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it really sucks

Posted by anonymous at May 5, 2011
Tags: Appearance  2011 May  Sexuality

I'm sure that my life is a piece of shit. It really is, and i almostly got over it, but it is still hard. I live in a very small town in Russia, and that really sucks, believe me. I live with my grandmother and dad, and, actually I'm a lesbian. Well, being an open lesbian here is equal to commiting suicide. This is VERY small town, so if I go out with a girl..well, that's impossible because everyone would know that and it would suck . Besides being lesbian, I'm fat and it drives me crazy but I can't make myself do something with it, 'cause i'm too depressed and sad all the time. And I REALLY need to loose my weight, i'm 100 kg. Other thing is that all girls I ever fancy are straight and since one totally failed case i've been absolutely unable to talk to any girl or anything. So in order to sum up: i'm fat ugly depressed lesbian who lives in a place you can't find on the map. So guys, life really sucks, doesn't it?


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New Comment

By anonymous at 14,May,11 00:51

zdarova s canadi

By anonymous at 14,May,11 08:16

Hey ever consider going bisexual and getting a boyfriend?? Haha seriously just start exercising to lose weight and you will surely see your life improve!!
By at 16,May,11 17:04

I've tried that. But too bad if you are not born gay (or bisexual) you can't become that even if you try very hard.

By at 18,May,11 20:07

You know... your life sucks, and mine is not a bed of roses either. However, you, me, and all the people that posts in this freaken site have two options:
1. Just say "life sucks", live a sucky life and die misserably.
2. To fucking do something about it!

I'm nobody to give you advice, but you might find this helpful or motivating:

1. You need to work on becoming independent. Either educate yourself using the internet or attending college, and develop a skill that people might pay for. Find a job, think how you can start making money and save it! Focus on saving/earning enough money to leave your relatives and start living in your own place (even if it's a room). And then, keep working and saving until you can move out of your crappy town!!

2. Start eating healthy and start exercising! Again, use the Internet to find out what to eat best and how to become slim again. And stick to it!!

3. Once you live on your own and are slim, go out and try to meet people or other lesbians girls in the places that they hang out, like gay bars and... well, I don't know where they hang out. Research it, ask friends, I don't know, but try to meet people!

*sigh* You know what I realized reading this site? That only warriors achieve happiness. Only those that shed tears of blood to achieve what they want ever become happy. Easier said than done? Sure it is. That's why so many people have crappy lives.

I hope this somewhat helps you. Meanwhile, I will keep working on my project to achieve my own freedom.

Éxitos!! >:D

By anonymous at 14,Aug,11 22:19

Just start running, honestly its not going to be that long before you actually start looking the way you want. However I can't help you out with the lesbian thing. I wouldn't try to live in Russia and chase women, that sounds difficult. Also are you a native to Russia? you're English looks better than mine so perhaps its time you moved to America, theres a lot of hot lesbian chicks here that I can't have so you may as well.

By anonymous at 28,Nov,11 10:09

Where and how did this person in Russia learn such good english? I believe this post is a fake."So in order to sum up: i'm fat ugly depressed lesbian who lives in a place you can't find on the map. So guys, life really sucks, doesn't it?" Does that sentence really sound russian or from an american fake? Educated and good sentence, maybe too good. She missed a capital letter and a few commas, but the sentence and content is great. Do people in Russia call each other "guys"? Maybe she had a translator. Maybe I am wrong, but I don't think so. And if this is real I'm sorry, but you are well educated. You have that going for you.

By at 27,Mar,12 02:00

A year ago I would have told you that you were kidding yleosurf and there's no way you can actually make that work.I was involved with a 20 yr old this year, I'm 28. We ended up breaking up for an issue aside from age.The only reason I looked past her age was because we had (and still do have) an insane connection, but mostly, she had a lot more life experience than I did (out longer,served in Afghganistan). This doesn't always equal maturity (a lot of times it doesn't), but with her it did.To ensure that you feel on the same level with her/she feels secure in dating someone your age: I would plot your future (school path, degree(s), career, etc), and travel (different than vacationing), and try to be the person you want to be/thinks she deserves. You've got nothing to lose. Do however, make sure you both want the same things if you're getting emotionally invested. Make sure she has the same goal as you and ask why and what she likes about you. You do want to make sure you're not just a younger conquest (I'm sure you're not!). I hope it works out:)

By Nike Zoom Kobe at 26,Sep,14 09:57

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By Womens International Jacket at 10,Nov,14 15:38

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By Site Map at 01,Jan,15 11:37

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By Air Jordan Tong at 09,Feb,15 17:39

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By Nike Hypervenom Phantom TF at 01,Mar,15 21:43

Aku kemudiannya mengunci basikal kesayanganku. Cinta yang sentiasa membawa kebahagiaan kepada hati, =).¡°no thank you!¡± kata hayati yang dipanggil ?? apa yang akan si kecil ini teriakkan padaku disaat ia perlukanku.ibu mak ummi mama suamiku hanya tersenyum melihat gelagatku sambil memberi ciuman kasih didahikulamunanku menjadi semakin indah hari demi hariku usap perutku setiap waktuku bisikkan kata-kata indah pada bayiku teramat sayang padamu wahai anakku.sebelum jenazah anakku disemadikan sempat kusisipkan photo aku bersama suami di balutan putih tubuh kecil anakku.sempat jua ku ambil bekas-bekas kain putih itu yang dipotong untuk kusimpan sebagai pengubat rindu

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