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i'm sorry if you think this is not really that bad.

Posted by anonymous at November 5, 2011
Tags: Anxiety  2011 November

I know my problems are not as serious as most of the ones stated here. i just wanted a place where someone would listen to my problem.
I feel depressed everyday, i've been crying for almost every single day.i get paranoid easily, anxiety, sudden panic attacks. i'm always afraid of people out there to get me,i'm afraid of losing everything, basically, just afraid of everything. i've been bullied since i was in pre-school , that developed insecurity.Things don't seem to improve in high school,it has gotten worst.I know and i tried very hard not to annoy or cause trouble to anyone,but the bullying did not stop.boys would often come up to me and ask me to have sex with them. i thought he (my bf)(almost 2-years relationship) was different from the other boys, he KNEW how sensitive i am towards this issue, i was wrong, all he wanted was nude pictures of me,i rejected, he ended the relationship. all along, I've only been that girl who listens to other people's problem, but when i needed someone, nobody was there for me.and when they've settled their problem, to them, i dont exist anymore,I tried talking to a friend, before i could even open my mouth, my friends would respond by saying, "i dont know, i dont care". my 18th birthday just passed recently, my best friend for 8 yrs did not wished me happy birthday, nobody seemed to care, this friend told me that i wasn't in her mind at all. Relatives are constantly comparing me with cousins, physically,academically. I tried so hard to make my parents proud, but this time, i know i'm about to fail my finals, no matter how hard i try, i'm never able to do as good as the others. i feel so dumb, stupid. i failed to have any real friends, being academically good, failed to have a proper relationship,and i'm not talented at all.I've been seeing a counsellor,sometimes, i have suicidal thoughts,but when i think of my parents, it stops me from doing so. sometimes, i wonder when will i feel happy again,and why do i deserve all of this.


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By at 14,Dec,11 17:51

Sweety I don't know what to tell you.. You just have to be strong, okay? As for panic attacks.. what do you think might caused them?? Why are you crying? I think when something is missing in our lives our mind tells us in a way of depression or sadness that something is wrong.. Try to think of whatever will make you happier, like whatever wish you'd like to have and whomever you wanna surround yourself with. Try to think really, really positive and you'll see that you'll attract good people in your life, joy and happiness. You'll be happy, you just have to believe it.


By anonymous at 14,Dec,11 22:34

I agree.. It's hard to get out of darkness.. Focus on u now.. Self help books work a bit.. Check out 'the secret'. It's a documentary.. I found it interesting the way some ppl look at life..

By anonymous at 15,Dec,11 11:50

are you fat? if not I'll come help you out.
By at 15,Dec,11 15:32

Yeah, uuuhh... Ignore this guy.

Meditation and Marijuana have helped me.
Just make sure if you use Marijuana or Meds that you don't get dependent on them. You HAVE to practice some kind of behavioral therapy like Meditation.

So if Medical MJ is legal in your state: remember, different marijuana strains have different effects! Some can actually make anxiety worse while under it. Get a prescription and try different strains out. It's not simply Indica or Sativa, it's the specific strain. Use just enough to get rid of the anxiety and make you more functional. DON'T get attached to just getting high because that can feel amazing. You can build dependence on ANY anti-anxiety meds. So focus on slowly changing your brain, not "for the moment" fixes!

And remember... THIS ISN'T YOUR FAULT!!!! You've obviously tried so hard to be good to yourself and other people. You sound like a good and strong person. It's hard dealing with brain problems! Have confidence that the Neuro Plasticity DOES exist and you can slowly change.

Don't give up.
Don't stop loving others, they have NO IDEA what you're going through.
Don't stop loving yourself, this is NOT your fault.

By anonymous at 16,Dec,11 09:09

hi, i have anxiety and depression too and im out of scool, but i know how bad school can suck. you can email me at anytime if you need someone to talk to ok! sometimes talking is what you need. it's ok to cry and it's ok to be different and people who judge need to get a life. You are more than a trophy, don't try to impress people just be you! So anyways, my email is anything you want to talk about ok.

By anonymous at 19,Dec,11 04:18

hang in there! high school and parents expectations make you feel like crap, i know, i've been there, my parents always had expectations higher than i could have done. Life is a battle, in high school i went to drugs to help ( stupid thing to do )they only made it worse (graduated at 20). my advice - keep on keeping on. Do not forget to enjoy the little thing, and before you know it your life will sort out, few short years after high school , i am engaged, about to buy a place of my own, have cars, friends, etc. don't get me wrong, i am a collage drop out, have a high school diploma thats it, i am not a brain man, but the thing is, your parents will always tell you that you need to do better, the only time when they will truly be proud of you is when you realize that sky is the limit and try - try - try to reach it, no matter if you fall, we all fall, it is how you get up that matters--------------------Happy Late Birthday
By anonymous at 28,Dec,11 14:31

Thanks for the encouragement. Thanks for the belated birthday wish and most importanly,Thanks for reading and taking the effort to write something. It definitely light up my day..someone actually cares.. Thank you for everything

By anonymous at 20,Dec,11 01:18

If you're not happy you are the only one who can change that. You don't need anyone that doesn't need you. If you're friends are making you unhappy, they aren't really friends at all...
I went through the same thing in high school. I graduated and never looked back at those people and it was like a weight lifted off my chest. I realized that I couldn't spend my life trying to make everyone else happy because it just made me miserable. If you want to do well, do it for yourself. If it happens to make your parents proud that's just an extra bonus. Learn to live your life without being dependent on other peoples approval. I know it sounds impossible but you gotta try. I promise it'll make things so much better.

By anonymous at 28,Dec,11 14:35

Thanks everyone for the encouragement. Thanks for the belated birthday wish anonymous and most importanly,Thanks for reading and taking the effort to write something that has made me feel like there's someone out there who actually cares, It definitely light up my day when i read your comments, 2 months has passed from the day i wrote this. And i really hope everything will turn out better next year and to all of you. Happy new year. God bless.

By anonymous at 28,Dec,11 14:36

All i can say is, thank you thank you and thank you.You all have no idea how much your comments mean to me.thank you so much.

By anonymous at 06,Jan,12 04:05

Oh cut the crap..^

By best link build at 15,Oct,13 19:53

J7m9C2 Thanks-a-mundo for the article post.Much thanks again. Will read on...

By top seo guys at 24,Oct,13 09:57

MlJEjy Im grateful for the article.Really thank you!

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