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I wish I could start over

Posted by Im damned at January 16, 2012
Tags: Failure  2012 January  Life Story

I have been dealing with bad luck all my life it's like a cloud of madness over me my whole life. My father left my mother when I was 6 then fews year later she turned to a prostitute of course i had to raise myself cause noone cared about me. I begged for money with my mother on street corners I will always remember a guy pulling up in a nice car then threw change at our feet like i was a dog. Been fighting anxiety my whole life Extreme anxiety. I had 3 kids with a girls I ran away with when i was in high school. Her parents "dad" was racist didnt wants us to see each other. she was 16 I just turned 18 and it was her idea to run away I agreed. Well she got pregnant I got in trouble lots of trouble. "we were only 2 years apart" just to let yall know. anyhow after some time in jail at 18 i decided to get a job which i did car i did that and take care of my future baby and it turns out the bitch lied to me saying she had a miscarriage but her parents made her get an abortion my heart was shattered angry i hated her and her family. So I cheated on her alot but ended up having 3 kids with her. I became a alcoholic. Oh along the way Uncle died and my grandpa which I found him dead naked after he had a heart attack 2 days prior. After a several years of her parent not letting me see her and my babies I gave up on her. I then meet my wife married had 2 more kids. My wife at my throat everyday my ex became a slut and she only let me see the girls when she needs me to watch them. My anxiety keep me caged like a hermit crab. Sometime I ask why does everyone hate me so much. I have high blood pressure all my teeth are falling out slightly going bald my dick is shrinking. I dont drink or do drugs but I also cant work because my anxiety is extremely bad. If you had them you know what im talking about so dont judge. Put it this was 99% of things in my life I failed at 1% is that im still breathing. And dont get me started on the anti christ. what i have just written is a sample like read the back of a book to know a small description of it before you read it. It was like here here is life its a fucked up one just deal with it while everyone else is having a great time. Fuck my life


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By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 00:37

you're just a stupid said yourself that you yourself hated your abortion girlfriend and her family, yet you gave her 3 children........WOW, YOU DUMB FUCK

you obviously have a line of excuses ready to fire off for why your life has turned out this way, yet you put your story on this site, then say "don't judge me.".........WOW, YOU DUMB FUCK

you're living off and impregnating whatever woman will take you in, refuse to get a job because "your dick is shrinking and you've lost some hair", you refuse to get dental insurance through a job where your teeth could easily be fixed, and you hate your 1st girlfriends parents because they tried to protect their daughter from "this guy"..........
By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 00:38

oh yea, i forgot to mention........WOW, YOU DUMB FUCK
By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 01:13

The dick is like, this is a bad situation, im getting out of here...

By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 00:41

anyone in their right mind would be racist against garbage like you going after their daughter......whatever you do, sumbit to anxiety......don't attempt to overcome it, just sit at home and rot is the worst medicine for anxiety.....(in case you're still a dumb fuck, this paragraph is called SARCASM)
By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 00:42

oh yea, i forgot to mention.........WOW, YOU DUMB FUCK

By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 00:44

"hey everyone, feel sorry for me.....i broke the law and fucked a minor when i ws an adult......we were only two years apart"............WOW, YOU DUMB FUCK
By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 00:48

oh yea, i forgot to.....wait, i did mention it in the last sentence, but i guess i might as well say it again..........WOW, YOU DUMB FUCK
(this is fun, please post more stories about how fucking stupid you are and how careless you have been with other people's lives, then in an attempt to save face, make sure you write "don't judge me".....what a fucking idiot you are.)
By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 00:56

hey everyone, feel sorry for me.....i fathered SIX CHILDREN (one of which my slut ex-girlfriend killed, then i though she was worthy of having a few more, maybe she won't kill these), but all in all six children, BUT I CAN'T WORK BECAUSE I GET NERVOUS......WOW, YOU DUMB FUCK

"nobody should be racist at me, i'm a blessing to other people's lives, especially the six that i created but don't provide for.....don't judge"........WOW, YOU DUMB FUCK

By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 00:50

Wow you just keep breeding and breeding. Your kids probably suffer the most. Your mom did the same to you. Meaningless animal sex everywhere. Everyone satisfied with that.. or not but they keep doing it. Bringing innocent victims of these sinful relationships into the world, like its as natural and thoughtless as taking a dump.

By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 01:01

fucking useless monkey.....if you get offended at that it's because the truth hurts......bitch

By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 20:50

Wow I just read the comments...... the author may have sounded stupid but why are you reading posts if they make you so angry. No need to come here and call people mean names. I mean a monkey??? Is it 1930?? My goodness get a life. If this person is a "monkey" then lift his tail lean in and take a long hard look in the mirror
at yourself Ass-hole.
By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 21:34

WOW, ANOTHER DUMB FUCK......i would like to re-type the last sentence you wrote, and i'll do it in all caps so that maybe you'll see how fucking stupid it is.....


Now, you scorn me for calling someone a monkey, then IN THE SAME SENTENCE, you call me an "Ass-hole."'s ok for you, but not me, right?......HAHAHAHAHA, literally, do the world a favor and puch yourself in the fucking face you unbelievable hopeless monkey fucking loser, you cannot smell the stink of your own hypocrisy...

also, how fucking stupid are you to say that i shouldn't be reading these posts if they make me mad?.....i'm not mad, i'm simply puting this guy on blast for being a virus in people's lives, then searching for sympathy through one in their right mind gets mad over other people's written problems, i simply typed my reaction to an obvious idiot's flawed logic, AS I'M DOING NOW, YOU DUMB FUCK......does it hurt you when someone calls a stop sign red?, i'll bet you cry and feel oppressed, like the man is holding you down, when someone who says, look at that blue sky?......i seriously doubt it........but you obviously take offense when someone calls another a "monkey", even when that someone clearly displays that they have LOWER THAN NORMAL HUMAN INTELLIGENCE.....yes, it's 1930 again, hahaha....i'll bet you try to make everything racist, don't you......are you really this much of a fucking idiot?......i like your final sentence and the fact that it literally makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER, seems we have two monkeys in anymore super intelligent comments you'd like to add? i said, truth hurts, bitch
By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 21:41

hahaha, awesome. they wrote "no need to come in here and call people mean names." then wrote ass-hole. monkey is not even a curse word, but asshole is. that is an idiot for you. she even said that the person you called a monkey sounded stupid, then defended him by being a hypocrit.

wow again

By anonymous at 09,Feb,12 09:38

hey poster, i'm sorry i called you a dumb fuck.....i wish i could start over sometimes, wanting a clean slate and a new beginning shows that you would make different choices, and it's a good thing to accept that at times you were capable of being wrong....if you can be wrong, so can others.......i believe it's all part of healing.....good luck to you, i hope you can sort it all out.

By anonymous at 13,Feb,12 07:45

Why are we mean to others?
Have a heart.
I'm sorry for your pain.
How tragic.
Love to all
And hoping you find peace.

By suba suba at 07,Nov,19 20:16

nABaHS Some really excellent content on this internet site , thanks for contribution.

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