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Posted by i hate my life at December 2, 2009
Tags: December 2009  General

where to start, my mom has cancer, my dad is a violent alcoholic ass, i bust my ass off working full time and going to university because my parents will not give me money and i dont qualify for a student loan because my prick dad makes too much money. I live paycheck to paycheck, not even making enough money to live, i eat every 2 or 3 days because i have no money to eat, m credit card is maxed out, work is slow and i make minimum wage. I hate my job, all of the people there are drama queens and act like we live in laguna beach, it is so bad the gosssip and backstabbing that i dread even going in. Im in love with my best friend and she has no clue. I got a new job the other day promised to make 60k a year to start and the company turned out to be a scam. My younger brother is a coke head and has stolen thousands of dollars woth of cash and valuables from me, i never sleep because i work all night, get offf do homework and go to school in the morning, my grades are not good enough to get scholarships because i am so exhauasted from not eating or sleeping enough. one of my best friends was in a car accident on my brothers birthday this year and died on my other brothers birthday. I have no girlfriend, no spare time, no life because i cannot afford to go out, i want to die, what the fuck is the point of living when life is this retarded


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By anonymous at 03,Dec,09 08:25

hang in there mate. xx

By at 04,Dec,09 02:46

i just wana ask u , how old r u
r u 18 or older , i guess u r .
and u r attending college or university ?!
if college so u can get FAFSA. if u were low income last year
dosent matter about ur dad or mom and how much they make :)
. u can file independent . what i am doing .

By anonymous at 04,Dec,09 17:54

I would just leave everything behind. It doesnt sound like you like anyone where you are anyway. Look for a state you'd love to live in, find a job there, sign up for food stamps or a lower-income food card, and pick up your shit and leave. Start over, Yes, you would be running from your probems but they are problems you cannot fix.
But, keep in touch with your mother, she may need you now.

By anonymous at 07,Dec,09 18:37

i think eventhough its hard right now; because of all ur going through, your gonna become a way stronger person...i can relate to you so i can tell you from my own experience, the other side looks bright from there on

By anonymous at 31,Jan,10 16:08

Stop blaming your parents and man up pussy.

By at 23,Jul,11 19:24

I love reading these artlices because they're short but informative.

By Nike?Lebron?9?Shoes at 19,Aug,14 01:37


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