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My life is an indie movie withou the soundtrack.

Posted by Rex at March 23, 2011
Tags: 2011 March  Philosophical

What's the point anymore? Have you ever listened to the song by Irving Berlin from 1925 entitled Always? Well there is never anybody there to love me and understand me. Sure, for 220 dollars for a 40 minute session, there are psychiatrists that pretend to listen, but they could care less, and who really knows what they are thinking. But inevitably, they'll whip out their prescription pad and give you enough meds for a chemical lobotomy. The theory is I guess, that if you are retarded, you'll be happy. Certainly the psychiatrists are happy with their fees, and the drug companies are happy with their profits for pushing all this poisonous "medicine" on a trusting and unsuspecting public.. I blame Judeo-Christianity for this mindset. The lies they want you to believe about God, and Heaven or Hell, while the elite, who know better and concocted the fairy tale of Judeo-Christianity to begin with, to keep the status quo, and make everyone else have the status of a baby seal, innocently awaiting the brutal harvest of their fur. Once you buy the bullshit of Judeo-Christianity, you'll buy anything. Like America is a democracy. And your mother really loves you, and so on. When I was younger, I could stand reality alot better because the positive attitude hadn't been beaten out of me through arbritary hatred and injustice. Oh buck up! Pull yourself up by bootstraps, paddle your own canoe, this is America, the greatest country in the history of the Universe. Yeah right. This country is the most vile because it squandered its vast wealth on business interests, or pure free market capitalism, which benefits less then 1% of it's population. The decline in the family structure and living standards has eroded considerably in the last 50 years and I do not know how they got away with it, but they did. The powers that be are becoming all powerful now, passing laws in which you can disappear in the middle of the night, never to be seen again, because they can do that. It's called the Patriot Act. The police are all corrupt and take money from the drug dealers and other criminal enterprises because they can do that. The clergy are nothing but a bunch of pampered pimps and their flock are their whores. There is nothing left anymore but mindless entertainment controlled by a cadre of Jews. The news medias are the same way, under the control of Jews. It figures, because they are the assholes who concocted Judeo-Christianity which got the whole ball rolling. Any serious writers out there? They won't get published. Any charismatic, truly humanitarian politicians out there? They will be assasinated. There are more single moms then married ones, in some ethnic groups it approaches 80%. Single motherhood is fine for movie stars and wealthy socialites, who like their clothes and accessories, can also go shopping for the right sperm to make a designer baby. Of course, the average and below average women who gets knocked up, can murder the baby in her womb, or try raising it in her spare time between pole dancing and lap dancing for tips at the local strip club. Of course the loser father is the one true love. He's exciting because he's a scumbag. OK women, have it your way. Truth is you are all a bunch of willful SODOMITES anyway, with a few exceptions. The trouble is, nobody is forcing you to commit SODOMY, but you do it anyway. I guess this is goood for the hydrogen peroxide industry, as it leads to frequent gargling when lover boy goes ass to mouth on you. These are simple truths. There is nothing for a decent man to do about anything anymore. All alone, maybe the company of a cat or dog, go bowling, or golfing. Sure the decent man likes people, it's just that he likes them alot better when they are not around. So I suppose one could drink themselves to an early grave, or opt for a quicker method like phenobarbitol, but in reality you have a better chance of scoring some heroin off the street and overdosing. Ta dah.


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By anonymous at 03,Apr,11 17:58

just dont let the world get to you. always seek knowledge, for knowledge is indeed power.

By anonymous at 03,Apr,11 22:42

just take care of your own soul. you are right about a lot of this except the racist stuff. but stop looking fir a woman to take care of you and start taking care of yourself as best you can.

By Tough Love at 04,Apr,11 04:44

dude seriously wtf?? U live in America (awesome)u live in a democracy basically means you get to keep ur head on ur shoulders when u write statements like this and wtf is wrong with judeaism and christianity?? Seriously. Stop bitching and get a life. Find some friends. And once u start dressing better and letting ur personlity shine, u'll get a woman. Once u stop being such a sexist and racist pig. Stop being a douche because no woman or man likes that and go to some society club thing or whatever and debate about ur views because u obviously have some talent. Good luck.
By anonymous at 04,Apr,11 18:33

pigs are above you.

By anonymous at 04,Apr,11 17:21

Your problem is you can't get laid. You can't get laid because you probably live in a shitty apartment with shitty furniture and drive a shitty car. You probably don't make any money. Women want a man who can provide, sorry but its true. Women don't want losers with crappy apartments and cars haha! Life is cruel. So if you want to get a woman make more money, the women will come. Otherwise you're destined to be alone jacking off to computer porn. Oh well.
By jester at 04,Apr,11 18:34

no that's u hahahaha loser fag bitch retard

By anonymous at 04,Apr,11 19:35

kill yourself. Death is the only way out.

By anonymous at 06,Apr,11 18:49

your bang on that shit is funny. The religion stuff is a bit much but sadly true. just lay of the women they are not the answer to the questions your ask and men and women are pretty equal in the bullshit catigory. You just want more from women.But all in all fuck them all. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.assholes rule.fuck the world tune in turn on and drop out.

By anonymous at 08,Apr,11 06:32

ohh can't read the speedometer what a loser.

By anonymous at 28,Apr,11 10:50

ow u're sooo goin to hell, i guess if u end ur life ? u'd go to hell too... Then why don't u just do it, i mean u're goin to hell either ways, so why can't u just kill urself, there are pills who are painless at all, u don't have the guts ? u have the guts to curse god and stuff but u don't have the guts to kill urself ?!! What are u affraid off exactly... I mean WoW u're totally outta ur mind, Now those psychotherapist should help : PSYCHO

By buy cheap oem software at 12,Feb,12 05:44

PjYQUM Yeah, it is clear now !... Just can not figure out how often do you update your blog?!...

By buy cheap oem software at 07,Mar,12 14:26

5bpRm2 Thanks again for the post.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome.

By anonymous at 05,Dec,12 00:26

ello mr. angryman! we share a lot of the same thoughts, you and I, patriot act, the tragedies of abortion and so on ... but i must disagree with the flaming of christianity. i'm going to become Catholic soon (come on in- the water's terrible) and yep, you guessed it, it's rife with corruption. It's hard to find a good priest who isn't a wingnut modernist compromising over important issues anymore. But they do exist. What with everyone being so understanding of another violent muslim "extremist" you'd think they'd understand that not all priests are bad. The remnant Church is preparing for another holocaust, another persecution of Catholics, what's new. She's been infiltrated by freemasons, fighting simultaneously the flood of Islam, militant secularism, apathy-inducing Protestantism, etc etc...

Just some things to keep in mind. I didn't even consider the Catholic faith until I realized that all Her enemies were my own.

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