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I hate my fucking life!!!!

Posted by anonymous at January 23, 2012
Tags: 2012 January  Stress

I have a baby and I'm married. My husband is gone due to his job and I can't deal with it. My baby screams and cries constantly. I've had her to two doctors and they both said a certain something was wrong so now she's on medicine. It doesn't seem to be helping. She still cries for hours daily. I feel bad for her but it's irritating the fuck out of me to my breaking point. My husband is gone so he cannot help. Even when I do talk to him he says to take a breather and I'll be fine. A breather is not going to fix it when I hear it 24/7. I'm trying to take care of everything myself and it's breaking me down. I have no parents they are dead. I wish my mother was still around to help me even if it was just listening or giving me advice. Too bad she decided life wasn't worth living. I'm totally against suicide because of this but yet sometimes I wish someone would just shoot me. I'm always stressed and can't be a happy normal person. Sorry for the novel but my life is kind of fucked up and I'm not even going to say all of it. My friends, I feel, have abandoned me. I have a few that still stick by my side but the rest don't even know how I feel or how I'm doing. I'm just so fucking tired of peoples shit. It's literally turning me into a cold hearted bitch becuz I've been shit on soooooo much. I wish they would quit pretending there something, when they are not what they say they are. Let's just cut the bullshit, shall we?? My husband thinks I'm too pessimistic. I think my true friends do too. How can I not be though? I just want my freedom back. I want to take a shower or run to the store without having to listen to a screaming crying baby that appreciates nothing I do. My hub says well she's just a baby well just a baby my ass. I could start acting like a terrible mother then see how she feels. I try to do the best that I can and I don't feel wanted, let alone appreciated. If only for once life wouldn't be so hard on me, I would probably shit myself for getting a break. Or who knows since I get a break I could use the toilet in peace. It must be nice to use the toilet in peace. I want to be carefree again and not have to worry or deal with so much shitty shit. That will never happen again. My happy days are over. I'm never having a child again. After what this one has done to me physically and emotionally, I'm done. Thanks for reading.


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By at 09,Feb,12 20:44

Ok... Sooo you feel that life is filled with stress, missery, and saddnes (which it is) and yet you burden it upon an innocent soul by giving him/her life when they had absoloutely zero say in the matter? Kind of selfish and pessimistic if you ask me.
By anonymous at 09,Feb,12 22:18

By anonymous at 10,Feb,12 14:15

Sounds like you really need a good friend or somebody to just vent to. Consider going to your local church and talking with the pastor. Life is not easy but your child deserves you!
By anonymous at 10,Feb,12 14:19 Fold Up

Cynic you are ignorant.You have no right to judge.You do not know the circumstances this person has had to deal with. A healthy mentally stable mom equals a well cared for child.
By anonymous at 10,Feb,12 22:25

14::19 you are ignorant. Cynic was pointing out the morality of the situation. If a healthy mentally stable mom equals a well cared for child then Cynic has every right to point out the unfortunate situation of the child who lacks such.
By anonymous at 04,Nov,12 16:19

What do you mean lacks such? She takes care of it despite it's relentless screaming, cares for it, feeds it, doesn't do drugs. It lives in a fairly stable home it seems, which is a lot better than a lot of people would even dare to hope for. What about this baby is not well cared for? It has some problem that the mom has consulted two doctors about and given it medicine for. It's not like it has some huge health issue that she's just not doing anything about. Your audacity only exentuates your ignorance. If a child is cared for, fed, not abused lives in a stable home, has two parents that don't fight all the time, I'd say it's doing alright so far. And in response to the "why give it life then comment?", this is not what you expect when having a baby. Most only cry sometimes and are happy other times. How would you react to a scraming, crying nuisance being your only, constant company? It's just very unfortunate situation. Also, to Cynic below me, i think you think since you and the others on here are unhappy,everyone is That's very closeminded, and I think most people are probably happy that they are alive. Not the people on here, often including myself, but there is no reason to assume everyone feels like you.
By at 13,Feb,12 22:22 Fold Up

Oh please, don't give me that garbage. If your not born into a family that is completely rich, your life will be filled with dissapointments and aungish. It doesn't matter if the child has a good mom. He or she will still have to endure school for 12 years, work in a cubicle for 70, and then die an innevitable and painful death and all for what? So mom and dad could have a cute little pet of their own that would make THEM happy. You and I both know that being cursed with life is like slowly dying from an angry and unforgiving cancer. In my oppinion, people should not have the right to create or destroy any living being.
By anonymous at 30,Sep,12 16:53

cant feed them dont breed them.
lazy fucking white trash
By anonymous at 04,Nov,12 16:23 Fold Up

I think you think since you and the others on here are unhappy,everyone is That's very closeminded, and I think most people are probably happy that they are alive. Not the people on here, often including myself, but there is no reason to assume everyone feels like you.
By anonymous at 14,Mar,12 01:21 Fold Up

And how many children do you have? Not everyone can handle the same things. The baby may have something really wrong and all you can do is talk shit to an almost single mom? I think you need to look in the mirror and check yourself!

By anonymous at 09,Feb,12 21:11

Being a new mother without a husband around to help IS challenging. But your child will mature and sleep more and cry less, before you know it. In the mean time, it sounds like you are in crisis. Talk to your doctor. Print out and bring him or her what you have written here, so they don't minimize how tough a time you are having and realize the extent so that they can address what's going on. Good luck to you and let me know if you want cell or email from me, I'd be happy to talk any time.

By anonymous at 09,Feb,12 23:55

Girl you just gotta stay strong, My grandma raised my dad and his 8 brothers alone. She somehow managed to raise them in a small house without a husband. She was a really strong women and all her kids graduated college.I know this is a hard time right now, but you just gotta stay strong you are a strong women and you just need to think about the child and his/her future.Hope for the best, il pray for you

By anonymous at 10,Feb,12 00:56

Just remember when you are at your breaking point with your baby, that all that little baby knows how to do is love. They cry because they have no other way to let you know they are upset. If they feel your tension they will get more worked up & cry more. Try changing her formula & find ways to help yours self & the baby because like you said you are in this alone. This will get better.

By at 10,Feb,12 02:45

it's a condition called colic....not sure if your baby actually NEEDS the meds.....lookup colic, the baby will grow out of dairy based formula, also no dairy for you if you're breast feeding.....should be smooth sailing just ahead, stay patient mama, love that baby no matter what, good luck

By anonymous at 10,Feb,12 06:37

get help before u do damage, to urself or even worse, that baby u are blessed to have. Bubs should be ur god send, not ur nightmare. Ask for help

By anonymous at 10,Feb,12 15:35

If it's seriously that bad, wait until your husband gets home and has a day off the next day, tell him you've HAD it, you need a break, and you're taking one.
Then go to your parent's, one of the true friends, or even an all night movie theater/library/mall - anything.
Be honest - tell him you're getting out overnight because you NEED this. Don't do anything crazy. And come back the next evening and see how HE handled the 24 hours of screaming baby.
At least that way you get a break and the baby is safe.

By anonymous at 10,Feb,12 17:32

Screw everyone else that says you're somehow a bad person, to blame, you should feel/know/do better.

Motherhood sucks. Sorry, but it does. Yeah, there's rewards, but they don't outweigh the work/misery/stress/etc.

And not everyone controls their fertility perfectly every time they have sex. Don't blame someone for bringing a life into this world...
By anonymous at 10,Feb,12 20:41

Thats stupid. Its not THAT easy to get pregnant since an ovary is only fertile one day out of the month. Couples often have to actually TRY for a long period.
You have to be blatantly not trying to prevent pregnancy to get pregnant because of the thrill you get during sex to be risky. Don't even lie for others and make excuses Im so tired of that. And letting someone cum in your pussy on contraceptives or not counts as blatantly not trying, because everyone knows having a load of cum inside you is alot of damn sperm and its impossible for any contraceptive to be 100 percent effective its usually only 89 so do the math.
By anonymous at 10,Feb,12 20:43

For those who suck at math that means you would get pregnant 11 out of 100 times during your fertile day at an 89 effective rate.

By anonymous at 10,Feb,12 19:02

i feel for you and i pray everything gets better. i cant imagine how hard that would be and your a strong person to deal with it

By anonymous at 14,Mar,12 01:19

Well let me first say to you. Your a great women and mother. Stick in there. Is there any way you can leave your baby with a friend or a sitter for a weekend? If so try going somewhere, a spa, shit the Bahamas. Somewhere you can get your self back to the way you want it. I don't have a child but I have a husband and with his job he leaves for a long time also. I am from NYC and made tons of money was independant and fun. We live in San Diego, I don't have any friends. I can't find a job so I am at home all day long loosing my sanity. I hate my life now and want my old one back. The only way I can get my mind off of killing my self is to try getting away for a while and see my friends. I left everything I know and love for a man and he doesn't even care. I wish you the best and I know this sounds weird but I read when kids cry put thier face in front of a mirror. They see how silly they look and then start to giggle. One other one is they love the sound of the vaccume. I know it's not the best sound but it my be better then the baby. God Bless and stay strong.

By anonymous at 07,Jun,12 09:31

Let me break down why I think you are an idiot... Let us consider the facts: You don't work, your husband sends you money every month, you have full control over your finances, you have no major obligation except to take care of a single child and you consider this stressful.

You are majorly screwed up if this is a big problem for you and I feel sorry for your child who has inherited your genes. You have contaminated the gene pool. Your mistake in life was to breed. My advice, follow in your mother's footsteps.

Sorry for all the hate. But I am not hateful when writing this. What I write is genuine advice. Kill yourself! Don't be offended. You will be doing the human race a favor. I salute you.
By anonymous at 31,Aug,12 07:34

You need to calm down and dont tell her she is a bad person for feeling the way she is feeling. She probably has Postpartum blues which is very normal for a new mother. Go kill yourself you obnoxious bitch!

By anonymous at 18,Aug,12 19:16

I can understand your frustration, and even your despair. being a new mom is exhausting, and losing your freedoms does take some getting used to, even when you're expecting it. I can tell you, it does get better as they get older. It might help to remember that your baby isn't crying to manipulate you, or to make your life difficult - there is a reason for the cries, she is in pain, or uncomfortable, or something. YOU have the sole power to make her life better, to soothe her pain and dry her tears. Be empowered by this. Don't let the tough times break you, because they are temporary.

It may help to know you are not alone!! All new moms go through the "losing friends" phase...parenting is a huge life change! Reach out to local groups of Stay-At-Home moms, or other places where there are women going through similar things.

The best advice I can give you is to take control of what you can, empower yourself, and let the rest go by, because this too shall pass. Keep your chin up for that baby, she needs you more than she will at any other point in her life.

By anonymous at 30,Sep,12 16:51

lazy fucking whore
u dont work,u have money and can stay at home and all you have to do is (gasp) be a mother to your toddler.
fucking spoiled bitch.
if i was your mother i would beat you till your bones break.
pull yourself togethr PRINCESS.
disgusting is the time when women forgot what it is to be a woman.

By anonymous at 04,Dec,12 01:31

No one put a gun to your head and force you to have a child. Why are you here anyway? Such a waste of space.

By monsonkashmirtourism at 08,Dec,12 13:25

Its great to see anybody earn postings on this matter, I have to book scratch this particular web. Keep throughout the satisfactory get the job done.

By Lala M at 08,Mar,13 21:29

My mother is a mother of 7 who is one of the strongest person I know. You'll get through it, also you should check for ear infections one common thing that pains a child so much . Just a guess .

And to everyone giving her a hard time dont forget this is a place to come and open up and to not be judged. Just stop you guys sound ignorant .
By anonymous at 10,Apr,13 16:44

I am sorry to read all these unkind remarks, very tramatizing to see.

Maybe this is just test to create an even deeper bond between you and your first born. And one day the two of you will laugh together about how she drove you mad. But you are appreciated! What you are doing is a great great thing. Please remember that.

By see pron at 26,Oct,19 00:05

7p5IuH Thanks for great article. I read it with great pleasure. I look forward to the next post.

By suba suba at 07,Nov,19 07:50

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