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Talking about bad decisions!

Posted by anonymous at January 20, 2011
Tags: Family  2011 January  Relationship

This is going to be good!
Where would you like me to start? Usually it's the bad childhood, end it evolves from there on!
I com from a family of three children, in a small community (2000 people) where everybody knows everybody's brassiness. My parents were typical folks of the community, my father abusive (show the little woman who's boss), a drunk of whom I was prouwd as a child (which child doesn't think the world of their parents while growing up?) but never laid a hand on me (wasn't violent, at least not to us kids)and my mother in role of the victim (one which she had learned well in her own home before marrying my father) and I have to admit she tried to teach me stuff, like how to get out of the way of your nuts husband, someone I picked up along My miserable life indeed following her example.
After getting rid of him and after giving my wounds a good lick, and with a year old boy to remember him with, here we are again looking for the next looser...
Well I finally did a good job there now didn't I? This one was not made of the same trash I was used to, and who knows, maybe he's not all that bad after all!
Of course there is always a catch no? Well of course there is... he has two kids of his own and his ex is dumb as a brick! (now this is the God's honest truth people, I mean, how simple can you be?) Anyway, I want to help, lets get the kids from this person (one of the two is autistic) lets be a family etc etc
Long story short twelve years later it has happened! First his daughter and a couple years later his autistic son. We need some happy family music here!
Only we're not that happy now are we? Thats the whole point of this storytelling, not? And you thought it was over! Well ha ha! There is not enough writing space to describe all that has happened, but I think I forgot to mention the fact that his parents hate me, because I suppose I am not worthy of their son as the brick was, even if I have given them a grandson myself and now guess what, I'm left with four kids (oh yes I have them all now) no parents, did I mention we have moved 1500 miles from them? (not that that I miss my hometown or anything) I also have the hate of my parents in law (lovely not?) four kids to take care of and a husband that's always gone or tries to be. I have no work, well I work for him you know but this doesn't make me now independent now, does it? And he never forgets to mention to me any chance he gets. Or the fact that he has succeed in his life, he was always good with money and investing. Like I haven't been there for him or his brats (OK I'm a little angry at him!)or his business.
I have done so much for so many people in my life and what have I gotten in return?
Human nature sucks people! Show weakens or kindness and you're dead meat!
Well that's the way I feel the past year.
This is it.
You can make you're own mind about this all, but I can tell you is this much:
I have tried to live my life as honest as can be without hurting anybody and always putting others before myself.
And then?
I really want to die.


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New Comment

By anonymous at 18,Feb,11 23:45

It sucks. Alot. But just because other people are inconsiderate assholes that are creedy and selfish doesnt mean you have to be. Be the nice person. Altho it probally wont change your husband you would be surprised at what it can do for a stranger. Keep fighting

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