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untitled story

Posted by enditallnow at September 23, 2011
Tags: Alcohol  Job  Loneliness  2011 September

I hate my job, hate my boss for being a cheap ass f- -ck who screws me at every turn. I'm over 40, fat and aside from my boyfriend of 17 years am completely friendless. Can't find another job because I have no college degree and I am on the verge of becoming a full-fledged alcoholic. How's that?


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By anonymous at 15,Nov,11 12:05

well join the club, i hate this entire messed up planet!!!thats the reason so many people do drugs and alcohol, cause life is a cruel joke!!!!!

By anonymous at 15,Nov,11 13:30

you should try crack instead of alcohol. A LOT BETTER .. hope that helps with your pathetic life :)

By anonymous at 15,Nov,11 13:47

You should try suicide. It will solve all your problems.

By anonymous at 15,Nov,11 16:49

Jeez. IT sucks all right, but at least two of the thing that you mention you brought on you yourself. Basically, the situation is bad, so you make it worse. You didn't put on the weight by exercising too much, and you don't become an alcoholic without drinking. My suggestion to you is- start fixing your life. Begin with the things you can do, and as things start to change, you will start to see new options opening up. Right of the bat, I would say, start exercising and loose weight, stop drinking and maybe go to some type of course, like sewing or cooking or a foreign language or whatever you think you might enjoy somewhat. These things are good to pot on your CV when looking for job, they might help you get your foot in the door. Good luck.

By anonymous at 15,Nov,11 18:51

You should start smoking marijuana. It is cheap entertainment if you can grow your own. If you live in the city get some lights and premium soil and grow. You don't even need to have cable when stoned. Just stare at a wall and laugh. Read and create art, paintings, or enjoy nature. You don't need to be mean to other people, just enjoy life and block out all negative associations. The government doesn't like it because people who are stoned don't want to fight the country's wars or spend money to feed the consumerist beast economy.

By anonymous at 16,Nov,11 16:30

try GOD he loves you. Romans 8:38-39
By deadman at 17,Nov,11 16:19

what's a fake character from the sci-fi book gonna do to help anyone? you religion nuts are nut for sure.
By anonymous at 17,Nov,11 16:21 Fold Up

If he loves us, why the hell does he fuck us over every chance he gets :D? Santa Claus, now that guy really rocks!

By deadman at 17,Nov,11 16:17

life sucks and is never ending......who would have thunk it?........geesh!

By anonymous at 21,Nov,11 11:39

Geesh! Here are some encouragement commemts.of course All are from DEADMAN...

By anonymous at 28,Mar,12 17:24

How the hell can you bring God (who is God?) in to this.I am just going to make note that the person above is being sarcastic.

Sorry poster,,don't listen to him/her. No such thing will help you. I am hitting my 40's. Get a new job, and respect. Also, college is a good idea. I am in college right now at 34 and I have a one yr old. Overcome your stank as boss and show him up.

But, honestly,,it would be better to have someone your age or close to actually be on the same ground mentally as you are. Sure he may be a nice guy, but these levels of interest and stages in life are totally different.


By anonymous at 01,Jun,12 01:24

Well being a drunken fat gravey sucking pig who stinks dimly of sweat and urine sure beats the hell out of being locked up in a Nazi prison

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