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a rant

Posted by anonymous at July 6, 2011
Tags: 2011 July  Philosophical  Society

fuck this life it fucking sucks big time the older you fucking get just like the writer of this site said, it's all a big fucking lie every fucking word. A bullshit big lie infucking deed, fuck, that was written so well and right on the money! all a big ass lie we are led to believe, HA! and when he talks about stupid people, fuckin right he is!!! all people are fuckin stupid, every last dumb one of them! it's hell to even listen to half the shit they say, it's so fucking idiotic. Fuck people, fuck government, fuck life, fuck stupid people who don't know their ass from a hole in the fuckin ground, fuck men, fuck women, fuck sex, fuck marriage, fuck this whole fucked up world that's on it's way to fucking destruction, fuck me and fuck you, hell, fuck everyone! fuckin right i'm fuckin depressed and angry as hell. Fuck it! life sucks shit!!!


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¡± she says during their conversation, and ." but a taken at the time suggests he caught the balls a (Thats golfer lingo for hitting the ground before the ball) The swing wasnt a fair reflection of Shepards terrestrial golf game: Moving in the low-gravity lunar environment is and spacesuits of the time were stiffAccording to Bill Barry NASAs chief historian we have a pretty good idea of where the balls landed even if our satellite imagery lacks the resolution to pick out a golf ball Shepards fellow moonwalker was convinced the first ball landed in nearby Javelin Crater (The crater is named after the solar wind collector staff that Mitchell hurled Olympian-style just after Shepard took his golf swings) Mitchell even tookof the area The javelin is obvious enough but the golf ball is a little tougher to spot In interviews after his return to Earth Shepard claimed that his second shot sailed farther traveling nearly 200 yards before landing near a set of scientific instruments for measuring natural phenomena on the moonGolf balls on the moonKnowing where the balls landed in 1971 is a good start but is there any chance theyve moved in the past 42 years"Its very likely that they have moved barely " says Arlin Crotts a professor of astronomy at Columbia University and the author of a forthcoming book "The New Moon: Water Exploration and Future Habitation" "There are no winds to speak of on the moon The entire mass of the lunar atmosphere is about 20 tons the equivalent of the weight of air in a modern-size office building"Since that air is spread out over the surface of the moon there simply isnt enough movement of particles to displace a golf ball According to Crotts there is a 99 percent chance the balls are almost exactly where they landedNow were getting somewhere Of course wed still have to spot the balls Even on a terrestrial golf course picking out a golf ball can be tricky Would the balls stand out against the lunar surface"The moon is a fairly dark gray like a typical office filing cabinet" Crotts says "It looks brighter than it really is in the night sky because theres nothing else as big and reflective You could probably see a golf ball on the lunar surface from around 30 feet away" You may think you can shield them from it if your newspaper does not have upsetting pictures but, in fact," She's also a big fan of the cocktails, a Prohibition-era cocktail made with applejack liqueur, general counsel for the Office of Campaign Finance,City campaign finance authorities are questioning whether donations accepted by D the Bay Area transplant would become a true cartooning original (even if he cited influences like Wally Wood).

By abercrombie pas cher at 28,Dec,13 15:35

qui a franchi pour la premi¨¨re de son histoire le seuil des 9.Adam Levine a ¨¦t¨¦ ¨¦lu "homme le plus sexy du monde" pour l'ann¨¦e 2013 par le magazine am¨¦ricain People, chinoise ou d'autres pays ¨¦mergents a pris go? dont un tiers pour les vins fran? Avoir laiss¨¦ s'¨¦chapper 175 000 saumons de leurs bacs d'¨¦levage. Un r¨¦sultat que les associations de protection de l'environnement jugent encore trop ¨¦lev¨¦. Les archers et les hommes d'armes anglais passent la nuit sous des tentes pour se prot¨¦ger de la pluie qui tombe ¨¤ verse. Les Armagnacs et les Bourguignons s'entred¨¦chirent avant m¨ºme de prendre les armes.ce arr¨ºtez de nous bassiner avec leurs demandes (cautionn¨¦es par notre Pr¨¦sident Normal [..

By Sneakers Isabel Marant at 28,Dec,13 21:10

"It's multigenerational, Well-poured pints of Guinness,I lived in Irvine Calif. for 18 years I know the ways in and out of the city I know which streets are residential and which are office parks I know where the old air force base is where the best tacos are hidden and where the university is I know the quickest ways to Newport Beach and Santa Ana and the times when the streets are thickest with cars I know where the dry hills are and where the big lake sitsAll of which is to say that if you were planning a bombing raid on Irvine I¡¯d be a reasonably good guy to talk to But in the extremely unlikely scenario in which I would help with a bombing raid on Irvine (everyone has already been evacuated and Irvine is now the epicenter of a fast-spreading zombie infestation maybe) I wouldn¡¯t be of much use if you rolled out an unmarked map of the world and asked my to put a pin in my hometownI could get close of course But I might end up directing the planes to Long Beach or EscondidoI bring this up because we¡¯re in another round of ¡°Americans can¡¯t even find [X] on a map¡± In this case ¡°X¡± is Syria And the fact that many Americans couldn¡¯t pass a Middle East geography quiz is supposed to prove¡­something¡°Half of Americans can??t even find Syria on a map¡± Blake Hounshell in Politico¡°Now members of Congress will have to consult maps and figure out where Syria is¡± New York Times columnist Nick KristofThe Web site UsVsTh3m even created a game out of it ¡°Where¡¯s Damascus¡± lets users drop a pin on a unmarked map to see if they know the location of Syria¡¯s capitol Then they can compare their results with other players The game went viral and UsVsTh3m found itself sitting on top of 65 guesses from inside the Pentagon¡°You??d expect folks in the US Department of Defense to know the location of the place they??re probably about to bomb¡± write the authors But¡±only 57 percent of the answers we got from inside the DoD were right¡±Luckily the maps at the Department of Defense are labeledThere are good arguments against attacking Syria (Indeed as of yet I haven¡¯t heard many good arguments for attacking Syria) But none of them have anything to do with whether a random American could find the place on a map Where Syria sits on a globe has basically nothing to do with the wisdom of a punitive strike meant to uphold international norms against the use of chemical weaponsFrom 2009 to 2011 Anne-Marie Slaughter served as director of policy planning for the State Department ¡°I could point out Syria on an unlabeled map but am only 30 percent confident of my ability to locate Damascus¡± she admitsBut so what ¡°In every crisis whether from natural disaster or human agency places we had either never heard of or knew only vaguely about suddenly focus our attention¡± she continues ¡°How many people could have told you where Pearl Harbor was when it was attacked Or Poland when it was invaded by the Nazis¡±Foreign policy maven Steve Clemons is pretty sure he could find Syria on a map ¡°But don¡¯t test me on Sub-Saharan Africa¡± he says He argues that insofar as we¡¯re going to test people¡¯s geography skills we¡¯re getting the question wrong ¡°Knowing what players surround Syria and are in it¡¯s neighborhood matters Syria¡¯s neighborhood includes Israel Jordan Lebanon Iraq and Turkey so knowing this geographic aspect of the picture is vital to understanding much of the dynamic inside Syria¡±But as that suggests even being able to rattle off every country in the Middle East wouldn¡¯t help you much After all knowing Iran is near Syria doesn¡¯t tell you whether Iran is supporting Assad (yep) or the rebels (nope) Knowing Turkey is right around the corner doesn¡¯t tell you whether Turkey supports Assad (nope) or the rebels (tacitly)All of which is to say that the map doesn¡¯t tell you much about Syria In this era of labeled maps Google Earth and well Google the question isn¡¯t whether you can find Syria on a map It¡¯s whether you can find useful information about Syria in your browser I¡¯d start with Dylan Matthews¡¯ ¡°¡± or Max Fisher¡¯s ¡°¡± I¡¯d stay away from maps at least until you¡¯ve learned enough to make them mean somethingRick Perry (R) is going to St.¡± KTRS general manager Mark Dorsey .

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Y. and Assateague Island Md,The biggest stars now reside in the Senate where two first-termers Rand Paul (R-Ky) and Ted Cruz (R-Tex) have electrified the movement in recent months and established themselves as the leading to Democratic Majority Leader Harry M Reids bid to move President Obamas second-term agenda Still although the two senators are capable of blocking or slowing the Democratic agenda they are in no position to implement or advance their conservative philosophy legislatively To many Bachmanns roughly five-year run from obscure freshman to serious contender in the 2012 Iowa presidential caucuses to Wednesdays retirement announcement was a near-perfect reflection of the tea partys greatest strengths and weaknessesIn a nearly nine-minute video posted on Facebook and YouTube she insisted that retirement does not mean she will stop fighting for conservative principles"Unfortunately today Im even more concerned about our countrys future than I have ever been in the past" "On so many issues were clearly on the wrong track"In her career in elected office she has been able to command attention and draw fans among conservative activists tapping into online messaging that allowed her to raise nearly $30million for her past two House races "Michele was the first to nationalize her House races via innovative online and social media techniques" said Ed Brookover a consultant to the RepublicanBut under the Capitol dome where collegial relations are the foundation of building coalitions to pass laws Bachmann had little clout a largely aloof figure with no legislative imprint even now in her seventh year in Congress Her statements often put fellow Republicans on the defensive have an expansive attitude toward deploying American forces and still believe in the Iraq war. rather bravely urged passage of a resolution on Syria, In 2004,C. Applebaum attended Yale University and was a Marshall Scholar at the London School of Economics and St Antonys College Oxford She lives in Warsaw with her husband Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Radoslaw Sikorski and their two children Now,715, The National Jewish Democratic Council has launched that includes a quiz that invites visitors to guess which president said what about

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As documented in earlier this week, The populist uproar has been rather sedate in the face of the deepening scandal that big banks rigged Libor¨Ca benchmark lending rate; JPMorgan Chase¡¯s mounting losses from disastrous credit bets and ; and the disappearance of customer funds from Iowa futures broker PFGBest, "Si vamos a los Juegos,os demucha gente, on the other hand,What Annan did by creating his six-point plan was, El ex capit¨¢n de f¨²tbol de Inglaterra Beckham ayud¨® a Londres a ganar el derecho a organizar los Juegos del 2012 y el ex astro Pel¨¦ particip¨® en la exitosa candidatura de R¨ªo de Janeiro 2016. quien reside en Madrid hace m¨¢s de una d¨¦cada,The Italian Treasury is due to hold four auctions of fixed-rate bonds on the day, the world's third largest.

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