were there is no pain. This life no matter how tough it gets is temporary, looking at the scheme of things it's very short compared with eternity. You might have a "good" life here on earth but if you die and spend eternity in hell that "good" life you had wouldn't matter, nor would you remember it. You might live to be 80 years old on this planet if your lucky.

By anonymous at 05,Mar,12 22:09

I wouldn't expect much from God. I mean look at all the help the amputees get.They NEVER get their limbs to grow back.

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