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Life is not nice.

Posted by lost my dad forever at May 4, 2010
Tags: Abuse  Juvenile problems  2010 May

i am gonna make this short:

-been bullied for the past 5 years of my school life.
-no one knew about it.
-my dad is a fucking asshole who spends all his salary on useless pieces of shit.
-just now he got a big fight with my mum (i love my mum so much .. i know people might think i am a loser.. but i love her so much. she sacrificed so much for me...the day she dies i don't what i'll do)
-anyways.. he got a big fight with mum and slapped her.
- i couldn't take his shit anymore so i pulled him off her and told him to get a grip... out of nowhere he punched me in the face BAM!. i was so shocked that my own dad just did that... i stood there just staring at him. he punched me one more time... i fell to the ground and i did nothing. i couldn't believe that my dad was beating me up. i saw him turing around and heading to my mum... at that moment i knew i had to do something.. i jumped on him.. to distract him from her. i took kept backing out of the room making him come towards me because i didn't want my mother to see what was gonna happen between us... i lured him into the next door.. he came in. and i shut the door and locked it. I looked at him and proceeded to punch him in the face nonstop. he was either too slow or didn't believe that his own son was beating the shit out of him. my mum ran down the corridor and tried to open the door screaming.. thinking he was beating me up. the truth is i was massacring him... i felt complete satisfaction. i punched him at least 9 straight punches to the face till he fell to the floor and didn't get up. opened the door and let my mum in. she burst in tears... i held her and told her 'its gonna be alright. we are gonna be alright without him.' Truth is that we are fucked without him.. i don't know whats happening right now.... i am writing this while he is passed out in the other room. i called the ambulance.. my mum packed her bags and went to my grandma.. i told her i'll go and meet them there but i gotta make sure dad is gonna be alright. even though i know he is not gonna talk to me ever again. This sucks


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By at 05,May,10 19:44

good luck. it won't be easy ... but you'll survive.

By anonymous at 06,May,10 13:10

My life was like this too; my father actually unloaded a shotgun at me. It's good of you to stand up for your mom like you did; it's bad on her part that she didn't stand up for herself and you long before this. But it's over now. It won't be easy but the time comes to move forward to a new life. It's becoming a new and better life for you now.

By anonymous at 06,May,10 22:32

that story just made me angry. I hope everythings alright.
By anonymous at 08,May,10 04:01

hey, thank you all for the replies.. i am with my grand ma now... my dad got released yesterday and he is gonna be alright. He is in the house and police are now investigating why he got injuries on his face. i don't give a shit if they arrest me as long as i never see him ever again. i got an exam in 4 days so i am trying to focus on it but i can't because i am still quite shocked by what happened. anyways thank you all.

By anonymous at 07,May,10 16:47

i call bullshit

hes passed out and you are writing this?


btw cool story troll

By Angel at 09,May,10 21:56

Self defense—you were protecting your mother and yourself from an abusive father. If more people were like you, the world would be a better place!

By at 13,May,10 07:27

awe .

By anonymous at 25,May,10 04:00

your dad is gonna rape and kill both you and your mum. you will be the main ingredient in sundays chili surprise. hate to be you dude

By anonymous at 30,Aug,10 03:02

Dude, this is frickin' ROCKING!! Do you know how many abused and beaten children fantasies you have just vicariously fulfilled? I don't know if I've ever come across a story about a child who was beaten by a parent and then ended the parent ended up getting their own ass handed to them for being such a loser. Man, I'd shake your hand if I knew who you were. I'm sorry all this happened to you. I am. Life truly does suck. But I'm glad you did that to your father, man. Really.

Continue protecting your mother.

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